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Me and Clay were on the opposite sides of the couch playing chess against eachother on our phones.

Nick took my advise and went to the room. He needed rest and I'm sure I wasn't the only one who thought so.

"Can you stop wiggling your toes?" I complained.

Our feet were touching and I noticed a weird tendency he had of moving his toes. At first I tried to not address it, but it got to a point where I got extremely annoyed.

"It's a habit!" He got defensive and jerked his foot away, which I weirdly enough found adorable.

To be fair, I find a lot of random things adorable about him recently, which is a little bit unhealthy and makes me think that I need help.

For example when he frowns and does a little "hmm" when he's concentrated or thinking about something. Or the way he says "hi" with a small voice. How he always rests his head on mine when we hug. Or him. I find him adorable.

"Hello?" Clay waved his hand, making me snap back to the conversation, "One more round?"

What is with all of us having episodes of stupidity today. He probably thinks I'm so weird right now.

"Enough screen time for you today." I turned off the screen of my phone and put it aside, watching him sigh and do the same.

I had a strong urge to climb on top of him. The way he was half-lying on the couch with one of his legs hanging from the side of it just looked like a perfect spot for mine to rest.

A small side of me didn't approve of the idea, telling me that I was being way too clingy recently. However, as I mentioned, that side was too small to dominate.

So I did climb all the way up to his chest, resting my legs in between his parted ones, and my face in the crook of his neck.

"I lived to the day to see you cuddle by your own will," Clay's voice was amazed as he threw an arm over my body, "I can die happy now."

"Shut up, Cleo." My voice was almost inaudible from my face being squished to his skin.

"Tickles when you speak." Clay giggled, raising his shoulder a bit to block his neck. But my head was way too stubborn.

"Does it?" I made sure to blow as much air from both my nose and mouth while saying that.

He pinched the side of my back with the hand that was around me. And you have no idea how much force he put into that, it actually hurt more than it should have.

I think it was the pain that made me make an impulsive decision and bite him simply because my mouth was right by his neck and the skin looked tempting and delicate.

I wouldn't mind being a vampire if everyone had soft necks like Clay-

what is going on with me.

I was so lost in the moment that didn't even realize for a second that instead of giving me that much of a reaction, he groaned lowly.



"Don't do that." I already knew what his warning was implying to.

My face was now hovering over his, breath a little bit jaggered. I saw his eyes travel from my eyes to my lips and finally down to my chest, where my low cut shirt was probably revealing too much.

The butterflies were going crazy as I was looking at his lips, his jaw, his neck that just begged for attention and his chest which was rising and falling heavily. And the only thing reminding me to control myself was the bandage on his forehead.

"The only thing that's stopping me.." his hands traveled up my thighs, stopping at some point, "Is the fact that you smell like Nick."

I genuinely laughed at that. And it was such a perfect thing to say and kill the mood before things would get out of control.

"Well yeah, I hugged him." It wasn't a secret that Nick used enough cologne to make at least 5 people smell like him.

I rolled away from him, accidentally brushing against something that made him suck in a breath and throw a dirty look at me, thinking that I did that on purpose.

"Speaking of Nick," Clay sat up, "what happened to him? Is he okay?"

That was such a hard topic for me to speak about. I wasn't sure what was going on with Nick, and Clay's only seen a small part of his out of the ordinary behavior.

"I have no idea. He's had a long day." I repeated Nick's words, cause that was the only excuse I could come up with.

Clay was silent for a few seconds, looking as clueless as ever. Then he spoke, "Can you go check on him?"

I hesitated a bit. I wasn't sure why he was asking me to go, but then I realized that his phone's been buzzing for a few seconds now with a call, and it looked like it was George.

So I just nodded and left, hearing him answer the call while I lightly knocked on the bedroom door.

There was no response, and I wasn't sure how appropriate it would be for me to just enter. But I figured he'd lock the door if he didn't want us to disturb.

I slowly opened the door and saw him breathing slowly with closed eyes. I wasn't sure if he was asleep, cause he had airpods in on such high volume that I doubt anyone could sleep under that.

I decided to cover him up anyway, cause the room was a bit chilly from the air conditioner.

Grabbing the fuzzy blanket I loved so much that it was permanently stained with my perfume (or it was just Clay who thought so) I covered Nick's body.

Lastly I lowered the volume of the song he blasted which I recognized immediately. It was one of my favorites, but still, I put it on low to let him sleep calmly.

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