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"What? How is it pointless!" George argued back, "Once I almost took a ticket to Florida just to work on a code with Clay, that's how important it is."

"I don't know about you, but his presence doesn't give me superpowers."

"It's not about his presence! Your PC doesn't even work, and his has superpowers," he mocked the word, "c'mon Liz.. don't be like that. We need you."

Something about George's voice made me feel a hint of guilt. It's not even that me and his friend are enemies or hate each other to death. I admit we didn't get along, but we've only known each other for a day. And he wasn't asking me to become his friend or like him. I've worked with complete strangers before. This should be fine.

"Ugh.. go ask him, I don't think he'd be down and I don't see a point either. If anything, I'm doing this all for you."

A smile started to creep on George's face as he thanked me and ended the call. That's when I saw the message notifications from Dream's instagram and decided to ignore them for now. I'm hungry and tired.

Opening the fridge, I found some leftovers from my yesterday's meal. I threw the food in the microwave and set the timer, actually bothering to brush my hair for the first time in what felt like forever.

Before my food could heat up, I got distracted by my loud, abnoxious ringtone, reminding me again that I need to change it.

Looking at the caller ID, I saw an unsaved number. I already had an idea of who it could be, but I also wished my guess wouldn't be accurate.

Unfortunately, it was.

"Why didn't you tell me that you live here!?" Dream's voice was.. alarming?

"Why would I tell you that?" I couldn't believe he was asking such a dumb question, "And you could've said hello first."

"Maybe I did say hello and you didn't read your dm's?"

I clenched my jaw trying to think of a comeback, but he sighed and continued to speak.

"Whatever, text me your address so we can decide when and where to meet up." He demanded as if I owed him something.

"I hate how you both act like seeing your face is gonna improve my coding skills, but whatever, I'll do it for George." I didn't realize how frustrated I sounded until the end of my sentence.

"Yeah, yeah good girl."

My mouth stayed parted after hearing the words. Naturally I would cringe and take it as a joke, at least that's what I did when George said stupid things like that, but for some reason I felt frustrated and annoyed at the same time.

"Did you just..." I didn't know if I wanted to hear his reaction or not, "You know what, nevermind."

I swear I heard him chuckle through the line before he said "text me" and hung up. I was trying my best not to hate him, but something about him is so ignorant and nerve-wrecking that it makes me hate George a bit too for being friends with such a jerk.

My food was long forgotten by now as I was trying to get myself to text him my address. It wasn't even hard, just a click of a button, but it took some serious amount of energy from me.

After a few minutes the notification came.

Dreamwastaken oh cool you live like 40 minutes away :)

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