A Birthday Present

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I knocked his bedroom door. "Come in!" Henry said.

He had lots of clothes scattered around the room. "I heard you're having a date..." I said.

"Actually, it isn't a date."

"Isn't it?"

He looked at me. He was nervous.

"Hey don't be scared. You can do it. It's a family thing. Did you see how your grandpa won Snow's heart? How Regina and Robin are together now. The way Baelfire met your mother-" I started but he interrupted me.

"The way you didn't give up on Emma and how happy you are now?"

I smiled. "Yes mate. Exactly."

"Thanks Killian."

"Wait. I had an idea!"

There was a vase at the hallway and I took a flower. "Took this. Give her this. Women love romantic men."

"Good idea! Thank you, Killian."

He grabbed the rose and I went to the kitchen. Emma was cooking. I grabbed her waist. She jumped. "Whoa you're here" she said.

I showed her a rose I took from the vase too. "For you, m'lady." she laughed and kissed me.

"Thank you so much Killian" she said. And I helped her with the dinner.

"How's Henry?" she asked.

"Scared. But I'm sure he's better now."

"What did you do?" she laughed.

"I told him to follow the example of our family's true loves. To never give up."

She looked at me with proud eyes. She kissed me slowly and I kissed her back. "You're right." she whispered.

"How do I look?" Henry appeared.

He was so handsome. He actually looked like an old men. He is so tall now. Puberty.

Killian and I looked to him with surprised eyes. I went to him and I hugged him. I can remember when he first hugged me before he ate that apple pie of Regina's. When he hugged me he was so short that I had to put me down to embrace him.

"Why are you growing up so fast kid?" I whispered with watered eyes.

"Mom?! Please. It's only a girl."

"Yeah I know." I laughed. "Good luck! Go get that girl." I said.

"Thanks mom. And Killian!" and he went out.

Killian grabbed him. "He's a smart kid. He can do it, love." he whispered. "Yeah I know."

"So where were we going?" he asked laughing.

"I don't know... tell me you."

"Oh right." he smiled and picked me. "You really like to pick me don't you? You know I can walk by myself." I said laughing.

"Why would you walk when you have me, love?"

He laid me on the bed. He took his shirt out. I took mine.

He started kissing my neck, my chest, my belly. "Daddy is here." he whispered to my belly and we both laughed.

He took my bra and he hugged me hard. "I love you Emma."

He kissed me. "I love you too Killian."

Wonderful night.


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