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I put the cork- I mean, the tampon in, washed my hands and got out looking as grumpy as ever.

Clay was there leaning against the wall with a stupid grin, packs of my favorite chocolates in his hands. He always gets too much of what I ask him to get, and he always gets a variety of them.

"Thank you." I was still pouty and frowny when I snatched the milk chocolate bar from his hands, unwrapping it quickly and shoving it down my mouth.

"I bought more, they're in the car." And this is just a proof of my previous words.

"Can we go back? I'm dying." I was trying to ignore the worsening cramping, but it was getting to a point where I couldn't even stand up straight.

Clay's face dropped from seeing me in pain, but he tried to not show it and stay positive to not affect my nonexistent mood. Kissing my forehead, he nodded and grabbed everything we needed before going.

I fell asleep on the ride back home and the only thing I remember is hearing Clay shush George and Nick as he carried me to the bedroom. I fell right back asleep after that, not being able to resist the comfort of the bed after having to stand on my feet the whole day.

Not sure how long I had been sleeping for, but when I woke up it was already noticeably darker in the room. I would fall back asleep if it wasn't for the cramps that got worse and worse to the point that I needed a painkiller.

And I had no energy to even yell and ask for a pill, so instead I texted Clay.

A minute after that he knocked on the door, which I found weird, waiting for me to tell him to come in.

And when I saw George entering the room with a glass of water and a pill, the knocking made sense. And the worst part of it was that I could be naked here, think that it was Clay and tell him to come in. Fortunately that didn't happen.

"Heey.." George dragged the word, closing the door with his heel and coming to take a seat on the bed, "What happened?"

"Nothing.." I felt uncomfortable talking about this to George cause I knew that he was going to get uncomfortable too, "what's Clay doing? Why didn't he come?"

"He's playing chess with Nick," George took a single pill out and handed the glass to me, "here. It's not Viagra, I double checked."

I chuckled, washing the pill down and cringing from the aftertaste. I let it sit on my tongue for longer than usual and it dissolved a bit.

The sitting position was making the pain so much worse that I had to fall back to the bed and curl up into a ball to find a bit of relief. And that was a helpful enough hint for George to understand what was going on.

"Lady problems?" He sounded like e grandpa. But it's okay, he's acting his age finally.

"Mhm." I nodded.

"Can't relate."

All of them are just so weird. I can't explain what went through his mind when he said that. I just looked at him with a judgemental face expression.

George picked up my scary gaze immediately, slowly backing away when he realized that I wasn't in a mood for another round of period jokes. But he still made one more before leaving.

"I'll go before you murder me and drink my blood to compensate your loss."

He's just lucky that I'm stuck in a single position because of how much it hurts to move. I'd definitely throw the glass he brought at him for that.

"Tell Clay that I'm mad that he chose chess over me." I frowned when George got to the door.

"No worries, I will warn- tell him." He put on a scared semi-smile, leaving the room instantly.

I was waiting for Clay to show up, but when I heard the footsteps I already knew that it was Nick. His footsteps sound like aggressive marching.

The door creaked open, and his head popped in. It looked like he was testing the waters. And when he realized that I'm not as possessed as George probably presented, he came in.

"Before you get mad, Clay's in the bathroom and George was scared to come back-"

"I'm not a fucking demon, gosh.." I complained, rolling to my other side and then rolling back, realizing that it was rude to turn my back to him.

"You look and sound like an angel." He made fun of my messy hair and broken voice from earlier today, and for some reason I took it way too personally.

"There's literally a candle wick hanging from my vagina, if you think I have the patience to tolerate you, you're wrong." And now I sound like an actual demon when my words are paired with my voice.

"Do you want me to light it up for you, babygorl?" The way Nick made his voice deep and raspy almost got a chuckle out of me. Why can't I get mad at him?

"I literally despise you." I kind of meant my words, but there was a major lie there.

"But I can help you." Nick hung his head.

I doubt he could, but it's better than nothing.

"How exactly?" I raised a brow.

"I can make your period disappear for 9 months."

I looked at him for a second blankly, took a breath and spoke.

"I'm calling Clay."

I was hoping he would shut up after that, but it got even worse.


Without a moment of hesitation I grabbed the closest and heaviest pillow and threw it at him. Not only I missed, but he grabbed it too before it would knock Clay's shelf down.

"I'm joking, stop," Nick laughed, "I really have something to lighten up your mood."

This time I didn't say anything to not sound like an idiot again. He left the room and came back with a huge terrifying creature climbing up his shoulder lazily.

I had to double check cause I thought I was hallucinating. But no, I wasn't. There's a fucking reptile on his shoulder.

"What the fuck is that!?" I sat up, only seeing a long tail and a pair of small back legs, "Is that a lizard?"

"Yes! We named her Lizzy."

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