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After covering the floor with everything fluffy and soft we found around the house, we were finally ready to sleep.

Well, sleeping was our main goal, but the day was too much to process, and my mind felt filled and empty at the same time.

Nick was snoring softly, while George's breathing was heavy enough to indicate that he was deep asleep, so I just rolled to Clay's side so that I could face him.

"Hi." His smile was still visible in the darkness of the room.

"Hi." I smiled back, "I wanna talk."

I know he was trying to give me time earlier today by saying we'll talk when we get home, but honestly I couldn't wait for another night let alone days.

"About?" He was still smiling, our faces inches apart.

"Us. And today. Everything."

We needed to make up our minds before we could face Nick and George while they were sober. We were going to have a big talk once they woke up and I was sure about that, which meant that me and Clay should probably have a conversation before it happens.

"You sure?" He propped himself on his elbow, and I followed his actions.

"Yes." I didn't know how to start tho.

"Well.. first of all I'm sorry for the dramatic speech. That came out of nowhere," he chuckled, "even though I mean every single word I said about how I feel about you, it still needs a lot of rephrasing."

"I'm sorry for not being open about how I feel and giving you mixed signals," I followed up, "I like you alot."

He smiled once again from my words. It was the first time he was hearing them, even though I admitted to myself a while ago.

"What do you wanna call us? I mean I'd be honored to call you my girlfriend, but it's up to you."

I got mixed feelings from his words. My anxiety levels went up and at the same time my stomach got filled with butterflies. Why do I have to be like this?

My silence made everything clear for him. He must've understood by now that I have commitment issues, but no one has ever been so understanding and nice about it.

"No need to rush it," he brushed my hair away from my face, "whenever you feel comfortable about it."

"I promise, I'm trying." I hate myself for being like this.

He pulled me to his chest, letting my face disappear in the crook of his neck while one of his arms secured my body in place and the other made its way to play with my hair.

"You're doing so good," I heard his voice once again, "look at you, calling me baby and offering to talk about us in one day."

"The baby was an accident!" I slapped his chest, getting a laughter out of him.

"Wanna fuck? On accident of cour-"

I should probably stop kicking him in the balls. But on the other hand he should stop being an idiot.

"I'm never going to have kids-"

The pain in his voice was undeniable, but I didn't even hit that hard. Guess he has sensitive balls.

"At least you'll still have someone to call you daddy."

"What." Now this was a different type of pain in his voice. He's so much more bearable when he's flustered.

"Nothing. Did I ever tell you that you smell amazing?" I got my nose out of his neck just to look at him blush even more.

"You barely compliment me," he got even more flustered than he already was, "thank you tho. You too."

"Thanks." I smiled, watching his face slowly regain the emotions back

As our visions got adjusted to the darkness, he finally noticed his creation on my neck. I haven't even looked at it myself, I just knew that it was there.

"Sorry.." he traced the bruise, "That was a dick move. I promise I'm better than that."

I laughed half-heartedly, grabbing his hand and pulling it down from my neck. The skin was sore and him touching it did me no favors.

"You look very kissable right now." I smiled, looking down at his slightly reddened lips.

"What are you gonna do about it?" Those lips transformed into a smirk momentarily.

Nick and George were both snoring softly, looking like they had no intentions to wake up during the following hours.

Checking on them gave me the green light to lean forward and melt our lips in a soft, passionate kiss - none of us rushing it or adding anything. Just us feeling somewhat connected by tasting the minty flavor of the same toothpaste we used before bed minutes ago.

However, the position we were in wasn't the most comfortable for both of us, which made him help me climb ontop of him and deepen the kiss. His hands traveled to the small of my back and stayed there, curling into a fist out of frustration that he couldn't take them lower.

The late night devils were taking over me when I decided to roll my hips down onto his crotch. At the same time I placed small kisses from his lips across his cheek to the back of his ear, nibbling on the sensitive skin there as he sucked in a harsh breath.

I pressed myself down on him harder, which made him grab my hips harshly and force me to stop.

"Have mercy." He groaned as I continued my torture on his neck, "If you're not gonna help, don't cause problems."

I rolled away from him with a giggle, but the frustration his body was radiating was making me feel guilty.

"Sorry." I giggled.

"Yeah.." he looked done with me, "I'm gonna go shower now, thank you very much."

He got up and left, ignoring my laughs. I waited until I heard the water run, threw one last glance at Nick and George and realized they didn't move an inch since falling asleep.

Then I got up.

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