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When me and Nick finally calmed down, we finally started the game.

"Who should start?" George asked.

"From oldest to youngest," Clay started, "so George, me, Nick then Lizzy."

"Wait, when's Liz's birthday?" Apparently Nick wanted to go last.

"August 22nd." Clay answered before I could, which made me look at him and smile.

And I'd be surprised if George left it unnoticed. He just had to say "interesting", it was now a habit of his. God knows what he meant, yet no one bothered to question it. Instead, we told him to draw a card.

"Alrighty," he longed his hand and grabbed one, furrowing his brows at it before reading, "what physical feature do you get complimented on the most? Uhh.. my chapped lips I guess."

We laughed but deep down I knew that he wasn't lying. He did have some very nice lips, even when they were chapped.

"My turn," Clay rolled up his sleeves as if he was getting ready to get into something extremely important, "let's see.. what’s your wildest fantasy? Uh- sexual question."

"Well depends on what your fantasy is.." I smirked, "It could've been something like "going to space" or I don't know... something not sexual."

"Wait.. she's right." George raised his brows, looking at Clay's face which slowly developed a pink shade.

"Whatever, still not answering," he threw the card away and pulled another one, "have you ever broken the law? What type of a shit question is this?" He laughed, putting the card aside, "Yeah I get speeding tickets sometimes."

"Sometimes," I mocked his words, knowing that it happens way more often than that, "I wonder how you still have a license."

He laughed and rolled his eyes, while Nick and George were sitting there looking at us. Luckily Nick remembered that it was his turn.

He was so excited that accidentally got 2 cards at the same time, and had to push one of them back to the middle of the deck.

"Who's your favorite friend in the room?" My eyes automatically traveled to the table full of ingredients as he read the question, "I hate all of you, make me the drink."

Me and George got up to go make the drink, while Clay stayed there to make sure Nick wasn't watching. We got out a shotglass and filled it with mayo almost to the brim, then added a bit of mustard and started mixing it. The substance was too thick tho, so we decided to add a bit of soy sauce to make it drinkable.

Bringing it back to the room felt like handing out Christmas presents. I don't know what was so exciting about seeing him in pain, but all of us were waiting for him to take a sip.

"Is this cum?" He made a disgusted face while sniffing the substance.

"Does your cum look like that?" I looked back and forth from his face to the brownish yellow substance, "Go see a doctor."

He couldn't help but laugh too, even though all 3 of us were practically roasting him. And then after collecting his whole courage, he emptied the glass in one go. He gagged, but washed it away with juice.

"Alright, my turn," I took a deep breath and got my card, "from the people in the room, who would you kiss, fuck, marry or kill, choose one person for each."

How come everyone gets stupid questions and then there's me having to answer that. I couldn't even convince them that it was somewhat sexual, they just forced me to answer saying that it wasn't too far. Only Clay was on my side, but apparently he wasn't enough to convince Nick and George.

"Answer it or drink." Nick was probably plotting a poisonous recipe in his head.

"Or use a lifeline." Clay added. The way he didn't want me to answer, kind of made me want to answer.

"I don't wanna marry or kill any of you," I cringed, "well kill maybe, but not marry.."

"Well imagine marry is like fuck and kiss but for the rest of your life.." Nick looked like he was really trying to put effort into explaining, "Don't take it too seriously, it's just a game."

"Okay," I finally decided to go for it. And after a few more seconds of thinking, I made up my mind, "kiss George, fuck Nick, marry Clay," I let it all out in one breath, "and kill myself, cause I don't want to do any of those."

Each of them had a different face expression after my words. And they were all silent which dared to turn to awkwardness real quick. Thank god Nick saved us all from situations like this.

"But like "Fuck Nick" sounds offensive," he broke the silence, making all of us laugh, "you went like kiss George, FUCK NICK, marry Clay.."

We were laughing when my eyes caught Clay who was definitely looking at me with a smile. I should have just chosen "kill" for him.

"Anyways," George leaned forward to draw a card. He read it for himself before saying it out loud, "have you ever sent a nude?"


The flashbacks filled my head momentarily, and I felt my skin burning even though the memory had nothing to do with me. I slowly looked up at Clay, and surely enough he was looking back at me with the pink tint over his cheeks. I think the nude he sent to that girl was actually the reason we grew closer, so the memories were kind of valuable for me as funny as it sounds.

I didn't realize that we were being obvious until my head tilted towards George who was clearly looking at us instead of answering.

"Hmm," he smirked, "I'm actually gonna use a lifeline on this," I didn't know what the lifeline was, but I could already assume from his smirk, "I'll answer it if all of you answer."

Before I could try to process what was going on, George spoke again.

"I haven't sent it by the way.. how about you Clay?"

Of course he hasn't.

"Uh- I.." Clay started stuttering, "Can I use a lifeline?"

"No, only on your own questions." George looked like an actual devil when he said those words.

"I... uhmm.. well.."

He was being so obvious that George had to interrupt and say that everything was clear.

Clay said nothing, sighing and chuckling in defeat, while it was Nick's turn to sweat.

"But like, why can't we use lifelines?" I think it was the first time I was seeing Nick blush.

We laughed at his answer, knowing exactly what it meant. But my laughter didn't last for long as George's judging eyes landed on me.

"I.." I remembered the one and only time I was about to send a nude and misclicked it, sending it to my sister, "I can explain."

And they were all about listening to that story and probably memorizing every line to make fun of me later throughout my whole life. George didn't even wait for me to finish, he started judging me right after.

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