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"You should just stick to pvp." Clay laughed, seeing me ruin the 3rd lava pool.

"Not my fault you suck at explaining," I moved to the 4th pool and started all over again, "stop munching under my ear!"

Clay said he had to practice, yet I was the one playing while he had his hand deep down in a bag of chips. And the fact that I was sitting right next to him (somewhat even on him), was making me hear every single crack of every single chip he put in his mouth.

"Want some?" He was also asking this before every bite.

"My throat hurts from spicy-salty things." I sighed.

"I could make a joke but I won't." He laughed to himself.

"Is it a cum-swallowing joke?" I rolled my eyes and heard him laugh even harder, "You're so predictable."

"Spicy coom."

He started knee slapping and wheezing at his own words, as I just laughed and shook my head. My eyes got watery from looking at the screen for too long, and maybe from forgetting to take my medication half an hour ago.

But as I was taking the pills, we heard someone knock on the door. Both me and Clay looked at each other with questioning eyes, knowing that none of us ordered food. And it was around 9 p.m. too, which made everything even more weird.

Clay went to open the door as I instinctively started to clean around the room to make it look less like a crime scene. I heard his voice in the distance while fixing the bed sheets, followed by a female voice.

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" I couldn't see who it was, but Clay was mad at them.

"Nice to see you too, dickhead," the female voice rang, "mom made brownies for your fat ass."

I didn't need to hear more to realize that it was his sister. I didn't even know how to present myself. Did she know who I was? Did I know who I was? Did Clay know who we were?

"Where's that language coming from?" They were still nowhere to be seen. All that was avaliable were their voices, "Have you been hanging out with Tommy again?"

"What about it?" There was a pause after her words, "Oo, finally some nice shoes. Do you have someone over?"

Their voices became closer and closer until the door opened and the scene of the smaller, way more delicate and prettier Clay standing next to the actual Clay gave me a headache. My fever is way too high to let my brain process this.

"Oh." She spoke, "She's pretty."

I think I blushed. Well my face was already too hot for me to feel anything else.

"Uh.. she's my sister." Clay looked at me while gesturing towards the girl. Isn't he at least going to try to introduce us?

"Hi, Liz." She waved.

Apparently she knows. But what does she know?

"Heey.." I smiled, trying to understand what was going on. Then I remembered that because of our Christmas trip their families kind of knew about me. Well it would be weird if we didn't tell them who we were crossing continents with.

"Is it weird if I ask if you two are dating? I mean you're my brother, I can ask that right?" She hasn't even been here for 10 minutes, but already sounds exactly like Clay. He would totally say something like that in a situation like this and even phrase it exactly the same.

"Yea, it's weird." Clay avoided the question.

"She's too pretty for you anyway," the sibling energy radiating from them was insane, "and she had nice shoes too, she's way out of your league."

"Do I need to drive you back home or do you need an Uber?" Clay looked so done with her.

"I need coffee and ice-cream, please." Making her way to the bed, she climbed on top carelessly.

"Me too, please." I smiled devilishly at Clay, sitting on the edge of the bed as he frowned.

"The doctor said no caffeine for you." He looked so self-satisfied about making a cup less of coffee.

"Are you preggy?" His sister looked at me with a raised brow.

I laughed, shaking my head, "Noo, I have tonsillitis.."

"What is that? Did Dré pass it to you?" I swear she can say dumb stuff and sound like a comedic genius.

Clay sighed and left to make the coffee and bring the ice-creams, while I went ahead to explain what tonsillitis was. It made a lot more sense to her after hearing the explanation - my flushed cheeks, strained voice, and the pills sprawled over the bedside table.

"Ooh.. no wonder why you sound like my auntie," she laughed, "but I was concerned about the pills tho, thought you were doing drugs without me."

I widened my eyes, and Clay yelled "what?" from the kitchen. Apparently he hears us.

We bonded almost momentarily. She was such an easy person to talk with. Not like her brother at all, who seemed extremely rude and hard to talk to when we first met (even though he's not in reality). And talking about Clay. Soon he joined us with two cups of coffee, a cup of hot chocolate for me and 3 bowls of ice-cream. Handing the chocolate ice-cream to his sister, he passed the vanilla one to me, keeping the other one to himself.

The conversations we were keeping were mostly between me and his sister, while Clay scrolled through his phone, looking bored and annoyed cause most of the things we said were roasts directed to him. I kinda wished she'd stay for longer, but after an hour of talking and laughing, she announced that she was leaving.

Clay was very protective with his nature, he refused to let her leave with an Uber even though it was a 15 minute drive. But after a lot of convincing and secretly calling an Uber, she managed to get away. I bet she's scared to be in the same car as him because of his driving habits.

"If the driver seems off, operation fork is a go." Clay joked, making the smaller girl chuckle.

"Anyways, good night, Liz," she smiled, then her face went blank as her attention got drawn to Clay, "don't die in your sleep, loser."

"Can you at least say a single nice thing to me? Like once?" The laugh he let out was more like a disguised pain.

"Uhh.. let me think.. uhhh..." she started slowly walking out the door, "oh yeah! Proud of you for finally getting laid!"

And before any of us could react, she slammed the door shut and left.

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