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I knew the whole thing was a joke and he wouldn't make out with me, but he was still trying to annoy me by telling me to follow the rules.

"Finee.." I sighed and got on my tip toes to give him a small peck on the cheek.

I really couldn't understand how his brain worked. He got red momentarily as if he wasn't expecting it to happen, even though he went through the effort of luring me under the mistletoe and lecturing me about how I was breaking the rules.

"Wait you actually did it-" he looked flustered.

"You're such an idiot." I laughed, going back to the living room and ignoring George's stupid remarks about Christmas miracles.

My eyes accidentally landed on Clay. If looks could kill, I'd be dead on the floor. Why is he acting like I'm not allowed to talk to other people?

"We should sleep." He finally spoke. It was around 3 a.m. so I couldn't agree more.

"Yeah about that," we heard George's voice getting closer to us, "we need to figure out who sleeps where. I mean I changed the sheets in both my and my mum's rooms, so if all of you are okay with sharing a bed, we won't need to use the couch."

All of them looked at me after George's words cause apparently I was the one who got to decide. I was totally okay with sharing a bed, I just didn't know who would I be sharing it with.

"I'm okay.. if everyone's okay." I shrugged, waiting for the next step.

"Who's sleeping with me then?" George wiggled his brows. He's weird when he's hyper.

I didn't expect anyone to speak and thought we were going to do it the old fashioned way and choose the pairs with the help of some stupid game. But apparently I was wrong.

"Ooh, me!" Nick clapped in excitement which I didn't know was a legit one or not.

"Woo!" George clapped too before high-fiving Nick as if they accomplished something in life, "Let's go then, I'll show you to the room."

He gestured so that me and Clay would follow him and we did. That's when I realized that Clay was finally showing some type of an emotion. Something between a smile and a devilish smirk.

George showed around the room and the house one more time and finally wished us goodnight. Him and Nick left to his room, leaving me alone with Clay in his parents' room.

I was relieved that I had already showered and done my bedtime routines and there was no need to go through the effort of taking off my makeup. The only thing left to do was change into a shirt and shorts, cause I felt like the room was too hot to sleep with sweats or the other pair of pajamas I packed.

I was about to leave to the bathroom to change when Clay spoke.

"I can turn around." He suggested. His voice didn't sound flirty or cocky as usual. He sounded dry.

We came to an agreement to both turn around and change, so that we don't have to wander around George's house in the middle of the night.

"Done?" He asked as I realized that we both stopped moving around. Which probably meant he was done too.

"Yeah." I still didn't turn around without his confirmation.

"Okay then. Leave the left side for me, I'll turn off the lights."

I nodded and got under the sheets almost momentarily, wanting nothing more than getting some good sleep. And he joined me shortly after, when the lights were finally off.

We didn't say a word and I hoped it was because we were both tired, even though I could feel the tension between us which said otherwise. The only type of communication we had throughout the day was him interrupting whenever me and Nick would talk and throwing alarming looks at me whenever I was around George.

I didn't appreciate him acting like that, but it still made me wonder if I'd do the same if he acted like that around other girls. The thought alone was giving me a headache, so I gave up on it almost instantly. Whatever was going on between us was too complicated for me to understand. The best way of dealing with it was to not address it.

I knew I said I was tired and wanted to sleep, but seeing him turn right and left and shift in the bed uncomfortably, kept my eyes wide open. His spinning got to a point where he just decided to get up and leave.

And I couldn't sleep until he'd come back, which he didn't do for around 10 minutes. All I knew was that the bathroom was right infront of the room we were in, and it didn't look like he was there. I didn't hear the door open, and the lights were off.

Remembering that he took his phone with him, I got out mine and texted him if he was okay. He read it almost momentarily, as if he was waiting for my text.

Dreamwastaken found something interesting, come check

I raised a brow, putting my phone aside and getting up from the bed. I probably should've asked for his location, but I doubt I'd get lost in the house.

My first guess was to go to the living room, cause it was pitch dark and I doubt I'd find the other rooms. So I did, tip-toeing my way through the hall to my destination.

I was so close to reaching it when I felt a hand clap over my mouth before I got pulled to someone's chest. Someone is not the right word here, as I could recognize Clay's body structure even in the dark.

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