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Clay's lips locked on the sensitive skin of my neck, while his hand that was under the fabric of my shorts went up even higher and started to approach my inner thigh.

"You're not-"

"I'm not allowed to what?" Clay interrupted me with a faint voice, cause his lips were right next to my ear and he didn't need to be loud.

"This." I put my palm on the outline of his hand beneath my shorts, securing it in place.

"That's not physical activity. I'm just having fun." He went back to kissing my neck and I already had to squeeze my legs for obvious reasons. Besides I wanted to block his hand's way there.

"You're n-"

"I'm allowed to eat. Right?" He sounded so painfully hot with that cocky tone of his, "What's the difference if I'm eating food or you."

I was honestly about to give in. He was just so unnecessarily good at, he could literally say anything and make it sound painfully hot.

But as the door opened, I finally came back to myself and pushed Clay away. Yet my strength wasn't enough to separate him from my body with the speed that I wanted to.

And he had no intentions to hurry up. It almost seemed like he was purposefully being slow with his actions, making sure to give my thigh a one last squeeze before detaching his hand from my skin and turning around to face the creep that was standing there uncomfortably.

Luckily Nick was still doing something in the garage, and didn't have to go through this and get traumatized.

"All done?" Clay's smug smirk at the guy said it all. He indeed did it on purpose.

"Y..eah." His voice broke immediately as he tried to speak.

And the worst thing is that I don't even think he was feeling uncomfortable like Clay intended to make him feel. As disgusting as it sounds, the pervert seemed pretty into what he saw.

But I shouldn't care, cause this was the last time I was gonna see him. After paying the astronomically large amounts, Clay lead the guy back out from the house and disappeared for a little bit, this time coming back with Nick.

"That guy told me that my fly is down," Nick complained, "which makes me think that he was looking at my dick."

I laughed, ignoring Clay's smirk that was still prominent on his face. And when I made eye contact with him, he dared to wipe the corner of his mouth with a thumb, making me quickly look away. He just knows that if he keeps that behavior going, I'm not gonna be able to resist.

And when I said that I was going to take a shower cause finally the power was fixed, Clay took my words out of context and chuckled. And either I was really in the mood, or he looked unnecessarily hot doing that. Or both, I can't decide.

"Please don't take too long, I haven't showered since like.. I don't even know, since I got caught in the rain last october." Nick was being overdramatic again, just to prove his point.

I nodded, but apparently Clay had something to say.

"I think she's gonna take long."

I swear I was about to throw a knife at him, but luckily Nick was naive enough to not get what he meant.

"She doesn't look that dirty, come on," the poor guy smelled my hair to prove his point, which was both creepy and cute, "well, smells like axe bodywash."

I laughed, punching his arm playfully, "Last time I showered, I used your shampoo."

"My shampoo smells like Extra Power Ultimate 1000x, whatever that means." It was funny how offended Nick got.

I knew that I'd stay there forever arguing with him if I didn't leave at the very moment he started to make jokes. So I quickly gathered whatever I needed and tried to enter the bathroom.

Yet Clay appeared out of nowhere, opening the door for me and leaning into the frame.

"Call me if the water runs cold or you need anything," he grinned like an idiot. I was about to thank him and go in, but his next remark made me change my mind, "or if you get lonely-"

I groaned, closing the door on his face and hearing him laugh behind the walls.

After I shampooed my hair with Nick's Extra Power Ultimate 1000x, cause Clay's better smelling shampoo ran out and I didn't bring any with me, the water went cold all of a sudden.

I squeaked, trying to step away from the freezing stream. At first I thought it had to do something with the previous issues we had with the electricity, but then I heard Clay's voice from the other side.

"You need help?" And I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Go fuck yourself." I yelled back, trying to regulate the temperature, even though I knew he was messing with it.

"I need help with that." His voice made me groan in frustration once again.

"Then ask Nick for help." I thought this would annoy him, but apparently it didn't.

I saw the door handle slowly move down. I didn't lock it cause both of them knew I was in the shower, but now that I think about it, it was a dumb move.
I saw his frame from behind the frosted glass. And the water went back to normal somehow.

"I'd ask him, but he went to the store."

I quickly washed the residue of the product away from my hair and stopped the water.

"Towel." I sneaked my hand out from the crack of the glass door, waiting for him to hand it.

"I can dry you up." He spoke, waiting for my permission to come in.

"I bet you can. Give me the towel." I was getting annoyed from how good he was with his words.

"Pretty please?"

"We'll fuck everyday once you get better, give me the towel now."

He sounded so frustrated when he sighed and gave me the towel. I quickly wrapped it around me and got out, seeing him stand there with a pout.

"Just a taste?" He batted his eyelashes.

"George's coming in like 2 hours." I shook my head.

"I can make you come in 2 minutes."

"What is wrong with you?" I laughed and tried to hide the blush that was creeping across my cheeks.

"A lot of things," he chuckled, opening the door for me once again, "go get changed, Nick's gonna be here any minute."

I wanted to say something about him knowing that Nick was not gonna take long and still coming in, but then I remembered that he also thought that I wasn't going to last long. And as much as I hate him for that, he was probably correct.

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