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"Noo.." Was all I could say. I'd rather die on the spot than cause problems.

"Can you hear us!?" Apparently George's been talking to me for a while now, cause he got enough of it and started trying to get my attention by snapping his fingers.


Well, not fully, but still.

I saw Nick get closer to me and stare at my eyes, before widening his own and stepping back with some type of a face expression that was in the middle of fear and surprise.

"Yoo, she doesn't need a doctor, she needs an exorcist."

His words made Clay's hand grab my chin and force my head to his direction. Probably he was telling me to look at him before doing that, I actually have no idea.

"Liz, what the hell." He inspected my eyes. Actually my vision was the only thing that was on point at that moment, I didn't even know what they were saying.

Then I saw George infront of me, staring at my eyes as well, "I think it's a massive adrenaline rush. Or a panic attack."

The noise in my ears was slowly getting more quiet as they were speaking, and I realized that I'm picking up on more sentences as time passes. My breathing was getting somewhat better too, and my hand wrapped by both of Clay's was shaking way less than it was before.

"No, call an ambulance, it could be anything," I recognized Clay's voice, "maybe it's alcohol poisoning, I don't know, call an ambulance."

"No, don't." I still couldn't form long enough sentences to say what I meant properly. I was barely keeping my jaw in place and hiding the teeth chattering.

"Lizzy, blink twice if you're possessed." That was Nick again.

I didn't understand his sentence properly. I just heard blink twice and blinked twice, without questioning it.

"What the fuck." Nick's jaw fell to the floor. It made me wonder what his question was. "The power of Christ compels you!"

I snorted as George started making fun of Nick who was genuinely scared. Clay just told them both to shut up.

"Stop, I'm getting better." I tried to calm them down, but honestly Clay was the only one needing that.

"You're still shaking." He sounded so worried that I felt bad.

"It's the devil." Nick attempted to make a cross with his fingers but it looked like a plus.

"No I'm actually better," I was slowly but surely regaining my senses, "it was the drink I think, made my blood pressure go up. And the sudden noise. I don't know."

"And the devil." I couldn't believe Nick was still at it.

"We should just call an ambulance, maybe you got an allergy." Clay kept repeating the same thing.

I only then realized that I'd been in that half-conscious state for over an hour. I thought it lasted for 10 minutes..

"Let's just go sleep." I tried to get up and succeeded.

Clay let go of a relieved sigh, seeing that I could stand on my feet, and got up himself.

"Are you actually okay? Don't lie." He spoke.

"Yes, I am." I nodded, grabbing the water bottle and taking big sips.

"You were literally the only one scared, Clay," George laughed, "I knew it wasn't anything serious."

"What do you mean I was the only one scared? Nick was literally out there performing an exorcism on her." Clay complained.

"Yeah and it worked apparently." I couldn't tell if Nick was being serious or not.

I was really not in the mood to tolerate their nonsense.

"I'm so tired, let's go sleep."

We separated our ways, with George and Nick going to their room, and me and Clay going to ours. I was glad I didn't have to change, and the only thing left to do for me was lie down and wait for Clay to turn off the lights and do the same.

"Do you mind if I don't wear a shirt?" He asked politely and waited for my answer.

"I sucked your dick, do you think I mind?"

I didn't realize it came out a bit unexpected and harsh until he widened his eyes.

"Uh.. glad you're feeling better." He chuckled, taking off his shirt and turning off the lights immediately.

"Don't I get a peek?" I pouted even though he couldn't see.

"You were claiming to die an hour ago." He laughed, stretching before lying down with me, "You can get a feel tho."

"No thanks." I rolled as far to my side as I could to annoy him.

He didn't say or do anything for a few minutes, and I got tired of waiting. I rolled back to the middle of the bed, knowing that he'd be there. And when my back got pressed to his chest, and I felt his arm wrapping around me immediately, I knew that I was on the right path.

"Noo, not the arm jail." I whined, knowing that there was no where out when he had his arm around me. Not that I wanted to escape.

He laughed lightly, still not saying a word. His silence was just getting unbearable.

"Why are you so quiet?" I tried to turn around and face him, but his arm pinned me in place.

"Thinking." He finally spoke.

"About?" I knew I had to ask for him to speak.


I wasn't the type to force the words out of someone's mouth. And I wasn't going to question it further.

"You scared me tho." He changed the topic and broke the awkward silence.

"Thought I was gonna die?" I chuckled.

"Don't say that." I could hear the frown in his voice.

"Why? Death scares you?" I really couldn't relate.

"Mine? Nah."

"What about mine?"

He was quiet for a few seconds. I really thought he was coming up with a decent answer.

"Don't say that."

Was all he had to say.

"I really don't get it." I chuckled, confused at what was happening. This whole interaction was a big mess, or it was still the alcohol in my veins.

"You will one day." 

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