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We weren't at the airport yet and Clay was already acting like an actual dad. Not only he was sitting on the front seat of the car, but he was also having a football related conversation with the driver. And the driver was hitting the gas and the brake too frequently, which made me almost puke.

"I'm gonna throw up." I leaned to whisper to Nick.

"Please aim for Clay." He whispered back.

I chuckled and leaned back, counting the minutes when the road would be over. And when it finally was, I got out of the car as quickly as possible, taking a deep drag of fresh air while Nick and Clay dragged our suitcases out.

I was on my phone when I saw someone's shadow tower over me. I looked up from my phone and saw Clay standing there with his hands tucked in his jean pockets.

"Feeling better?" His voice was more quiet than usual.

"Yes Clay, thank you for asking." Nick interrupted just as I opened my mouth to answer.

I nodded at Clay in response and got a small smile back.

And we were an hour early, which was actually nice. We didn't have to run around and get stressed (which always happened whenever I traveled with my family). We were done with the majority of things we had to do before the flight (like handling the suitcases, buying drinks and stuff we might need) and we still had half an hour to wait.

"Do we tell George now? Our phones are gonna be on airplane mode for like 10 hours." I knew for a fact that George was the type of the person who'd get mad at us for not answering his calls.

"Just text him that we're gonna get some sleep so he doesn't call." I liked how Clay understood what I implied to without further explanations.

"Or just block his number like I did." I wouldn't even be surprised if Nick's words matched the reality.

Anyways, I did as Clay told, and after calling my mom, finally put my phone on airplane mode. And after a lot more activities we had to do, we were finally in the plane.

"I'm taking the window seat." I squeezed my way through the 3 person seats and got the spot I wanted.

"I'm gonna take the middle seat then." Clay followed me.

"And I'm gonna take the hints and go fuck myself." Nick's out of blue remarks never failed to get a chuckle out of me.

"Why fuck yourself when you can fuck me instead?" I blurted out, realizing that I spent too much time with Clay.

And talking about Clay, I think he reacted more to my words than Nick did, raising his brows and throwing a look at me I couldn't tell if held any meaning before taking the seat.

"I mean if you insist.." Nick shrugged.

"Did you call George?" Clay's voice sounded like he was happy to interrupt and change the topic.

"What part of "I blocked his number" didn't you understand?" Nick laughed.

"Wait, did you really?" I tilted my head to look at him, as Clay was blocking my view.

"Yeah, he kept disrespecting the timezones and I warned him to stop," he sounded hurt, "but he never did. And called me saltnap instead."

I was genuinely having a good laugh about it before my eyes caught the look on Clay's face. He was playing a stupid offline game on his phone, looking bored and angry at the same time.

"Is that Tetris?" Nick finally addressed the game he was playing.

"Does it look like fucking Tetris?"

Well.. someone's mad.

"Minecraft's the only game he knows, don't mind him." I was trying to make him engage in the conversation, joking about Nick.

"You know me so well." But Nick jumped in with another remark.

Luckily the flight attendant came in and started speaking. She then forced us to put our seatbelts on, as the plane was about to take off.

I got lazy to adjust the length of it and just sucked in my stomach to be able to lock the seatbelt. There was probably a child sitting here during the last flight.

"Why is it so tight?" I complained, getting out of breath.

"That's what he said." Nick's remark was quiet but still audible enough for me to chuckle.

"You're so annoying," Clay huffed, "both of you."

I didn't know the reasons behind his behavior. All I knew was that he was acting salty.

"This video we coded it that Dream's being an attention seeking baby while his friends try to have fun. Will he be able to defeat his jealousy issues-"

"Jealousy?" Clay interrupted Nick's speech.

This is getting out of hand.

"I don't know, you seem like you are." Nick shrugged.

"Jealous of what? Your ability of being an idiot?" Why is he so aggressive today.

"Alright stop!" I raised my voice a bit to overpower theirs.

And fast forward to the time when they both finally got tired of not talking to each other and started making jokes together, completely ignoring my presence. I wasn't mad tho, as I preferred being left alone to sleep instead of tolerating their arguments.

Pulling down the tray table that was built on the back of the seat infront of me, I put my arms on it, followed by my head and closed my eyes to sleep.

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