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I almost dropped Patches when I saw that she had a worm stuck between her paw pads. But I loved her too much to do that, so instead I gently shook her paw, making the worm drop to the ground.

"That is SO FUCKING DISGUSTING!" Clay was being so loud after witnessing the scene.

"You left her behind, you selfish fuck!" I hugged Patches, petting her quickly to make her calm down. But to be fair, she was way calmer than Clay.

"I left you behind as well, what's your point!?" Clay was out of his mind from fear.

I decided to not bother him further, realizing that his voice was getting louder and louder and it was already too late to afford that. The neighbors were probably pissed at us already, no need to provoke another wave of hatred.

"We're gonna go inside, vacuum the carpet and the floor before the worms go to your room and tickle your balls at night. And you're gonna be nice and obedient. Got it?" I made my voice as calm as possible to not set off his loud and aggressive one, but my plan failed immediately.

"I don't have a fucking vacuum and I'm not sleeping in there!" He shook his head desperately, terrified from the thought of going back inside.

I have actually seen him this scared only two times before. The first one was when he called me to announce that his nudes got screenshotted. And the second time was when I passed out and he had to revive me, but I don't remember much of it for obvious reasons.

"What? How do you not have a vacuum?" I complained, thinking that he was lying at first.

"Well I have it, but it's broken cause I tried to clean my keyboard and one of the keys popped- it's a long story." He gave up in the middle of his sentence, realizing that he made little or no sense at all.

I was scared to call George or Nick and break the news to them. They would probably force us to go back in and clean the worms with bare hands, which I'd rather die than live the rest of my life with the feeling of cold wet creatures climbing up my limbs.

The only thing left to do was wait for them to come back and do something. At least if they are here, they can't force us to go in without willing to do the same.

"Give her to me." Clay made his grabby hands point at Patches. She was still in my arms.

"She's mad at you." I think we both are slowly losing our minds.

"She's not.." Clay pouted, coming closer to hold her by force.

And I already knew that if I resisted, we'd have the same story we had inside the house. But this time the consequences would be way more tragic.

I groaned carefully trying to direct Patches towards Clay. But funny enough she didn't want to go. She clung to my shirt, purring as my fingers continued to massage the spot behind her ear.

"See, you abandoned her, she needs time to forgive you." I was genuinely enjoying being the cat's voice actor.

"Fine then, I'll take you instead."

When I say he's as unpredictable sometimes as a psychopath, it sounds like a stretch. But I don't know a single person who'd think of lifting up someone who has a cat in their arms, without even giving them a proper warning.

"What are you-" soon enough I wasn't standing on my own feet anymore. I wasn't ready to get princess carried while princess carrying Patches, "No, stop!"

And I wouldn't call it complete if he didn't start giggling maniacally while I was too scared to even kick my feet cause I was scared to drop his cat.

"My two favorite girls.. how lovely." He spoke dramatically, ignoring my demands.

Luckily I saw a pair of lights from the distance. And judging by the direction the car was heading to, I was more than sure Nick and George came back.

"Let me go, they're here." I warned, tapping on his chest to get his attention.

"Who's here?" The idiot was just winning time with his dumb questions.

"The FBI."

"Oh shit, we better hide then." As if I wasn't in enough stress from the position, he started running around.

I swear I saw Nick roll down the window and point his phone camera at us. Does he have to record everything we do? I don't like this behavior-

"Stop! I'm dizzy." I lied, well aware that it was the only way to make him stop before Patches would lose her mind again.

As he laughed and put me down to my feet, Nick and George came out of the car with confusion written all over their features. I would be confused too if I witnessed a fully grown man running around barefoot with a girl in his arms while the girl had a cat in her arms-

You know what, it's even worse when you try to describe it verbally.

"Uhm. Are you okay?" George looked back and forth between me and Clay.

"Yeah.. pff, why are you asking." Clay was such a bad liar, but I was even worse. So I decided to shut up.

"Just wondering.." George shook his head.

When he looked at me, I realized how ridiculous I looked. At least Clay was wearing socks. My feet were completely bare, Patches was still in my arms and my socks were somewhere over the ground.

"Is everything at home okay?" George laughed, still looking at me.

I know that was probably supposed to be a joke, but it matched so well with everything we had going on that I panicked and said something really stupid.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to leave Lizzy alone in the house, I was just scared to pick h-"

You won't imagine the strength with which Clay elbowed my arm to make me shut up. But it was already too late, I spilled everything out.

George and Nick hurried in without even saying a word to us. I guess it would be better to warn them that the mealworms were having a marching parade over there.


"What the fuck!" Nick ran out of the house, holding the lizard. And oh boy, did it have a massive belly.. "Why is she so fat!?"

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