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I went back to the room lightheaded from how hot it was in the house and the amount of unpleasant information George and Nick passed me before leaving. Clay was already in the bed looking for something interesting to watch.

"George and Nick left. And they took your car," I told him the news immediately before I would forget, "and we need to feed their lizard in an hour."

Clay seemed unamused by my words. He didn't even care to ask why they left and where they were going. Or he was just too invested in the documentary he was watching.

"Come here." He spread both of his arms, not cutting his gaze from the TV, waiting for me to get in the bed.

I took the given opportunity without a second thought. I wished the room would be colder though, even though it still wasn't as hot as it has always been.

Soon enough we found a position that was both comfortable and effective. He spooned me, putting his warm hand on my lower abdomen to help with the cramps. And I don't know if he had a magic touch or the medication was starting to work finally, but I felt way better immediately.

He was focused on the TV screen the whole time, watching a documentary or something boring that shouldn't have been that Interesting to him. At that moment I remembered a question I wanted to ask but never got the chance to.

"When did you realize that you have feelings for me?"

His hand that was lazily massaging my belly went still after my words. He turned the sound of the TV down a bit, not because he wanted to focus on our conversation, but because there was a commercial.

"It wasn't a single moment.. there were moments that kept me thinking about you, about my feelings for you. I don't know, I used to think alot."

Then after a pause he shifted in his place and spoke again.

"To be honest, the first few days I was just horny as fuck for you-"

"Eww!" I couldn't help but laugh even though what he said sounded extremely disgusting, "That's fucked up."

"No, listen.." he laughed, "Do you remember how we even became friends?"

"Yeah, you sent your dick to a fan, that's how."

"I wasn't talking about that part, but still, the overall theme was sexual, you can't blame me." He was still laughing.

I huffed, "What a romantic story."

"No, but do you remember the day before we went to the UK?" He finally gained back his seriousness, "I was really nervous and couldn't sleep, so you woke up and played with my hair till I passed out."

The memories were a bit faded from how fast everything happened during that period, but that particular memory was still vibrant.

"Yeah, I do." I smiled, remembering the first time I felt the softness of his hair.

"My face was like buried in your neck and I remember trying my best to breathe normally cause my heart was just pounding." I could hear the smile in his words paired with a hint of nervousness.

"I remember trying to convince myself that it was a "friendly cuddle" or whatever, I don't know what to call it," I shook my head, realizing how scared and lost I was back then, "Gosh, I'd been in denial for so long."

"I don't blame you, it all happened so fast and too slow at the same time," Clay's words were confusing, but I got them perfectly, "like we started sleeping in the same bed and cuddling almost right after we met, yet we actually waited so long for our first kiss even though there were moments that I had the strongest urge to kiss you."

I rolled to my other side to face him, cause I was so invested in the conversation that wanted to hear and see every detail of it. He waited for me to get comfortable again and continued.

"There were moments that I was like - everything is moving too quickly, I'm not prepared for this. But then I realized that we hadn't even kissed yet and felt like an actual idiot."

I laughed, glad that he had been feeling the same way. Somehow it made me feel less dramatic.

"Our first kiss was special." I smiled from the memory. I could still taste it.

"You made it special with your words." He chuckled. But there was a bit of sadness in his face expression.

"No, you made it special with your iconic gum," I giggled, feeling him throw an arm over my body and pull me closer, sighing into the hug, "did you actually like the flavor?"

"It said melon on the packaging, I honestly thought it was watermelon," he finally admitted, "had no idea it was fucking cantaloupe."

We continued our conversation for a while. He wasn't watching the documentary anymore. Good.

"What was your first impression of me?" His grin was comedic, "Cause I remember being a dick."

"You put it quite accurately actually," I laughed, "except I thought you just couldn't take jokes."

"I think it's 'bout time you know." He laughed.

I won't lie, I was both intrigued and scared to see what was about to come.

"Hm?" I raised a brow.

"So George showed me your pics before the whole video coding happened and I said that you're hot, having no idea that you were his friend," he was barely keeping a straight face, "and the idiot called you to help us code even though we had plenty of friends that could help us. That's why I was so pissed to talk to you, George wouldn't stop being annoying."

George was lucky he wasn't here. I'm not exaggerating when I say I was ready to beat him up. And just because I was on my period, I automatically got mad at Clay too for making it seem like I was their only hope back then when in reality they had "plenty of friends that could help them".

"Thank you for proving once again that men are trash." The disgust in my voice was prominent.

"Heey.. George is trash, and there's no need to prove that." Clay had the nerve to laugh, "Besides, he fell in his own trap. He was so annoyed when things started to get serious between us."

I rolled my eyes, deciding to not say anything yet. We'll talk about this when my period goes away.

"Go feed Lizzy." I sighed, accepting the lizard's name with difficulty.

"Who?" He wasn't accepting it yet tho, "Ah, the dragon.. what does she eat?"

I was so annoyed with both him and George that breaking the news gave me satisfaction.

"Live mealworms." I smiled, remembering the scene of those little disgusting creatures wiggling inside the see-through bucket.

"No." Clay spoke strictly.

"Yes." I smiled, nodding with satisfaction.

"Either she'll eat veggies or die of starvation."

Clay had a horrified look on his face. It was cute seeing a full grown man be that scared of tiny mealworms. But who am I to judge, at least his fear is common among people, not like mine, being scared of lizards.

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