The News

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Just a little ouat soundtrack if you really want more captainswan feels. ^^^

I got my jacket and I opened the door.
"Guys I'll be back." I said to everyone.
Hook asked "Where are you going?"
What do I say now?
"I need to do something. I'll be back."
He didn't seem like he believed me.
"Swan... What's going on?"
"I just need... Look, I'll be back." and I kissed him and I went to my bug. I drove to the Storybrooke pharmacy and I bought a pregnancy test.
"Good luck" said the woman putting the box in a bag.
"T-Thanks." I tried to smile. I was terrified.

I went to granny's bathroom and I did the test. I closed my eyes. I tried to get some courage to see the result. If I am pregnant... Will Hook want it? Will he still want to be with me? And my parents... Henry! Will they accept that? Henry just lost his father and now I'm having a baby with another man?
What if I abort? No... I can't kill a baby...
And if I am... What will I do? Just go home and don't tell him?


Where's Emma... What if something happened to her? I took my talky phone. Where is the Emma button? *hahah my instagram is @press.the.emma.button* oh right here.
I called her.
Hey it's Emma leave message biiip.
Bloody hell where are you Swan?!

"Hey Hook, we are going shopping. Do you want to come with us?" Snow asked.

"Oh it's okay. You guys can go. I'll be here waiting for Emma." I said.
"Just call us if you need something." David said.
"Hey... Don't worry. Emma will be just fine. She just went for a walk or something." Snow said.
"Maybe..." I said and they went.


I opened my eyes. I can't explain what I am feeling with words. Happiness and fear at the same time. Yes. It's positive.

I check my phone 1 missed call: Killian oh holy shit what do I say now?
I called him.

"Emma? Where are you? Are you okay??"

"Yes I am. I'm on your way."

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes... I am."

"I know you too well love."

"That's good."

"I love you. You know that, right?"

"Of course. I-I... love you too..." I started crying.

"Swan?" he noticed it.

"Look, I'll be right there. Bye"


I went home. Holy shit I forgot my keys. CAN THIS GET WORSE? I knocked. My hands were shaking. I can't even breathe. Hook opened the door.
"Love where have you been?" and he kissed me. I tried to kiss him back.
He looked at me. Should I tell him now?
"I went to Granny's... I was hungry." he didn't believe.
"Swan you can't lie to me. You're an open book, remember?" he is killing me inside.
I love him so much... I don't want this to end. I don't want to give him news that he really don't want to hear.

"I think I'll rest a bit. Where are my parents?" I tried to change the subject.
"They went shopping and please don't try to change the subject." oh fuck.
"We talk later." I said. He pulled my arm
"Emma!" I looked to him. "Why are you avoiding me? Again." he continued.
"Because I'm pregnant!" he froze.
"Yo-You're what?" he asked again.
"Yes... I am pregnant. You're the dad, just saying." I said.
He started walking to me.
"Emma? Why are you like that? This is good right?" he said.
"So you won't abandon me?" I asked.
"What? Emma I won't never abandon you. Never." we kissed. He started crying happy tears. "Sorry love... Daddy for the first time" and he smiled.
"It's okay." I whispered and I hugged him. I was with my head on his chest.
"So when you were throwing up..." he started.
"Yeah... I went to a pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test. I'm sorry if I worried you."
"I'm sorry if I just was too protective. I just know you and you always want to do everything alone. Swan... I'm here now and we are going to do this together." I started crying and we just sat on the couch watching TV.

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