A New Cupcake

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"My shoes are killing me." she said. She couldn't stop laughing.

"And why are you laughing?" I said laughing too.

"I don't know... I'm just happy." she said rolling her eyes and smiling.

"Well I'm glad to hear that. (...) What do you think if we go outside and have a break, love?" I proposed and we went.

We went to the garden and there was a little bench. We sat there. Her beautiful ballgown looked like curtains upon the bench.

"Are you liking being in the Enchanted Forest?" I asked her.

"Yeah I am... I don't understand why I was so scared."

I took her hand "Hey... it's okay. I understand it can be hard at first. But we are all here for you." I said and then I hugged her like it was the last time I could do that.

The sky was dark and starry with full moon.


"Emma!" I heard a male voice calling me. It was my dad.

I stopped hugging him.

"Can you guys please come inside?" he called us.

"Yeah we are right after you!" I yelled back.

I took Killian's hand and his hook. He kissed me slowly.

We went inside and my dad said to wait there.

We were in another room with only my mom, Regina, Robin, the kids and Killian. There was a big table.

They were all talking and laughing but I was too busy thinking about what the hell I was doing there and what is my dad doing. Killian noticed my nerves so he smiled to me. He's in the other corner of the table. I wish he was closer.

He's so devilishly handsome.

Suddenly everyone looked to something behind me. I turn around and I see my dad with a big cake and a lots of candles.

When I saw the cake, I remembered my little cupcake with only a candle. Right now I should be home after a long day at work, catching idiots like Ryan.

"Happy Birt- (...) to you! Happ- (..) day to you! Happy Birthday (...)" they started singing but my thoughts were higher. I felt dizzy.

Another banner year.

And what do you know about family?

Can I help you?

I'm Henry. I'm your son.

Ten years ago, did you give up a baby for adoption? That was me.

Please come home with me.

Storybrooke, Maine. Storybrooke, Maine. Storybrooke, Storybrooke, Ma-Main.


"So... Emma... what are you waiting for? Blow out the candles!" my mom said interrupting all my thoughts.

"Don't forget to make a wishhhhh!" Henry said laughing.

I looked to the candles. All shining. A wish.

I wish to be happy.

And I blew the candles.

Everyone clapped. Happy tears came to my eyes. My dad wiped them hugging me. And then my mom hugged us too.

Then I realized Killian was staring at me. He came to me and kissed me. "A new year with you." he whispered. I smiled and I hugged him with my head on his chest.

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