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We spent minutes waiting for George. He was taking a while in the bathroom. And the water was still running.

"I think this is your payback for his waterbill," I spoke with a low voice, leaning towards Clay's ear so that Nick wouldn't hear, "remember?"

"When we fucked in the shower for a straight hour?" Clay had literally no filter. He said it loud enough to make Nick's head snap to our direction.

"What?" Nick widened his eyes.

"Nothing." I quickly spoke before Clay would say anything. I'm sure he'd make the situation ten times more embarrassing.

"This is too much information for one day," Nick started, "first I got woken up by George to find out that his dick is hard, then I found out that I'd been taking Viagra for my headaches, and most importantly, turns out granny drugs grandpa so they can fuck!"

I never thought it was possible to be touched and emotionally moved by words like this. Still, I genuinely felt bad for Nick.

"George? You need help there, buddy?" Clay was being so mean, but it was hilarious.

"Yeah, send Liz over, dickhead."

George's voice made me and Nick slap our hands to our mouths. We both looked at Clay and surely he looked completely destroyed. It wasn't long until his comeback arrived.

"Say that again and I'll slit your fucking throat open."

Looks like we're not laughing anymore. And I don't even know if I found that hot or just scary.

"Bet that made him cum." And it sounded like Nick answered that for me.

George came out sideways from the bathroom, grabbing the pillow he left on the floor and covering himself up once again. That already said a lot about his progress, or it's more accurate to say the lack of it.

"No?" I sighed, already knowing the answer.

"The stupid water didn't work." George sounded frustrated already.

"Cause it's not cold enough. You should put ice on it."

I forgot how immature Clay could be sometimes. And I also forgot that it was the first time he was hearing about the ice method, and me and Nick laughed too when it was our first encounter with it. So I don't think blaming him is fair in this case.

"W-hat?" Clay started wheezing again, "Ice?"

I was getting scared for his respiratory organs already, cause it looked like whenever he wheezed, it went on for a decent amount of time, cause he had a habit of adding things to the situation and making it funnier for him with each remark.

"You know how some rappers say "ice on my wrist" or like "ice on my" something?" He started coughing in the middle of his own sentence, "Imagine George becomes a rapper and says ice on my di- Hhhhhh- I can't-"

Now we unlocked the stage of deflating. I wonder how long is this gonna last. Well surely longer than it would if Nick didn't join him and continue the stupid scenarios.

"And his rap name would be Lil Gogy or Hard Dicky." Nick slapped the couch while laughing.

Me and George looked unamused. I wasn't even paying attention to them at this point, I was just waiting for the suffering to end so I could go back to sleep.

"And then he can say "I'm popping pills" and the music video is just a montage of him taking Viagra in slow motion." Clay's voice was getting more and more high-pitched with his every comment.

"You're literally 22." George was so done with everything.

Clay was busy cackling and wheezing so he couldn't answer, yet Nick had so much to say.

"Yoo, it's Lil Gogy, ah, yeah, ice on my dick, popping pillies with Nick, we didn't know it's Viagra but we do now. Brraah."

I hid my face to laugh, while Clay knelt on the floor from laughing too hard. Nick was still trying to add more bars to his freestyle but none of us could pay attention to it cause the first part was already too much. I wonder how George could keep a straight face after that.

"You just rhymed Nick with dick, that's embarrassing." The disgusted look on George's face spoke for itself.

"I'm peeing myself." Clay was basically choking on the floor at this point.

"Not again." I shook my head. I don't think what I said was that funny. But it made him laugh even harder and slap his hand to the floor.

After a few seconds Clay finally decided to get up. But as he stood up, he fell straight back down. And even that made him burst out laughing.

"Bruh. Are you okay?" Nick couldn't help but laugh too.

The last thing we needed was having Clay suffer a hypoxic shock because of how hard he wheezed. Luckily he got away with just a short blackout. 

"Oh god, I had too much fun," his voice was hoarse now, finally going back to its natural timbre, "let's just sleep before I die."

"Excuse me? I can't sleep like this." George frowned.

"Well, sucks to be you." Clay tried to get up again. And even though it was a tough process, he did it successfully this time.

"What? I need help!" George raised his voice.

"I'm afraid nothing's gonna help you. The medication increased the blood flow to your... thing," after educating myself on Viagra and its side effects, I finally felt confident enough to speak, "and you took two, so it's gonna last for a while. It won't go away even if you cum, so don't even think of traumatizing Nick."

And finally just as I was about to leave, George asked for an icepack. Luckily Clay went to the bathroom and wasn't here to listen and deflate once again. So I quickly got up and threw some ice into a ziploc bag for George, not knowing if there was a proper icepack around the house or not.

Before he could put it on his dick, I left the room. I wasn't ready to witness that image.

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