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I was trying my best to not move around too much and let Clay sleep, but something about not being able to sleep made me want to roll around in the bed.

I could tell he was tired by the lack of movement I was seeing, but I could also tell that he wasn't asleep from his overall body language.

I moved so much that I felt like my whole body was burning. Eventually I had to push the covers away from my body to seek some kind of relief. But as I did, he stretched his arm to cover me right back up.

"You'll catch a cold." His voice was sleepy but still aware of the surroundings.

"Good." I repeated my earlier action of pushing them away from my body.

"What's bothering you?" He finally opened his eyes.


"I don't know." I lied, sitting up on the bed. He did the same.

"Can I help?"

I wouldn't be this bothered by the situation if there weren't so many series of events coming up. I could deal with the failed attempts of kissing and do something about it, but that just had a high risk of ruining our little vacation.

"I feel lost." I sighed, not finding a better way to put it.

He got up from the bed, turned on the leds and stretched. I knew that he had something cooking in his brain, and just waited for him to speak.

"Let's go on a walk, yeah?" And I wasn't wrong about it.

I actually would like to escape this airless room, and find a place where my whiney voice wouldn't wake up Nick, who I knew was sleeping from the loud snores coming from the living-room.

"Yeah." I hated that I was like this. He probably would rather sleep than go outside at the moment.

He went to the bathroom with his clothes, letting me change in the room. We were trying our best to make minimal noise, and when finally finished getting ready, we tip-toed our way through the living room and got out as quietly as possible.

The cold air had never been so pleasant before.

"Imagine Nick's face when he wakes up and finds out he's home alone." I couldn't help but think about how traumatizing that would be for both sides.

"The chances that he cries are high." Clay chuckled, putting his hands in his pockets and waiting for me to walk down the stairs.

I decided to follow his lead, see where he takes me. We weren't talking much at the beginning, but there was something comfortable in the silence.

Soon he broke it.

"Did I scare you?"

I knew exactly what he meant, but he decided to clarify it.

"The stuff that's happened between us the last two days.. " he was being very straight forward about it, "was it all too much?"

"I.. I don't even know. It's just-" I didn't know how to put this, "I can handle what's going on between us just fine, but I cannot handle the fact that we have to explain the whole thing to George and Nick when even we don't know the explanation."

And my brain finally collected all my feelings and made a valid point.

"Leave that on me. You don't need to explain them anything if it makes you uncomfortable."

"Won't be fair to leave the whole thing on you." As much as I appreciated his words, I couldn't just pretend I wasn't a part of the situation.

He stopped walking gradually. I followed his pace and ended up standing infront of him, waiting for him to speak.

"I'm really sorry if I made you uncomfortable or pushed anything or I don't know. I've never hidden the fact that I find you attractive and fun to be around, so I didn't think it would bother you that much," I had to concentrate to not miss a word he said, as he was talking really fast, "just make sure to let me know if I do anything that makes you uncomfortable. And yeah sorry again."

His words made me realize two things. First that everything wasn't as bad as I thought it was. We haven't even kissed, yet there were people sleeping together and calling each other friends. And the second thing was how good of a person he actually was. Not everyone is mature enough to be capable of stepping back to not hurt others, and he was willing to do so.

"Can I get a hug?" I didn't even think twice before saying that.

He smiled and spread his arms, and I took the opportunity to warm my hands by sliding them under his jacket and wrapping my arms around his waist, putting my head on his chest in the process. He wasted no time securing me with his arms.

I could hear his heartbeat, but surely mine was overpowering.

"Thank you." I was still clung to him.

"For what?" The vibration of his voice was hearable through his chest.

"For tolerating my whiney bitch self."

He laughed at my words before denying them, and I took the opportunity of the lightened mood to force myself to move my head back and look at him. Our arms were still in the same places, holding each other close.

I didn't care if I was making wrong decisions. The urge of putting a hand on his neck and pulling him down to my face level was too major to ignore.

He didn't protest either. From how relaxed his muscles were under my touch, I could tell that he wanted it as much as I did.

When our lips finally touched, it felt like the weather suddenly changed. I couldn't feel the stinging on my skin from the cold, all I felt were his lips burning against mine. My hand curled up in a fist against his neck, while he pulled me even closer to him by my waist.

Everything was so intense, even though we didn't even dare to deepen the kiss. We both pulled away slowly, at the same time, not daring to look at each other until our faces were inches away.

Both of us were speechless for a few seconds that seemed like an eternity. He was the brave one. The one who broke the silence.

"They don't have to know." He smiled, pulling my head back to his chest for a hug that felt so much different from the last one.

I knew I had to say something back, but I didn't know what to say. So I just blurted out something that came to my mind.

"I didn't like melon gum until I kissed you."

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