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"Is it an online test?"

An hour before my exam, Clay finally realized that he didn't even know about the format of my exam. Yet he'd been helping me to prepare for 4 days now.

"It's online. They give 3 topics, we need to speak. Which sucks for me." I'd rather solve the hardest problems and get a headache than speak a sentence.

"Too bad your voice got better. You'd get the pity marks." He laughed, probably remembering how pathetic I sounded.

"I could just pretend that I lost my voice. I have the papers from the doctor and stuff," I'm ashamed that these were the thoughts keeping me awake at nights, "but I need the extra marks. I'll just try my best."

"You being a smartass turns me on." There he goes again.

"You're like- always turned on." I didn't know how to phrase it, but my words held the truth I wanted to address.

"Well you've only seen me when I'm around you. So makes sense."

Did I really need to have this conversation before an exam? I think I really did not.

And the hour flew by. The minutes when I was alone in Clay's room talking to the camera while the professor just sat there looking bored, passed even quicker. All that stress and worry for getting an A at the end. And looking back to the start of the semester when I thought I was going to fail just because I didn't know the right way to study made me realize how dumb I could be.

Which reminds me of how much Clay helped me. Not only by literally reading the book out loud for me, but with sharing helpful tips too on how to memorize things better.

I wanna hug him.

Closing the laptop I hopped down from the chair and ran to the living room - maybe a bit more excited than a 19 year old should be for getting a good grade.

And there he was, sitting on the couch in such a tensed body language that made it seem like the poor guy was in the hospital waiting room. I think he got way more relieved from just seeing how big the smile was on my face. But the curiosity in his eyes was still there, so I spoke without wasting any more seconds.


A single letter made his eyes go wide, brows lift up in surprise and happiness and lips just transform into the biggest smile.

"Good job!" Clay spread his arms, seeing that I was approaching him.

He leaned down a bit to let me cling to his neck. When I did, he wrapped his arms around me and straightened up, lifting my body with him. Usually I'd hate it cause I feel powerless when my feet are not touching the ground. But at that moment it was the cutest thing ever.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you." It was becoming a tongue twister from how many times and how fast I was saying it.

"I'm so proud of you. So so proud." He squeezed me even tighter one last time and put me down.

"You helped me so much, can't thank you enough." I pulled away from the hug, dropping my hands to his shoulders.

From the way he was looking at me, I knew what was about to come out of his mouth.

"Can I get a kiss?" He did a little pout.

"On the cheek." I didn't know if I recovered fully or not, and didn't know if it was contagious or not.


He leaned down and offered his cheek. And as my lips were about to touch his skin, he turned his head to steal a peck on his lips.

He's such a baby.

"You're the definition of cringe." I rolled my eyes, biting the inside of my cheek to fight back the smile. "Did you learn that from the Nickelodeon shows you watch?"

"You leave me no other choice," he shrugged, "and no, I learned it from Disney."

After our laughs there was a long pause. Then his hand went up to trace the side of my cheek lightly and fall back down. He went silent again.

"Yeah?" I noticed that he was trying to say something. Or deciding whether he should or should not say it.

"I was thinking.." clearly he made his decision, "if you'd want to move in with me? I'm not trying to rush you or anything, but like you perform better in school when you're here and I'm just happier when you're here?"

My eyes froze on him for a moment before dropping down to the floor. I was trying to think of an answer- no, I was trying to find a reason to say no.

What he said sounded so appealing, almost too good to be true. I involuntarily started analyzing if there were any downsides, cause that's how life works. But there seemed to be none in this case.

"I.. we'll talk about this later?" I didn't want to move too fast. I didn't want to make decisions influenced by his presence. It'd be better if I went back to my place and had some alone time to think. And I'm sure he understands. He always does.

"Of course." He smiled, pressing his lips together.

We went to the kitchen to eat something, and released some of the tension while doing so. An hour or two later I remembered about the text George sent me in the middle of the night. I still haven't opened it. And taking the opportunity of Clay having to practice for the manhunt again, I opened the text and read it.

Georgenotfound hey

I always found it annoying how he'd just say a cold ass hey and wait for me to answer before he could say anything else.

lizzil hi

It took him almost no time to read and type a reply.

Georgenotfound did you hear the news?

lizzil of Nick getting laid?

Georgenotfound wait what?😅

Georgenotfound is that why he was calling?

I wonder why he didn't pick up.

lizzil ig

lizzil so what was the news?

I had to wait for a bit for George to type and delete, then finally got what he was saying.

Georgenotfound your beloved friend blocked me🙂

It took me a while to understand that my beloved friend was Clay. Before I could ask him what was going on, I decided to hear George's perspective first.

lizzil wtf why?

Georgenotfound I finally answered to his texts a few hours ago and he's apparently mad that I have time to text "others" and not him

Georgenotfound I have no idea what he means by others, please ask him and enlighten me😀

Georgenotfound get the details from him, I need to go now

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