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Nick's flight was at 6 p.m., which meant that he'd be here at around 9 o'clock. Me and Clay had decided to be at the airport at 8:30, thinking that it's better if we're early than late. The drive to the airport was around an hour or two, depending on how he'd drive. That's why we needed to get some good, healthy sleep, to be able to wake up at least at 3 p.m. to get ready.

Knowing that we both had a habit of sleeping for 12 hours or more, I set an alarm at 3 p.m. the previous night, hoping that we'd wake up by our own will before that. Getting waken up by an alarm is the most depressing thing ever.

But we overslept again, waiting until the alarm went off. I tried to reach for my phone and turn it off, but soon realized that I was lying on my right arm. And my left hand was still in his hair. We haven't even moved an inch.

"Turn it oofff." His groan was muffled but I could understand it clearly from how close to my skin he was.

I tried to stretch but it was hard to do so because his arm was pinning my whole torso down again. How did we even get to this.

"Maybe if you roll away from me.."

See, this was cute hours ago, but now I'm just annoyed.

"You're soft." My neck would tickle so badly everytime he spoke. His face was practically squished on my neck.

"You're being very soft right now but not quite literally." I tried to get up, but he was kind of glued to me.

"No, I'm hard."

And that's when I knew that it's about time I kick him in the balls.

"AAH, what the fuuuck," the speed of him rolling away from me was what I needed. I didn't even hit that hard, "what is wrong with you!"

Instead of answering I reached for my phone and turned all of the alarms off, making sure that it wouldn't ring every 5 minutes. Then I got up and made my way to the bathroom, letting him roll in pain for quite some time.

It took us quite a long time to eat something, get ready, call Nick a few times and talk about whether the fans would recognize him in here or not.

We got in a call with George too. He knew that Nick was visiting, but had no idea that all of us were going to fly to the UK yet. We decided to not tell him that until the last moment.

"Can we just get an Uber? I don't want you to drive." I was putting on some mascara and looking at him spraying some cologne on his neck and left wrist.

"It's okay, I don't get tired of driving." He rubbed his wrists together.

"No, not that. Your driving is psychotic, I don't know if I'm okay with tolerating that for 2 hours." I found it funny how he thought I was caring about him.

"You don't have to tolerate it for 2 hours don't worry," he smirked, "we'll get there in 40 minutes."

Smug piece of shit.

And he wasn't kidding. He was speeding up again, making me hold my breath whenever a car would pass a bit too close to us. I didn't know if I should be impressed with his driving skills or impressed that he managed to slow down at every traffic enforcement camera and not get tickets.

We got there in 57 minutes. We didn't die but he hit the brake and the gas a bit too much, making me sick. I needed air.

"I'm never," I took a sip of the water bottle, taking deep breaths in the process, "getting in your car," I felt like I'd throw up any second, "again."

He just laughed. What's so funny?

"I left my bag in the car. Do you have gum on you?" I gave up after searching my pockets.

"Yeah, hold up," his hand went straight down his pocket, "there you go."

I quickly put the gumstick in my mouth, not realizing that it was sweet. I hate sweet gum.

"What is this flavor?" I kept chewing with a disgusted face. Not only it was sweet, but it also wasn't something I could recall.

"Melon I think," he looked at the packaging, "yeah, melon."

It could've at least been watermelon.. what the fuck.

"You're tasteless." I was close to heading back to the car and getting my mint flavored gum out.

"Explains why I'm into you."

I stopped chewing in the exact moment that the sentence left his mouth, leaving my mouth parted.

"Come again?" I narrowed my eyes.

"You don't have hearing issues, do you?" He smirked.

"Come again?" I returned the gesture.

He said nothing. Just shook his head and laughed. I just decided to let it slip for now.

"I'm used to that." I smirked, making sure to let him know that he wasn't doing anything to me with his words.

Even though he kind of was.

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