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*8 months later*


Everything was perfect.The pink crib was right after our bed. Suddenly Hope starts crying. I get up letting Emma sleep.

I grab Hope. 

"It's okay. Daddy is here. Daddy is here." I whispered to her.

"Hey... Morning." Suddenly I hear Emma. She woke up with the noise.

I sat on the bed carrying Hope. 

"Good Morning, love! How are you today?" Emma said smiling grabbing Hope's hand.

Suddenly I wake up. It was so real. I turned my head. The pink crib just like the one of the dream was right there. But no baby. Hope? Is that her name in the dream?

I got up and I looked to the crib.

This was so wei-

"Hey Killian?! Are you okay?!" Emma almost yelled interrupting my thoughts.

"Emma! You're awake." 

"What happened? I was calling you many times and you were like in another world." she said. 

"Sorry, love. I was distracted." I said.


I got up. I'm so tired. I didn't sleep this night. It's so uncomfortable sleeping with this big belly.

I got up and I took a bath.

Only one week more and I will grab this little girl. Killian was acting strange this morning.

There are no villains at like 8 months. This normal life is so weird.

I finished my bath and get dressed with a new dress my mother gave me because of the belly size.

I went downstairs. Killian and Henry were waiting for me to have breakfast.

I ate the breakfast. Bread with bacon and scramble eggs.

"You're parents are coming here today, love. They'll bring Regina, Robin and Roland too." Killian told me. I nodded.

"Are you okay, mom?" Henry asked.

"Yeah I am... I just couldn't sleep tonight." I said. Henry hugged me and then he went to his room to get dressed.

"You should rest." Killian said when Henry left.

"I can't sleep! The baby just can't stop moving and then it hurts! And I want to sleep but I'm always uncomfortable because I don't want to squeeze her!" I almost yelled.

Killian stared me.

"I'm sorry. I'm really tired. Maybe I should get some sleep before they come. Sorry." I said and I kissed him.

"It's okay. I'll go with you." he said.

I fell on the bed and stared me. "Come here." he said and I laid on the bed in his arms.

He played with my hair and his fingers while he gave me little kisses on my forehead. I closed my eyes but still awake.

"Today I dreamt with the day." he suddenly said.

"The day? Which one?" I asked.

"The day this little princess will get out of your belly."

I opened my eyes to look at him and smiled. "Her name was Hope." he said with his hand on my cheek. "I love it." I said and he kissed me.

I fell asleep with his little parties on my face.

Hope {CAPTAINSWAN FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now