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My behavior is unacceptable. I started laughing at Nick's words, cause I imagined the scene hilariously.

"It's not funny." Nick warned, still mad and frowny from what just happened.

"Yeah, sorry." I tried to calm myself down, but the scene came back to my head, "It kinda is funny, I'm so sorry."

"He's so fucking stupid, oh my god." Clay was trying hard to stay mad, but I think he imagined the scene exactly in the way I did as well.

"Twitter's gonna explode. You're lucky she didn't take pictures." If only I could stay as serious as Nick was while saying those words.

"I mean, I don't care," Clay chuckled, "it would've been funny, everyone would just thirst over his nipples and forget about us. You should've let her take pictures."

Nick narrowed his eyes, humming to himself and probably thinking that it would be a better idea to let the girl take pics of George's naked body. And it sparked an idea in my head.

"Wait, what if one of you actually posts something that'll draw everyone's attention away from the fact that there's a random girl living with George and Sapnap?"

"You're not random, Lizzy. You're special." Clay tried to pet my head which made me feel like an animal and act like one. I kicked his leg.

Nick looked like he was trying to come up with something. He always looks so dramatic when he thinks, and I think that is because he rarely thinks.

"Maybe you should post a picture of Patches on your lap while you're wearing that one pair of gray sweats you have and have your hand in the pic as well. Without gloves, so they can see your veins and knuckles."

I suppose this is why he's better off without thinking.

"That.. that is weirdly specific, Nick." Clay blinked, parting his mouth to add something more, but deciding to end on that.

"I think he just wants to see the picture." I added.

"Why would I need that picture? I see his gorgeous hands all the time," Nick was talking in a tone that made it seem like he was challenging me, "plus, I've seen his dick without the sweats. And guess what, Lizzy? It was hard too."

I'm not sure if the weirdest thing was his whole speech, or the fact that I felt challenged by it and decided to say something to defend myself.

"It was hard because of me. Sucks to suck, loser." I was so serious about it as well.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?" Clay was too confused to even laugh. Or he was embarrassed, which I'm not sure if is ever the case with him.

"Oh yeah? Sucks to suck deez nuts!" And that's the best he's got.

"It would truly suck to suck your nuts, that's why I'm sucking Clay's-"

"Jesus Christ, shut up!" Clay raised his voice, but at least he's laughing now. Maybe we went a bit overboard, but I think I won.

Nick looked at me, trying to seem intimidating. But he looked lost and defeated.

"What should we post?" Clay spoke again, still rolling with the idea.

"Post a picture of Patches, I don't know." Nick frowned, "You just turned down the ultimate idea."

"They've seen Patches multiple times, it's not gonna be a big deal," Clay shook his head in disapproval, "maybe you should post a picture of Lizzy then. They've never seen her before, at least it's gonna be something new."

I don't know why would anyone want to see a picture of that evil scaly creature that has a literal beard. And Nick didn't seem to get it as well.

"Like.. why? What should I caption it?" He scratched the back of his head.

"I don't know, something that'll make the fans go wild," Clay shrugged, "like maybe caption it "she's a good girl".. that's gonna get a reaction."

Both me and Nick looked at each other and cringed from his words. Yet we also knew that it would infact get an intense reaction.

"Should I really do it? That's kinda weird, maybe you do it?" Nick looked at me, then turned his gaze to Clay for the last part of his sentence.

"No, why would I do it?" Clay frowned.

Nick shrugged, looking a little too confused for a simple task like that. I get it, it's kinda weird, but also being familiar with their tweet history I can confirm that they have tweeted weirder things.

"Alright, help me choose a pic then." He unlocked his phone quickly and started to go through folders and folders of pictures. His gallery is the most organized part of his life.

Clay couldn't care less, he went to put on a shirt leaving me to choose a picture of a creature that probably looked ugly in all of them.

And talking about that creature.. why is Nick going through pictures of me?

"It's not funny." I waited patiently for him to stop looking at the stupid pics he had of me.

"You want a funny one?" He sounded too serious, "What about this one?"

He showed me a picture of myself where I was painting Clay's face with a facemask I bought and laughing about the fact that the facemask contained clay.. I'm struggling to remember why I found it funny enough to laugh with actual tears, but I did.

"Why do you have a folder of photos of me anyway," I sighed, looking at the name, "and why is it called Lizzy glizzy?"

"Cause I blackmail my friends." He shrugged it off, making me facepalm in defeat.

"Okay, open the lizard's folder, we'll look at my pictures later." I ordered.

He looked confused.

"What folder?" He started, "....ooooh.."

The moment of realization that he had was so dramatic that I saw him go through few stages of it. Basically he was ready to post a picture of me and not even question it once.

The fact that if he didn't ask me to help him choose a picture he would go as far as posting a photo of me and captioning it "she's a good girl" without even thinking about it was just mental.

"You.. we got lucky too many times today," my extremities were tingling from fear and relief, "universe is feeling kind today."

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