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Not even an hour since I got to his place, and I'm already feeling better. Spending three days alone after having a large company really did me dirty.

But there were other reasons that gave away my shitty mood, and he noticed it because I was being meaner than usual.

"What's wrong?" He finally addressed it.

"Ugh." I took a breath, falling back to the bed.

"C'mon, tell me." He got on the bed as well. I was lying flat on the mattress, yet he was still sitting and looking down at me.

"Cannot focus on studying. Again," I huffed, "and I have an exam in like 5 days."

"Wait, didn't you finish your exams before Christmas?" He frowned.

"One more left. The one that I didn't even pay attention to in classes."

I had those classes early in the morning, and couldn't get myself to wake up and listen. Instead I just connected to the zoom meeting and slept through the most of it.

"Which one?"

"Data structures and algorithms." Even the name made me cringe.

He narrowed his eyes as if he was trying to remember something. And then told me that he couldn't quite recall if he took that class in highschool or not.

"It's okay tho, we'll do it together." He pushed my hair away from my face.

"I don't even want to look at the pages. I'm allergic to letters. And my brain's rusty." I looked up at him with a pout, "I just wanna die."

"Awh," he leaned back to the headboard after his word, "come here."

I knew by patting his thighs he wanted me to put my head there, but I decided to straddle his lap and hug his torso, resting my head on his chest. He reacted quickly, wrapping both arms around me.

"Let's just rest for today properly and start studying from tomorrow." Clay rested his head ontop of mine, already making a studying plan for me.

"Mhm," I mumbled, nuzzling up against his neck. He smells so good, "missed you."

He laughed lightly, "Not you showing affection."

"I know right. I disgust myself sometimes." My words were probably muffled against his skin.

We held each other like that for god knows how long. It was enough for me to almost fall asleep. And the fact that he started to play with my hair as I was drifting to sleep, made the process go even faster.

I could imagine how uncomfortable it would be for him if I just fell asleep on him and he had to sit motionless until I woke up.

"Push me away." I wasn't energetic enough to do roll away.

"No." The way he played with my hair sent tingles down my spine.

"I don't wanna sleep." My voice was getting more and more powerless.

"Nap for a bit." He had no intentions to move my body away from him.

I sighed, doing it myself cause it was around 8 p.m. and I had unfinished homework to do.

Clay looked at me with questioning eyes.

"Online classes at 9 a.m. and homework due tomorrow," I explained, "gonna go make coffee. Want some?"

"I'll make coffee, do your homework." He smiled and got up before I could do it myself.

It took me a while just to get my books sorted and ready. And it took even longer to understand what I had to do for tomorrow. Luckily it's just some exercises from the textbook. Might finish them in an hour if I feel like it.

It took Clay a bit longer than I thought coffee-making required. And when he came back, I saw the reason of him being late. He had a tray with a plate of eclairs, another one with sliced fruits and our coffees of course.

I'm so soft.

"Maybe good men still exist afterall." I grinned, getting a chuckle out of him.

"Good men for good girls like you," he started but interrupted himself straight away, "no wait, that came out wrong.. you get what I mean."

I laughed as he helped me free his desk from some of my books so that he could put the tray down. And suddenly I'm not sad anymore.

"What was your english essay on?" He asked as we settled down.

"It's not due tomorrow," I still had 2 days for it, "I'll probably do it tomorrow."

"Noo, give me the topics, I'm bored."

And suddenly I'm happy.

He didn't need to tell me twice. And I was sure he'd do a better job than me even without trying much, cause writing essays was one of my weakest points.

I sat on his gaming chair, infront of his desk, concentrating on the exercises I had to do and trying my best to do a proper job. One thing I noticed was that my ability to keep myself focused was way better this time. Turns out all I needed was some company.

"I should probably turn on spellcheck," he was on the bed with his laptop, typing and doing his signature "hm" every now and then, "I think I made 3 mistakes spelling the word consequential."

"Don't worry, I'd probably make 4 or more." I chuckled. I wonder how I managed to get a B last semester from English. And that was the lowest grade I had too.

"How much was the word count again?" He stopped typing for a second.

"I think 3 thousand minimum," I opened my notes to check, "yeah 3 to 5 thousand."

"I'm almost halfway done," he mentioned, "how's your progress?"

I looked at the two pages of calculations I wrote, realizing that it's the most I've done since forever. Then I looked back at him and smiled, taking a sip of my coffee.

"There's the smile!" He cheered, giggling lightly. Who knew I could smile while doing maths.

It took us both an hour to get our jobs done. Well, he was getting my job done to be fair, but still. We emptied our cups and plates too throughout the process, and put some music on to feel less lonely.

I would never think I'd finish my homework before midnight. It always took me the whole day just to get in the mood of doing it, and half of the night actually getting it done.

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