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I tried my best to not complain about what they just did, but when Clay announced that it was already too late to call a professional and get it fixed, I lost it.

"What do you mean it's too late? It's barely even dark outside!" I complained, seeing that my phone was on 2 percent and started panicking immediately.

"It's gonna take me an hour to find someone and then an hour for them to come, and they can't work with flashlights, can they?" Now that Clay explained it, I could see the point. Well, kind of.

"What about the fridge? Everything's gonna go bad." One of my main concerns was the food.

"I think it should retain its temperature if we don't open and close the door too many times." Nick joined the conversation. I think that was one of the smartest things he said.

I sighed, realizing that it was getting dark in the house but it still wasn't bed time. We couldn't even go out of the house cause I was scared that something was gonna happen to Clay. All there was left to do was sit in the darkness and wait.

And after doing that successfully for 3 minutes and realizing that none of them had any intentions to start a conversation at least, I decided to do it myself.

"George's flight is tomorrow at 3 p.m. I think." I blamed my memory on making me unsure of the details that we discussed with him like an hour or two ago.

"So he's gonna get here past midnight?" I couldn't clearly see Clay's face expression because of the darkness, but I'm pretty sure he narrowed his eyes. At least that's what he always does when he's calculating something in his head.

"I guess so.." I remembered our flight to London which lasted around 9 hours.

Nick started to play games on his phone which was the stupidest decision in my opinion, considering that he only had 12% left. Clay's phone in the other hand had over 48% left, which in my eyes was a lot, when in reality wouldn't last that long if we started to use his phone.

And everytime I checked the time on his phone I saw the familiar lockscreen. It made me feel warm inside. But at the same time I wondered how he felt everytime he looked at it when our relationship was at its worst. During that time I was so emotionally wrecked that I had to delete every single picture and video we had together, and only recover them after a while.

"You okay?" Clay mumbled, realizing that I had been staring at his lockscreen for a while now without even blinking.

And I was so carried away by my own thoughts that he had to get my attention with a skin contact - by gently putting his large hand on my thigh.

"Huh?" I looked up, finally meeting his gaze, "Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay."

We were able to talk to eachother comfortably cause Nick's game music was so loud and obnoxious, and he was also so into it that I doubt he even noticed us.

Clay moved his hand a bit so that now it was resting on top of mine. Then he grabbed it and brought it up to his lips, placing a kiss on my knuckles. The gesture was more than anything else could've been at that moment.

"I put you through so much. I'm sorry." I remembered those torturous times. I used to blame him back then, but now somehow all I could see were my own mistakes.

"What? No, what are you talking about?" He quickly scooted closer to be, leaning down to look at my face even though I was trying to lower my gaze to avoid it.

"Die, stupid bitch!"

And right as I felt like I was about to cry, Nick's scream overwhelmed my receptors and I chuckled instead. There was no way he was that invested in an offline game that had the most low quality sound effects ever.

Clay was still looking at me, trying to find an answer which I refused to give. I didn't think explaining what I felt at that moment would be appropriate, cause my feelings were pretty subjective. And I also don't want to awaken the displeasing memories in his head. It's not his fault my brain randomly decides to resurface a memory and ruin my mood.

"I just wanna say that I love you." I finally looked him in the eyes, my voice coming out in a half-whispering tone.

But apparently it was enough for Nick's ears to pick up. He looked up from his phone wide-eyed. Then we heard him lose the game as the "game over" theme started to play. But he didn't care.

Maybe he wasn't that invested in the game afterall.

"Was that the L word? Oh my god-" I don't know why Nick looked so happy and surprised, but it was heartwarming to see him that excited.

"So you were eavesdropping." Clay shook his head, trying to sound serious but not being able to.

"I don't even know what that means, but I'm jawsdropping now." Nick never failed to come up with the most absurdly hilarious things.

And I don't know if he did it on purpose or not, but when he shifted in his seat, the phone fell off from his hands. And that was the perfect build-up for his next joke.

"And now I'm phonesdropping apparently."

I facepalmed, hiding my laugh in the process cause I didn't want to give the idiot the satisfaction.

"You're so stupid." Clay mumbled with a huff which was supposed to be a covered laugh.

"It's genetic," Nick spoke, "I'll make sure to tell my parents you called them stupid."

I have no idea what was going through his mind when he came up with things like that, but I also had no time to think.

We heard a loud thump coming from outside. And it got followed by the also loud rustling of the bushes.

"Patches?" For a second Clay got worried that his cat might've escaped, but she meowed by the mention of her name, signaling us that she was somewhere in the living room.

"I'm not gonna check. Nope." Nick shook his head when both me and Clay looked at him.

And I could see where he was coming from. The darkness of the house made every single sound seem thousand times more terrifying.

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