The Well

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Today was the day. At 12am the portal and at 2pm we were seeing houses for our place. I tried to get up without waking Killian but he did. "Feeling better today, love?"

"Yes. Much better... I'm going to Regina. Keep sleeping." and I kissed him. "I'm going with you."

It was 12am. I was late. I got dressed and I ate the fastest I could. "You ready love?" he was ready waiting for me. "Yes." and I got my jacket.

We got in the bug and we went.

"Where have you been?! It's 1pm!" Regina yelled. But she just laughed. She is cheerful today. Robin is grabbing her hand. That explains everything.

"Sorry... I just fell asleep."

"Hey Killian!" Roland hugged him. "Hello mate!"

"You made a new friend." I said to him smiling. He smiled back. He has his arm around my back.

"Let's do this." she said.

I took a deep breath. Killian was staring me. "You can do this." he said and kissed me. I nodded. Regina had the book in her hands.

"Now just think when you broke the curse. When you found your family. And then think on your future in the Enchanted Forest. It's easy. You have to be concentrated." she explained.

"Okay. I can do this." I can do this. I can do this.

I pointed my hands to the well. Suddenly I saw a light coming from my hands. Then from Regina's too. "More!" Regina yelled. I tried to think more. How afraid I was. How weird was the feeling of knowing my room mate was my mom. For all those years I used to imagine every night my first meet with my parents. To finally understand why they gave me up. How scared I was when I thought I wouldn't see Henry again. Ever. I saw Killian with a worried face. I closed my eyes. It was so strong. I couldn't even breathe. When we get to the Enchanted Forest I'll be a princess. I'll have this baby. With Killian. We will be all happy with Henry too. It was so hard to keep all that power. Suddenly the magic stopped and I saw a light coming from the well. I fell on the floor with all that power. As Regina did.

"You okay?" he ran to me.

"Yeah..." and he helped me getting up.

"Is it working?" I asked.

Regina peered the well "Yes!!" she smiled and hugged Robin. I looked to Killian. He was smiling to me. "What?" I asked laughing. "You're bloody amazing Swan." and I kissed him.

"So what now?" I asked.

"Now we keep our lives. One month and we will be here again." Regina said.

I placed my head on his beating heart. Hugging him so hard. "Let's find a home." I said and he smiled. He grabbed my hand and we walked in the streets of the town. I left my bug there for we can enjoy more this moment on foot.

"Henry told me about 3 houses. One next to Gold's shop, another near from the forest and the other one next to the docks, which is a perfect location because Granny's is 5 minutes from there." I explained.


"Okay let's see the forest one." I said. "Yeah it's near from here." she said.

"It's like all I dreamt is coming true you know?" I couldn't resist. I'm so happy.

"I feel the same... Thank you for didn't give up on me... I was so terrified of accepting what I was feeling."

I looked at her. Again. Her beautiful and perfect blue eyes. We stopped walking. "Let me feel it again." I said. She looked confused. "Your lips, love." she looked at me like she was lost in my eyes too. Suddenly she kissed me hard. I had one hand on her back and the other one on her beautiful hair.

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