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She wasn't here. I went outside, to the garden. There she was. Sitting on the grass.

I only could see her back. I went to her and I sat next to her.

"Who am I?" she whispered.

"Emma this won't change anything. You have been living without knowing any of this and you were good, you were happy." I said.

A tear came to her face. I looked to her.

"Hey. Look at me. Show me your wonderful eyes." I said. But she didn't.

With two finger on her chin, I pulled her face up to face me.

"I'm gonna choose to see the best in you. Always." I said.


He remembered what I said to him.

I smiled.

"No secret will change that. You're good. You're wonderful. You're a hero. I know you. You're not dark." he said making me smile "tell me what you're thinking... Inside." he said taking my hand.

I looked at him. Afraid to talk.

"I.... I don't know what to feel." I said. I took a deep breath and I continued. "I- I don't know what to think, what to say, what to do."

He squeezed my hand and it gave me courage to continue. "I don't know if I pretend to understand them, which I don't really understand how lie to me would be the best choice, or if I get mad with them..."

"Are you?"



"Yes! Very much. Here inside."

I took another deep breath.

"Look, love... You have to talk with them. It's the only way to solve all this. They are your parents. I'm sure they didn't mean to hurt you. They were trying to protect you. What I'm saying is... You're not alone. I'm here. And you don't have to be upset, because I know you Swan. I know your heart. Literally. And you're not dark and even so, I'd never leave you."

Wow. These words made me cry. Of happiness.

I looked at him. Smiling. "Thank you." I said hugging him really hard.

"C'mon let's go talk to them." he said and he got up.

I spread out my hands for him to get me up. 

But then I pulled him to me and I kissed him. We laid on the grass.

"Whoah love carefull! I almost hurt you." he said. I only could laugh.

"You wouldn't hurt me." I said laughing.

He rolled his eyes and kissed me. Still laid on the grass.

We got up and we went to my parents. My dress was dirty because of the grass.

I saw my mother crying quietly. I sat in front of them. Killian stayed at the door.

I looked at them trying to gain courage to talk.

They looked at me waiting for words coming from my mouth.

I looked to Killian at the door. He smiled and said "do it." with his lips.

"When Henry wanted to know about his father... I was scared. I didn't want to tell him he was a thief and he abbandoned me. It would hurt him. So I kept it as a secret, thinking it was the best... for him. But only when he found out, I realized I was protecting myself. Of all the pain I had suffered. He was mad, really mad. And I wanted him to forgive me, to understand me, to understand... why I kept it as a secret..."


I've never seen Emma crying like that. Or even opening her feels like that.

"And as I wanted Henry to forgive me... and understand me... I forgive and understand you." She was crying a lot and she couldn't keep her speech so her parents came to her and hugged her.


"I have a plan B, and this one? Won't fail." I said.

"Why would we go with you again, darling? To end up in a jail again? No thanks. It was hard to get out from there once and I don't want it again." Cruella came.

"I'm listening." Ursula said. She's probably the only one interested.

"With or without the author... We can't get our happy endings when the person who decides it, is a hero. The Savior. The person who brought everyone's happy endings." I explained myself.

"I see your point. But what exactly can we do about it?" Cruella seemed interested now.

"Emma being a hero is a problem for us. We need to get her weakness."

"Now we are talking." Ursula said when she knew who I was talking about.


"It's okay, everything's okay, momma is here with you. It was just a dream, my little princess... It wasn't real.. Don't cry Hope..." I tried to calm Hope down. She had suddenly wake up crying.

"No... Don't wake papa... I'm here... C'mon Hope." she couldn't stop crying.

I felt two hands on my waist.

"I got this, love." I heard Killian. He kissed my cheek and I gave Hope to his arms.

"Shhh.... Daddy's here." he said and Hope just stopped crying.

"She's just like her mother... Always feeling protected with you." I said.

He laid Hope upon her crib.

Then his hand touched my cheek.

With one hand I grabbed his hook and with the other I grabbed his waist and I kissed him. Slowly. Our lips fit perfectly.

"Tomorrow I'll get rid of this." he said looking down and interrupting the kiss.

When I looked down I realized he was talking about his hook.

"You don't have to-"

"But I want to."

With both hands, I touched his cheeks. Our foreheads touched each other and we softly kissed.

"I want to touch you with both hands without hurt you... or Hope. (...) This only remembers me the pirate I used to be."

"You're not that person anymore-"

"You have no idea how easy is to turn to evil again." he said almost crying.

I looked to him.

"You've changed. We're not all good. No one is."

He kissed me. Softly and then more passionatly.

We laid on the bed with my arms around him and he kept caressing my cheek.

After a long time I fell asleep.

I woke up and I noticed he was staring me and brushing my hair with his hand.

"Sleep. Tomorrow you'll be tired." I said.

"Why to sleep when I have you here with me?"

I took a pillow and I laid on the other corner of the bed. "Okay so sleep now." I said.

"Whoah- What are you doing?!" he asked laughing. I ignored. "Hum hum don't think you're going to sleep away from me." he said.

Suddenly I felt his arms pushing me against him and he started kissing my cheek milion times.

I turned my head to him and I kissed him.

I laughed.

"I love you." he said.

"I love you too." I said kissing him even more.

We finally fell asleep.

Hope {CAPTAINSWAN FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now