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I was having a weird dream about taming dinosaurs when it got interrupted by the obnoxious sound of my phone ringtone. Trying to recall what's real and what's not, I tried to open my eyes, ignoring the stinging sensation inside of them. Luckily my phone wasn't far from me, as I had the habit of passing out during late night video watching sessions.

Squinting at the light of the screen, I managed to figure out the caller ID.


"Hello?" My voice was croaked and annoyed.

"Heeey," he dragged the word, "what's up?"

I couldn't say that me and George were best friends, but we grew somewhat close after taking the same online coding course together for six months.

"My adrenaline levels. After being disturbed in the middle of the night." I managed to form an emotionless sentence, closing my eyes and hoping he'd hang up and let me sleep.

"Aw shit, I forgot about the timezones again... my bad!" I heard his accent through the line.

"Mhm." Was all that could leave my mouth.

"Aren't you gonna ask me why I called you?" George sounded somehow annoyed.

"Aren't you gonna tell me either way?" I returned the emotion.

The line went silent for a few seconds before I heard him huffing. Before I knew, he started speaking again.

"So me and Dream are working on a code-- you know Dream right?" He interrupted himself to hear my approval and continued right after that, "Yeah, where was I.. oh yeah, we're working on a code for 2 weeks already and it still doesn't work? We literally tried everything. And the video idea is so good, we don't wanna give up on it just because we're dumb and can't figure the code out-- hello? Are you there?" He stopped once again to hear me mumble out a little "mhm" before getting to the point, "Yeah so what I'm saying is you're the only person I know who's good at minecraft related coding stuff and I thought that maybe you could help us?"

His never ending speech was finally over and that's all I cared about to be honest. I let out a little "sure" followed by an "okay" and "goodnight", threw my phone to the corner of the bed and went back to sleep, not even processing his words.

Coder Girl /Dreamwastaken/Where stories live. Discover now