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Clay fell asleep pretty quickly, and in the process of doing so he nuzzled up to my chest. It was hilariously cute how his face disappeared in my sweater, finding the lack of my boobs more comfortable than the soft fabric of the sweater.

I was sleepy myself, but his soft breath tickling my skin kept me awake. Instead of sleeping I just kept myself busy with my phone. Which made me wonder why my texts were still not responded.

However, despite the the fact that it was extremely hot in his room, his head was heavy on my chest and his breath was close enough to almost tickle my nipples, I found myself slowly drifting to sleep out of boredom.

It was more like a nap to be fair, as it lasted an hour or less cause I heard Clay move and opened my eyes immediately - scared that something could've been wrong.

"What's up?" I made sure to make my voice as soothing as possible to not scare him, considering that he just woke up.

"Mhnm." I don't know if these were supposed to be muffled words, or he was just yawning or something like that.

"Yeah?" I gently brushed his hair away from his forehead as he slowly raised his head.

I was so worried from the lack of the reaction from him. The last thing I want is him feeling pain or discomfort. I just waited for him to come back to reality and communicate.

He blinked a few times while squinting and parted his mouth finally to say something.


When I think about it, this could go worse. He could've ended up throwing up on me instead of saying something stupid.

"Should I take that as a sign of you being okay?" I laughed, finally sitting up. The chill air hit the red circle on my chest, which was the imprint of his stubble, "Do you need painkillers? Or do you want me to change the bandage?"

"I'm okay, don't worry." He smiled and shook his head.

So I figured that he's be good if I got up to go take a shower. I was extremely sweaty from having half of his body weight (his head to be exact) on me for almost 3 hours.

"Are you gonna be okay if I leave you alone for like 20 minutes? I need to shower real quick."

As he nodded, I grabbed the things I needed and left the room. I found it adorable how he had a separate space for his clothes I used to wear when I stayed at his place.

And as I closed the door and was about to walk, I heard him digging through the loud crinkly plastic bag that I was too familiar with. It was the medicine bag we got from the pharmacy earlier today.

Without thinking much about it, I opened the door and got back in, catching him dirty handed with two painkillers about to enter his mouth.

"You liar!" Clay dropped one of the pills as I screamed at him.

"What!?" His natural instinct was to scream back at me.

"You told me you're okay, yet you're taking two painkillers at the same time! Two!"

We're so stupid sometimes it hurts.

"Well I wasn't going to whine like a little bitch, was I?" Clay got defensive over his actions.

I wasn't even mad at him, I was just really hurt that he was in pain and I could do nothing about it. And it hurt me even more realizing that I wasn't even going to be aware of it, as he chose to keep it to himself.

"I'm here to help, Clay. I'm not gonna feel better if you hide things from me." I lowered my voice, regretting my earlier choice of being too aggressive from the build up of emotions.

"I don't want you to be here just because you feel sorry for me. If anything, I don't want you to feel sorry for me at all."

As he spoke without even making eye contact with me, I just sighed. I could see where he was coming from, but I also wanted him to know that his thoughts didn't match the reality.

"I'm not here because I feel sorry for you.." I couldn't just end the sentence here, but I also didn't know how to continue it. He was clearly waiting for further explanation. "I'm here because I want to be with you."

I think that's the best I could do without going too far. I hope he got what I meant. By the way he pressed his lips together and looked down with a deep breath, I think he did.

I grabbed the water bottle from the bedside table and walked to his direction, handing it to him for the single pill that was still in his hands.

"Don't think of stupid things like that," I spoke as he smiled half-heartedly and swallowed the medicine, "remember all the times you took care of me when I was sick? Things happen, and as I'm saying this I'm realizing that those things happen to me pretty often and I should probably get checked."

He let go of a small laugh after my words, putting the bottle aside, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you, or think of things like that."

"Don't apologize. Just a bad concussion, yeah?" I smiled, looking up at the sadness that was covered in his own smile.

"Yeah.. The booby nap made me go crazy." And he finally giggled.

"Tell me whenever you're in pain or just feeling down. Okay?" We were standing too close for me to talk comfortably to him without breaking my neck.

"My stitches itch and feel sweaty." He answered my question perfectly.

"I'll change the bandage right after I shower," I offered, "anything else that's bothering you?"

It took him a second to answer, but I'm glad he didn't decide against it.

"I have the worst headache ever. But the doctor said it's gonna be like this for a while." The sadness in his voice just broke my heart. I nodded, giving his arm a small hug and telling him it's gonna be alright.

As I was finally about to go shower, George apparently woke up from his hibernation and decided to call. Even though he was calling me, I told Clay to answer cause I couldn't stand there anymore with my clothes sticking to my body.

And even though I thought their conversation was going smoothly, I soon heard Clay's voice tone getting higher and higher and overpowering the noise of the water that was hitting my body and the tales. But for some reason I wasn't bothered by that.

They fight all the time anyway.

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