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We waited for Nick for an hour but he never showed up. Clay fell asleep after 20 minutes of me playing with his hair, so I left him in the room and went to the living room to call Nick again.

This time it took him way longer to answer the call, but fortunately he did eventually.

"Oh, hi." Just from the way he spoke I could already tell he was trying to act natural. Which meant something happened.

"What's taking you so long to answer?" I tried to build it up and not attack him right away.

"I was using google maps and my phone lagged when you called, sorry." And that alone answered a lot of questions.

"You're lost aren't you?" I sighed.

"It's not that I'm lost, I just don't know how to come back." Nick was trying desperately to make the state he was in sound more reasonable.

"Oh yeah, totally. Clay's house is lost, not you."

I was already putting on my shoes to come out of the house, knowing that Nick couldn't use google maps at all. I was pretty familiar with the places in here, so searching for him would be easier and quicker than trying to explain directions through a call.

"I see a tree here. And a store." And that was the best he could do when I asked him to describe his surroundings.

"That is so helpful, I'm coming." I was being kind of rude, but it's Nick, so it's okay.

"Wanna come together?"

And this is why I stand by what I said about not feeling bad while being rude to him.

"Oh my god, wait we're so dumb," I suddenly realized how stupid this method was, "just send me your location."

I waited for a few seconds for him to completely troll me by sending a link to a song called "location".

I was very close to just abandoning him and going back to Clay's house. And surely he sensed that, as I saw the new notification of him sending what I asked for.

I don't know how he managed to walk for an hour and a half and not even cross a bit of a distance. He must've been walking in circles, or got back to where he was at some point and thought he went to the wrong direction.

Soon enough I found him sitting on a bench like a lost child. And funny enough he was infront of the store and under the tree he mentioned before.

I got closer and closer to him, but he didn't seem to notice. Nick had his airpods in and was focused on something in his phone, which was probably the reason why he was so unaware of his surroundings.

It got to a point where I just casually took a sit right beside him, and only then he cared to slowly check out who I was. I could tell he was trying not to be obvious, probably thinking I was a stranger, by following up my thighs with the corner of his eye. And when he noticed my bracelet, which was always on me, he quickly looked up at me.

"You scared me!" Nick yelled, still having his ears occupied with the airpods.

"You didn't look scared. If anything, you looked like you were creeping on a stranger's thighs." I laughed.

"Well it's not everyday god blesses you with such a view, am I right?" And looks like the walk made him go back to himself.

"I would tell you that you're right, but I won't cause I'm a humble person." I tried to stay serious but it's an impossible task when you're around Nick.

"You can be humble and have nice thighs at the same time." He shrugged, way invested into this conversation that he should've been.

"I'm actually loving this talk we're having out in the fresh air infront of the trash bin, but we need to go back." I cut him off while he was still rambling about my thighs and got up.

"C'mon, we can stay a bit longer. We never see the sunlight anymore." Nick pouted, looking too much like a whiney child.

"I'd love to, but I didn't lock the door and Clay's in the house alone sleeping," when I said it out loud, it sounded way more dangerous than it did in my head, "we should go before he gets kidnapped."

Nick actually looked really unhappy with the fact that we had to go back.

"People wouldn't kidnap him even if they got paid to do so, that's how annoying he is."

And apparently that's Nick's opinions on his best friend. I could see some parts of it matching with reality, but overall that was a bit of a stretch.

I gave him a judgemental look, until I saw a hand getting moved to my direction as if he wanted a handshake.

"What?" I looked back and forth between him and his hand, not understanding what he wanted.

"Pull me up, idiot." His words made me realize that I was already standing and he was still on the bench.

"Ew, no. Didn't you pee in the bushes and not even wash your hands?" I scrunched up my nose, taking a step back in disgust.

Nick didn't react at first. He just got up on his own without saying a word.

For a moment I thought I hurt his feelings and got really worried. But right as I was about to ask him if everything was okay, the idiot sneakily grabbed my hand and held it in a way that I couldn't escape.

"Nick- stop!" I screamed, completely disgusted when he started to rub his hand all over mine, "I'm gonna fucking kill you if you don't stop-"

I don't know if it was the tone of my voice that scared him, but he froze for a moment, still not letting go of my hand but loosening the grip enough so that I could jerk it away. And I did as soon as I got the chance, vigorously trying to wipe it up on his hoodie.

"You're the most disgusting person there ever is, and I mean it with my whole heart!" I spoke inbetween the wiping motions that felt more like slaps from how aggressive they were.

I was waiting for him to laugh or be even more annoying than he already was, but instead I was taken aback by this:

"You have really soft hands."

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