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"Just because the guy never got nudes doesn't make you less guilty," George was full-on judging me by now, "you just got lucky only your sister saw it."

"Lucky?" I laughed, "And less guilty? What is this? My trial?"

"Yeah, and all of you go to horny jail." George looked like a disappointed father.

"Anyways," Clay probably wanted to change the topic before George would start questioning the details about how he sent a nude, "my turn."

He had to skip 2 cards cause both were sexual. And when the 3rd card was not a proper question either, he got tired and just answered it.

"Who do you think has the biggest cock in the room," he put the emphasis on the word, "ah easy, Liz for sure."

We laughed and let it slip cause he was getting tired of drawing a card and seeing the same themed kinky questions. Nick leaned forward and got a card for himself.

"It's a good one! Have you recently peed yourself?" His voice got higher at the end of the sentence, "I'm gonna use a lifeline and pass this one to Clay."

"Oh c'mooon.." Clay laughed, shaking his head, "You basically wasted a lifeline and for what, something everyone knows."

Me and Nick were basically slapping our knees, laughing at something we heard a thousand times before.

"Your 19 year olds are showing." George shook his head at me and Nick.

"Your 45 year old is showing too, Geoff." Nick almost made me snort. It wasn't even that funny, we just got in a crackhead mood.

"This is literally becoming a babysitting session," Clay sighed, but I could hear him holding back a laugh, "draw a card, Lizzy."

"Ugh, this game is boring," I complained finally calming down from the laughing but picked a card anyway, "who was the last person you kis-"

And guess who's not laughing anymore.

"What was the question again?" George raised a brow.

"Uh- it's- sexual.. uhm.. skipping." I was trying to put the card aside or get rid of it somehow, but George longed his hand and snatched it from me.

"Who is the last person you kissed? How is kissing sexual, what the hell?" He laughed.

I tried to see Clay's reaction without being too obvious. He was sitting there, looking down and cracking his fingers with a smirk.

I felt like using a lifeline would make me even more suspicious than I already was, so I decided to try to answer it with my zero lying skills.

"Uh, it was George. Under the mistletoe, yesterday." At least my voice didn't crack.

"Cheek kisses don't count," George's words made my heart beat faster, "wait why are you blushing so much?"

I was embarrassing myself when I could just come up with a random name and call it quit. My stupidity just reached its peak I think, but I didn't blame myself that much cause the whole thing was too unexpected. I was laugh-crying a few seconds before reading that, it's not my fault, I wasn't prepared-

"Are you gonna answer?" George was still smirking, "You look flustered, what are you hiding, Lizzy?"

Just when I thought Clay was just going to sit there and watch me suffer, he came up with something that I couldn't call a save.

"Maybe she never had her first kiss, stop pushing on her."

My mouth parted as I looked at him with disbelief written all over my face. I'd rather say the truth than have Nick and George flame me for the rest of my life for not having a first kiss.

"Aww, is that why you called it a sexual question?" George really bought that.

"Nooo, I'm just.. I- uhm-"

Now I was making it worse in another level. They thought the reason of me getting flustered was because Clay was right.

"It's okay, Liz.. No need to rush it." Nick patted my shoulder. How does this idiot think I haven't had my first kiss when he literally walked in on me and Clay almost kissing.

"Ah fuck you guys. Make me a drink, you don't even deserve to hear the answer."

George and Nick jumped up happily to make me a drink, while Clay stayed seated infront of me, waiting for them to leave so he could wheeze. Luckily they didn't leave the kitchen door open this time, but I'm sure they'd hear us if we didn't whisper.

"You fucking idiot!" I whisper-shouted, throwing a pillow at him which he caught mid-air.

"All your fault!" He whispered inbetween the wheezes. He looked like he'd pass out any second,

"I hate you so fucking much." I covered my face to hide the laugh that was threatening to escape. It wasn't a good laugh tho, I just laughed everytime something stupidly frustrating happened to me.

He momentarily calmed down when we heard the door open. George was holding a shotglass filled with white something inside. He handed it to me with a smirk.

"Who jizzed in this?" I was disgusted just by the look of it. It wasn't even liquid, it was gooey.

"Whoa, you sure are bold for someone who never even kissed before." George cracked up at his own words.

"I swear to god-" I was about to throw the shotglass at him.

"George, stop.. Can't you see she's uncomfortable?" I didn't know if Nick was being serious or not.

"Fuck you. All of you." Were my words before I took the whole shot.

It tasted so disgustingly bad, like ranch but sweeter. The aftertaste was even worse, almost made me gag even after gulping a cup of apple juice.

Nick and George were having a stroke over there laughing. Clay was trying his best not to laugh (maybe because he felt guilty) while getting out some gum for me.

"What was it?" I didn't know if I wanted to hear about the ingredients, but I still asked.

"Ranch, honey, egg whites and expired milk." Nick cracked up, and I just knew that it was his brilliant idea to put expired milk in there.

"Great. Who wants to make out before I chew the gum?" The aftertaste wasn't gone yet.

"Aww, can I be your first kiss?" Words cannot describe how much more annoyed I got from the fact that those words left George's mouth. I didn't remember him being this annoying.

"Shut the fuck up." I was taking out my anger on the gum stick at this moment, chewing aggressively and trying to collect myself.

"Make me," he was doing this on purpose, I could see the stupid smirk, "I mean not that you're experienced in it-"

I had two options in mind to shut him up. Actually kissing him infront of Clay and Nick or slapping him.

And I'm not a violent person.

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