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"What the.." Clay once again tried to follow the shadow by getting closer to the window but I pulled him back.

"Nope, I'm not doing this today," Nick turned around in the darkness and tried to leave the room, "hell to the fucking no, is there a room with no windows?"

As he tried to go out of the room, he hit his head to the wardrobe door that was somewhy open.

I flinched from the noise. Clay started wheezing as if it there wasn't a creepy shadow following us around every now and then.

"Fuck you, fuck the werewolf, fuck everyone! What the fuck is this fucking house!?" Even though I was worried and scared, Nick's attempt to shout while still trying to whisper was pretty funny.

My eyes were already getting adjusted to the darkness and I could see for a little bit. And it looked like Nick was lucky enough to miss the bruised side of his face and take the hit with the other side.

I was too deep into thoughts to talk the whole time, while Clay and Nick were whispering.

"Can you stop moving around the room? You're gonna step on my cat and make her hate you even more!" Clay's eyes were everywhere trying to find Patches, but she probably hid under the bed after the dog's barking.

"Pff, she loves me.." Nick turned around, trying to find her but giving up after realizing that his eyes were no use in the darkness, "Patrick! Come here! Kitty kitty kitt-"

Clay groaned in annoyance, interrupting Nick when he purposefully got Patches' name wrong.

"If you call her Patrick one more time, I swear to god I'm gonna start calling you Dick instead of Nick."

"As if I fucking mind it. You're just pointing out what's notable about me." Nick shrugged as if whatever he said was natural and normal.

"Yeah of course it's notable, it's your main personality trait. You're the biggest fucking dick ever." Clay continued the argument.

"No, you got it wrong. I have the biggest fucking dick ever, get it right."

And now they're fighting. Again. Over something related to dicks, while there's a chance that a serial killer is waiting outside to break in at the right moment.

"Shut up! Both of you!" I had to raise my voice to overpower their half-whispers, "There's a chance that you're gonna get your dicks cut off soon. And that chance is bigger than both your dicks combined."

Even though the shadow was long gone, I could still hear the noises the dog was making. And it probably meant the person was there with the dog.

As they finally calmed down, scared that I raised my voice at them, Patches came out from under the bed and started purring while rubbing her head on Clay's legs.

Things were going good for once. Patches was here, the shadow was gone and most importantly they shut up-

"Oh look, Patrick's here."

And I spoke too soon.

Clay lost it once again, starting the same argument all over again. I was honestly getting so anxious from their nonsense, the darkness, the fact that I was stuck with them in a room and couldn't get out for the sake of my own safety. But I'd rather get murdered by a werewolf than have to tolerate the same conversation once again.

"I'm gonna go check who's outside." I sounded really aggressive while opening the drawer and getting the familiar butterfly knife out.

"No, Clay will go." Nick offered.

"I will, dickhead." Clay frowned, trying to walk past me, but I didn't let him.

"I think I'm the only one who can afford getting punched in the face without dying." I looked back and forth between Nick's bruised face and Clay's stitched forehead.

I was honestly so sick and tired of everything that was going on. I took large steps towards the bedroom door. Yet of course Clay wasn't having it.

"You're not going anywhere, Eliza." He pulled from my wrist, making me groan.

He took the knife that was supported between my skin and the waistband of my shorts and tried to shove it in his pocket.

"At least give the knife back." I complained, hating the fact that he acted like a parent.

"It's staying in my pocket."

He gave me a warning look when I tried to get it back by sneaking my hand into his pocket. And I probably shouldn't have done that, cause now he was holding it up with his hideously long arms.

I almost lost it there and was extemely tempted to punch him between the legs. He knew that I hated when he did that. It was the rudest and the most annoying thing ever.

"Fuck off." I got up, going back to the bed taking Patches with me. He doesn't deserve her purrs right now.

"Yo, I think you might be able to catch an airplane if you get on your tiptoes." Nick made a remark, jumping into the conversation again.

"And your head will start smelling like feet if you stay squatted for long enough."

And there they go with the height jokes. It's the same thing all over again..

After a bit- no, a lot of arguing, I offered to go check once again. While Nick chose to agree with me cause he was too scared of the option where he'd be the one to check, Clay was strictly against it, saying that if we were to check, he's the one who should go.

"Look the noises stopped, the shadow's not here and I'm really sleepy," Nick started to convince that going outside wasn't the ideal option, "we don't even have battery to call the police if god forbid something happens, it's not worth risking."

He had a point, but at the same time I don't think I was going to sleep tonight. Yet he continued.

"Maybe the neighbor was walking their dog and it stopped to pee in the bushes. Even I do that sometimes." The worst part about Nick's words was the fact that the second sentence was a reference to that one time..

"Maybe we should go check from the doorhole?" Clay was also pretty worried.

I agreed, but Nick had something to say again.

"Hell no, they'll shoot you in the eye."

We sighed in defeat. We were both too hot-headed to make the right decisions in potentially dangerous situations like this. So the best option was to trust Nick this time and stay in the room until the sun would rise, cause it was our only source of light.

Everything is scarier in the darkness. It's probably better if we stay behind the locked doors.

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