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I woke up a few times in the morning, but my eyes refused to stay open. So I just snuggled closer to Clay and used both mine and his blankets to hide my body from the light. I didn't care about getting suffocated, the morning light was more annoying.

I was half-awake, half-asleep when I heard the door open.

"Get up!" Nick's voice couldn't be mistaken even when I was barely awake, "It's the last day of this shitty year, might as well make it the best one."

I felt Clay stretching and shuffling a bit. My eyes were already open but it was a bit dark under the sheets. And even if I tried, the only thing accessible for my vision would be Clay's chest.

"Ugh.." I already figured that Clay wasn't the most energetic person in the mornings, "Go wake someone else, let me sleep."

"Wait.. where's Lizzy?" Nick finally noticed that something was off.

Clay knew that I was under the covers. He knew because I was hugging his arm.

"I don't know, where is she?" He went with it.

And probably he shouldn't have done that.

"Is she giving you head under the covers?"

"What the fuck?" The speed with which I pushed every piece of fabric covering us away hopefully to reveal that both of us were clothed was something I never thought I'd be able to do early in the morning.

"Oh nevermind. Hi." And Nick had the nerve to act like nothing happened, while Clay was wheezing at something he shouldn't have.

"Why are you here anyway? I could be naked." I frowned, very annoyed for valid reasons.

"So you're willing to be naked infront of Clay and not infront if me? And you call this a friendship?" Nick shook his head dramatically. And this is why I can't stay mad at him.

He managed to force both me and Clay out of the bed to attempt to wake George, which to be fair was a dangerous activity. Not only he didn't react when we called his name, but he also wasn't happy with being touched. He kicked Nick twice and slapped Clay's arm away, making me leave in fear.

The sounds coming from George's room were very similar to an actual battlefield when I was brushing my teeth. I was scared to even go check on them, but I think someone got one of their limbs detached from their body.

Anyways, soon enough we had breakfast and started talking about the plans we had for the day.

"I don't think we can go out until it's dark outside.. what if someone recognizes us." We didn't realize that was an issue until George pointed it out.

"Do people go blind at night or am I missing the point?" Nick scratched his neck.

But after seeing our judgemental glares he continued his sentence.

"Well let's do something until evening, then have fun in the city until midnight and get wasted after that." He was very excited about the last part of his plan.

"Woo!" And so was George.

"I'm not drinking," I chuckled, "but you do you."

"I'm not drinking either. Well, not getting drunk." I was glad Clay said that, cause I don't think I'd be able to tolerate all 3 of them.

"Lame, but okay." George shrugged.

The remaining time we had until the sun would set (well, to be fair it was very cloudy and snowed lightly) we spent on showering and getting ready. It was our last day here in England, as we were leaving on January 1st, so might as well make the best of it.

I bothered to style my hair for the first time in forever, wear something else other than a hoodie and try to do my makeup somewhat properly.

Clay was taking a shower and George was getting dressed in his room, while me and Nick were in the other room. He watched me with interest as I attempted to do my makeup.

"What's that?" He asked as I was covering my undereyes.

"Concealer." I answered without moving my gaze away from the mirror.

"Conceal don't feel, don't let them knooow!" I swear he had lyrics for every situation.

After seeing that I didn't react, he spoke again. This time he had something that didn't fail to get a reaction out of me.

"Is that what you used to cover your hickey?"

My eyes widened, head snapping up to look at him. I knew he was aware of it, but I didn't think he'd go as far as bringing it up.

"What hickey?" I put my acting skills to a use.

"That one." He pointed at the spot that was still visibly discolored.

"It's an allergy." I rolled my eyes, knowing that the good old hair straightener burn method wouldn't work, cause I didn't do anything to my hair since we got here.

"Are you allergic to Clay?"

I threw my beauty blender at him, but unfortunately he caught it mid-air and started laughing at his own stupid remark.

"Fuck off." I covered my face to not give him the satisfaction of seeing me laugh.

"Did you do it on George's mom's bed? Be honest, I won't judge."

"Nick!" I was raising my voice by now, but he kept going.

"Was he big?"

I was looking for something way more painful than a beauty blender to throw at him, but luckily Clay entered the room.

"Can you tell him to shut up?" I complained right away.

"Shut up." Clay looked at Nick then brought his attention back to me, "What did he do?"

"Ooh, boyfriend to the rescue." I didn't need to explain. Nick explained himself.

"Fuck off, dude." Clay laughed, drying his hair with a towel.

"Can you show him your dick? He keeps asking-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence as the beauty blender got thrown back at me. He missed, which made it more hilarious.

"Asking what?" Now it was time for me and Clay to make Nick uncomfortable.

"Eliza, I swear to god-" Nick was looking for a pillow to throw at me.

I would one hundred percent finish what I started, ignoring Nick's warnings. But George entered the room, making all 3 of us shut up and act like nothing happened.

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