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It's hard to believe Nick was skilled enough to get houses like these. Not only they were in an amazing location, but they also looked amazing from inside and out, even though there was no furniture and everything was super dusty.

"They both have two bedrooms, so whenever we stay at each other's place we don't have to hug the floor to sleep." Nick sounded like he was speaking from a personal experience. And if you think about it enough, he probably was.

The houses were also pretty close to each other, but still there was enough distance to not invade our personal spaces. The thing that made all of us unexplainably happy was the fact that we could talk to each other from the balconies.

"We'll hire someone to clean the place up then deal with furniture issues," George was already making plans, "let's go back now."

"We can clean it ourselves." I frowned. I get it, they're rich, but hiring someone to just mop the floors and dust the surfaces was unreasonable.

"I'm allergic to dust." George tried to prove his point. And as much as I wanted to believe him, it sounded too much like an excuse.

"I thought you were about to say that you're colorblind." I chuckled, starting to laugh when George rolled his eyes.

"We can go buy supplies right now and come back do something. There's no electricity back home anyway." I loved how supportive Clay was of everything I said.

And surprisingly Nick didn't protest at all. I think one of the main reasons for that was the fact that he could finally charge his phone here and didn't want to go back to the darkness.

There was a supermarket nearby, which was another huge plus about the houses. We didn't even have to take the car to get to the store.

However, we regretted our decision right after coming out from there with heavy bags full of cleaning supplies.

Nick had to hold two mops with a single arm, which was a scene I didn't want to forget. I took a picture.

"This is so stupid." George spoke, trying to relocate the glass cleaning solution, cause the sprayer was sticking out of the bag he was holding.

"Why?" Nick spoke, still proudly holding the mops.

"We should've taken the car.." George mumbled, looking at the toilet brush in one of his bags.

The best thing about this was the fact that we had to work in separate houses. I didn't have to tolerate George's whines and complaints.

Yet my imaginations of what was going to happen turned out to be surrealistic. As we were about to separate into groups, turned out me and Clay were the only ones who knew how to clean a house. And I don't even know how someone can go wrong with that job.

"How can you not know how to mop a floor?" I raised my voice, thinking that George was coming up with stupid stuff again to not do anything.

"I've lived with my mum my whole life, I have never mopped a floor before!"

And the worst part of it was that Nick was nodding along to whatever George was saying. I already knew that if me and Clay worked on this house and let George and Nick work on the other one, we'd have heavily contrasting results at the end. And I realized that there could also be casualties in the worst case scenario.

"I'll clean this house with Nick then," it was hilarious how all three of them were waiting for my instructions, "you two go clean the other house."

I don't know if I should be offended by the fact that both George and Clay got excited about being paired together, or I should be flattered that Nick got even happier cause he had to work with me.

And to be honest I could understand his excitement. I wouldn't want to tolerate George's sulkiness either. Only Clay has that superpower.

Or maybe George's simply not sulky when Clay is around...

Wait, should I get jealous?

It's too late for that, they left.

"Thank you for saving me," Nick spoke as soon as we heard the door close, "his periods have been really bad recently-"

"Fuck you!" Apparently George was still at the door and heard us clearly. And Clay was there too, cause I heard him wheeze.

Luckily they left. And somehow I had a good feeling about working with Nick. He was really chaotic, yet managed to be productive as well when working with me.

"Just clean the dust, alright?" I looked around, seeing that there weren't that many surfaces to clean cause the house had no furniture whatsoever.

"I can do that." He nodded and went for it.

He really went for it. With bare hands. Just smeared the dust all over the place with bare hands.

The situation was way more critical than I thought it was. Maybe I spoke to soon.

"Uhm.. try to use this." I tossed him a dusting cloth.

I just knew at this point he was playing around. Thanking me, he wiped his hand on the cloth and proceeded to smear the dust all over with his now clean hand.

"You're such an idiot." I laughed. And seeing that he giggled as well made the last bits of thoughts of believing that he wasn't doing those things on purpose disappear.

After a bit of messing around I decided to clean the windows cause they looked horrifying. And I don't know what was the obsession with having tall ass windows (or maybe I wasn't that tall myself) but  I needed a chair to get up there.

My acrophobia kicked in once I was done with it and needed to get down. Realizing that my chair wasn't there anymore cause Nick took it to dust the upper parts of the empty shelves, I panicked.

"Nope." I shook my head, realizing that my legs were starting to feel numb, "Come get me down."

Luckily Nick was right there and heard me, approaching the window quickly and offering his hand.

I was looking for the same chair that helped me get up here, but the idiot didn't bring it with him.

"Grab my hand, what are you doing?" Nick frowned.

"Bring the chair back!" To be honest I didn't trust him enough to rely on his hand. A part of me said that he'd just pull me down to the floor and laugh. Or maybe I'm paranoid. Or both.

"You don't trust me!?" And he was so shocked about it.

"No." I answered honestly, "Why would I?"

I couldn't even sit and then jump down (which I think would be easier) cause the sill was too narrow. I was barely standing on it.

"C'mon, let's do a trust fall." He clapped, rubbing his hands together as if I was going to agree.

"Nick, I'm genuinely scared. Please." Luckily that made him sigh and come closer.

Hugging my legs with a tight grip, he pulled me away from the window, loosening his grip gradually until it came to a point where I just slid down to the ground. I supported myself by putting my hands on his shoulders, even though he still had his arms wrapped around me.

And finally my heartbeat calmed down and I felt safe standing on my own legs.

"You know, you can be useful sometimes." I chuckled, tapping on his cheek which made him cringe and pull his head away.

Overall, this was easier than I thought it would be. And now we're kinda hugging involuntarily as a bonus.

"You know, I would be more useful if I just let you fall and break your neck."

I didn't even get the chance to laugh at what he said. I got jumpscared by Clay standing at the window.

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