Heroes and Villains

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There she is again. The dark shadow.
"Killian wake up." I whisper so she can't hear me.
I shake Killian but his eyes are still closed. The panic starts.
"Killian wake up! Killian-!" I yell but a soft familiar voice interrupts.
"He won't wake up. Emma. This is what will happen when you turn dark just like me."
"This is a nightmare. This isn't real." I say trying to convince myself.
"This is more than a dream, Emma. This is a message. This will happen." The shadow says and disappears.

Once she's gone I try to wake Killian.
He won't wake up.
This will happen.
This is a message.
This isn't real.

My eyes finally open. I search for air.
"It's okay. It's okay. I'm right here."
Killian comforts me. He knows this. He knows about these nightmares that kill me every night. A message.
Killian places my arms around my waist and pulls me to his lap.
I cover my face on his neck.

Suddenly my phone rings.
My dad. What do they want now?
I answer.
"I don't wanna hear any of your speeches now."
"Emma, I know I'm sorry but something happened." He sounded scared and worried.
"Wha-What happened?!"
"Your mother is bleeding. She-It was Lily. She-She is in dragon form and she wants revenge of us."
"Oh my- We'll be right there."


We finally get there and Snow is laying on a rock. David is right next to her.
"What the hell were you guys doing here with a dragon around?!" Emma sounds mad. Really mad.
She sits next to her mother and places her hand on her bleeding forehead.

"I-I'm sorry Emma... Maleficent asked for help. We disappointed you again." Snow said.
Emma takes a deep breath.
"No you didn't. You were trying to help her even after all this. You guys did a mistake. We all do. I have to stop punishing you because whatever happened, it won't change what you are." Emma said.
I'm proud of my Swan.

"Which is what?"
"My mom."
David's face fills with a big and surprised smile.

Emma hugs her mother and I feel someone staring me. David.
I look back and he gives me a thankful smile.
I smile back and I turn again to Emma and Snow who had pulled away now.
Snow wasn't bleeding anymore.


I look toward searching for Lily and I see her and her mother hugging each other.
"Should we worry about Lily?" Killian asks.
"I don't think she's a problem anymore." I say as I get up and hug my father.

He pulls away and looks at me with a smile.
"I missed you." He whispers.
"I missed you too dad."
We hug again
"We should go home." Snow says.

Suddenly a flash of light comes.


Henry. Where's Henry?!
What about Hope?!
My children.
I start crying.
28 years here locked up with this dirty blue gown.
I haven't seen sun's light since Lily hurt my mom.

I hear footsteps. The door opens.
Lily. She's been keeping me here forever.
"Food." She says.
"No no no Lily you have to remember me! I'm your friend! LILY!!! PLEASE LET ME GET OUT OF HERE!"
I try to yell for the milionth time but she ignores me and closes the door.
I fall on the floor crying.
I'll never see light again.
I'll never see my parents again.
I'll never see my children again.
I'll never see Killian again.


"I'm sorry Captain Black Beard." I say quickly as I start brushing the floor.

•••Mhuahha guys I'm going to write the finale but just like in my dreams and then I'll finish the book 😏 I already have an amazing plot to my next book which I'll write during the hiatus and it's about my "dream theories" I have of season 5 ☺️ I'm sure you guys will like it because CAPTAINSWANNN•••

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