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The night wasn't special. And it wasn't normal either, cause I couldn't sleep which made me paranoid.

I remember hearing the same barking and shushing we heard days ago at some point. And the worst thing about it was that I wasn't sure if I really heard that or was it just my imagination and the lack of sleep.

Either way I chose to ignore it and listen to music to cancel the noises. And the method helped, making me realize that they weren't in my head.

Ever since that creepy guy fixed the power there was something wrong with the AC. We couldn't get it to work properly. It was cold in Clay's room, which wasn't something we were used to. In my memories the room was engraved as a microwave, cause not only it was extremely hot inside, but we also preferred to have the led lights on red. And now all of my memories were being destroyed because of my freezing limbs.

So when Clay rolled to my side and threw an arm over my body, I was more than happy to welcome him. He was asleep though, so he probably didn't feel it when I kissed his forehead.

"I love you so much." He mumbled half-audibly.

Looks like I was wrong.

"Love you more." My words made him tighten his grip around my body, shuffling even closer and going full cuddle mode.

After a bit of silence I thought he fell back asleep. But he surprised me once again.

"Be my mattress for the night?"

"How romantic." I laughed, hearing him do the same with still closed eyes, "Sure, be my heavy blanket."

That's all he needed to climb ontop of me and get in a position that somehow distributed all of his body weight to the actual mattress, and the only thing I felt was the weight of his head on my chest. Which to be fair is a lot by itself.

This was by far his favorite position to be in, cause not only he was feeling great about the fact of his head being between my boobs, but he also knew that this way he got free head massages cause I couldn't resist playing with the soft strands.

A few minutes in the new position and I get greeted by new information again.

"Nick found a house," Clay suddenly spoke again, "I mean two houses.. that are close together."

My fingers went still in his hair as I waited for him to continue.

"He was wondering if we're open to moving in together? To a new house? Nick said he'll take that house only if we take the other one next to it, cause having strangers living that close to them would be annoying."

The turn of events were finally taking a pleasant direction for me. My sister's gonna graduate this year, and that means she's going to move in with me soon. And as much as I love my sister, I couldn't imagine sharing a one bedroom apartment with her.

"Oh my god, that's so cool!"

I was excited for three things. The first one was that I could finally move in with Clay, the second one was getting away from my sister, and lastly, the fact that Nick and George were going to be living in the house next door, was just unbelievably lucky and exciting.

"I got so excited when he showed me the pictures of the houses. They're actually in a safe place too, so we won't be bothered even after I do a face reveal." He was now fully awake, rolling a bit to the side so that our faces were turned to each other.

The next few minutes we spent cuddling while scrolling through the pictures of the houses Nick sent.

And at first none of us bothered to go check on George even though we heard him going to the bathroom a couple of times. But when it happened for the 5th time already, I decided to finally go see what was happening.

"Maybe he's just jerking off, leave him alone." Clay was annoyed when I got up and forced him to do the same.

"For 5 times?" I turned the lamp on, which made Clay squint and hide under the blanket, "And each session lasts about 5 seconds?"

"Turn off the light!" He whined, dramatically gathering every single piece of material he could find to hide himself under them.

"We'd been looking at the phone screen for the past few minutes, the light's not even bright, quit it." My words made Clay groan and emerge from under the covers once again, realizing that his spectacles weren't working.

"Fine.." He sighed, face still grumpy as I finally managed to convince him to get up.

As we went to the living room, Nick's engine-like noises got louder and louder. And surprisingly we found George infront of the window, looking for something with a concentrated face.

"George?" I raised a brow as we approached him slowly.

He jumped from my voice, turning around and putting his hand on his chest as if my voice was scary enough for him to be able to feel his heartbeat. I swear every single one of them is so dramatic, sometimes I can't deal with them.

"What are you doing?" Clay spoke with a confused voice.

"Nothing. Just looking at the full moon." George shrugged, as if what he said was completely normal.

"Oh really. Were you the one barking too?" I remembered the noises I heard hours ago.

"What.." George narrowed his eyes in confusion.

Then after a few seconds of staring at each other, he spoke again.

"I couldn't pee by the wayn my dick was too hard. Thanks for finally bothering to check on me even though you were both awake for a while now."

Despite the fact that we didn't ask for that information, it was still nice to know the reason behind him revisiting the bathroom all over again.

"Didn't the ice help?"

My question cracked Clay up again. I forgot that he didn't know that George agreed to use the icepack. But I thought he'd react more maturely this time. Which he didn't.

"No, but I'm better now. Thanks, Liz." George smiled at me and gave Clay a dirty look, "I'm gonna try to get some sleep finally."

"Don't dream of me." Clay winked with an immature grin which made both me and George shake our heads and sigh.

As we were about to get back and hopefully sleep this time, George's voice rang again, making us stop and turn around for a second.

"About the barking. I think the neighbour was walking their dog, I saw shadows but I'm not sure."

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