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The only light source in the room was the TV screen. And the only sounds we heard were coming from the movie and Nick, who was humming to the background music.

I was sitting between Clay and Nick, leaned more towards my left side where Clay was. And halfway through the first movie, I could barely support my head on my neck, and my eyes were almost all the way closed.

I hugged Clay's arm and leaned my head to the side of it, finding it more comfortable like that than leaning on his shoulder. But my neck muscles soon got tired from that position, and my spinal chord dared to break from how much I was leaning to my left while keeping my pelvis and legs straight in the same position.

"Wanna sleep?" Clay's face was right infront of mine when he turned his head around to talk to me.

I nodded and watched him get the biggest pillow and put it on his lap, tapping it as an invite to put my head on it. Without thinking much I flipped my whole body into a horizontal position - with my head on Clay's lap, legs on Nick's lap and feet barely reaching George's legs. They all readjusted their blankets to cover me as well.

I had to choose between facing the screen or Clay. And as much as I wanted to watch the movie, I wanted to sleep more and the flashing lights of the screen were tiring for my eyes. So I stayed in the same position I was, face towards his belly.

I felt his hand in my hair, gently undoing the bun that's been giving me a headache the whole day and softly brushing my hair with his fingers. I was surprised at how gentle every single touch was, not even pulling a single hair which would happen if I tried to brush through that tangled mess.

"Gogy, turn it down a bit." I was half asleep when I heard Clay's voice.

And it didn't take long for me to stop hearing noises and go somewhere else mentally, not exactly seeing dreams but feeling completely distanced from reality.

I still could feel his fingers in my hair for a while. Couldn't tell what he was doing there, but I assumed he was trying to braid a few strands together. Then came a moment from where I don't remember anything. I was deep asleep by then.

My only wish at that moment was staying like that forever. It's not often when I get a good sleep, and it's even more rare when I'm surrounded with people I truly want to be around every day.

But good things don't last.

All I remember is Voldemort yelling "Avada Kedavra" and me almost getting a panic attack from how much adrenaline got pumped in my veins at the moment I opened my eyes.

But I did not just open my eyes. I jumped up, making Clay jump with me.

"Holy sh.. What the fuck-"

That was George wincing.

I accidentally kicked him in the balls when I jumped awake.

I could hear my own heartbeat from how scared I was, and needed to sit there in the space between Clay and Nick with my legs curled up to me and take deep breaths for a moment to come back to reality and let my body relax.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" I didn't know what was funny about this but Clay asked that question in between laughs. The only funny thing about it was that he directed his question to me and not George.

George was still wincing and cursing in pain.

"George got Avada Kedavra'd in his balls!" I'd be surprised if Nick didn't find anything to say and scream-laugh about.

"I'm s-sorry, oh my god.." My voice was shaking and I could barely form that sentence. 

"It's okay.." his voice didn't sound like he was okay, "Who needs kids anyway."

I still hadn't calmed down completely, and my pulse was still all over the place. Not only it was quick, but it was arrhythmic also.

Is this how I'm gonna die?

"Hey," Clay made me turn around realizing that I was the one who wasn't okay, "let me see."

He noticed that I was checking my pulse and pulled my wrist to rest on the pillow on his lap, pressing two fingers to the side of it and holding them there for a while.

"Uhm.." he got up, grabbing a bottle of water, opening it and handing it to me, "enough Harry Potter for tonight. Let's go sleep."

Does this mean I'm dying?

I grabbed the bottle but almost spilled half of the water on me. My hands were shaking abnormally. I had to put it aside before they would notice.

Clay turned the TV off and helped me up, while Nick helped George up. And that's when I realized that my legs were tingling and shaking in a weird way too, almost not supporting my body.

I think I'm actually dying.


George turned the lights on so that they could look at me, while I was still standing there with Clay's arms supporting me. The sudden source of light made me feel worse than I already was.

"What the hell, are you okay?" Nick noticed my abnormally shaky hands.

Clay and George were talking to me too, but I could only concentrate on one of them at a time.

"Are you cold? Oh my god, let's go sit." Clay was sort of panicking, which made me feel like I was about to die.

They helped me sit on the couch, with George and Nick towering over me, and Clay sitting beside me with my wrist still in his hands. There was a loud noise in my ears, something like the blood flowing in my veins but I couldn't quite describe it. That noise blocked most of their words, and all I could concentrate on was one specific sentence Clay said.

"Her heart's like- doing things, fuck, should we call an ambulance?" 

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