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"This tastes like mud." I covered my face with both my palms.

We were gathered around the kitchen table (well except for Clay obviously), playing with our foods with heavy lids. All of us were tired and the food sucked so bad, but George and Nick were nice enough to not leave the table cause it was the meal I cooked.

"Me too." George pushed the plate aside in a heartbeat, which made me think that he was waiting for this moment for a while now, "I mean- yeah it does.."

"Sorry Liz, I love you but I'd rather eat a dick."

Me and George looked at Nick questionably. I guess he didn't expect us to take his words seriously.

"I mean.. go ahead, Clay is waiting for you in the bedroom." George tried to make the idiot uncomfortable.

"Why? Don't you have one?" Nick's words made George's jaw drop, "Or maybe it's not enough to make me full-"

"Stop!" I can't believe George blushed hard enough for me to notice it. I'm usually bad at reading people, "That's fucking disgusting!"

"Just wait till I eat your dick, that's the real disgusting." The boldness in Nick's voice made me wonder what was going through his mind.

"Uhmm, okay.." I slowly got up, starting to feel uncomfortable, "I'm gonna go try to sleep. If you need anything, wake each other up, I don't care."

"What if both of us need something?" George just had to make everything complicated.

"What? A towel?" I raised a brow.

It took a while for them to get the joke. And while Nick laughed, George's face stayed still.

"You're not funny."

"Cause I wasn't joking," my words made George roll his eyes, "the last drawer on the left."

And only then I remembered that George probably still thought there was something weird going on between Nick and Clay, and this behavior from Nick was rather questionable for him.

But do I care? No. If anything, I'm happy to make him uncomfortable.

I went to the room after brushing my teeth. I had to tip toe my way in cause Clay was already hugging a pillow to sleep. Sleeping beside him was one of the most enjoyable things ever. He never stole my blankets, never snored, and looked damn adorable with his cheek squished to the pillow.

Or maybe I'm in love.


And I was so tired that I didn't understand how I fell asleep. All I felt was Clay's fingertips tapping on my hand for some reason. That made me kiss his hand and rest my cheek ontop of it - still pretty much asleep.

But even though I was asleep, I still had a weird feeling about the texture of the hand under my cheek. It was familiar, yet still pretty strange. And when I heard someone whispering "what the fuck" and trying to move their hand away, I understood one thing. I just kissed Nick's hand.

I jumped up, covering myself with the blankets and realizing that I was luckily wearing appropriate clothing and there was no need to do that. And I can't believe Nick had the nerve to wipe his hand on the sheets, as if he was trying to get rid of the residue from my kiss.

"What do you want?" I whispered, trying to get up in the process cause I didn't want to wake Clay up.

"George's not okay!" Nick whispered.

I would say there's always something wrong with George and he's never okay, but whispering was not the proper way to have this conversation. So I got up and lead Nick out of the bedroom by pulling from his sleeve, not daring to go to the living room yet, cause I had no idea what to expect.

"Listen, I knew you're gonna get super annoyed, but I genuinely don't know what to do."

I sighed, walking past him and going to the living room to see what happened. At first nothing seemed off about George. He was just sitting on the couch with a pillow on his lap, with slight discomfort taken over his features.

I made my way to him, standing infront of the couch before speaking.

"What's up?" I raised a brow, leaning down a bit to look at his face. His skin was glistening with sweat a bit, but other than that he looked normal.

"I'm in so much pain, I think something's terribly wrong with me." George sounded scared.

"Is it the headache?" I took a sit beside him, putting my hand on his thigh but he flinched and jerked away.

"I took two pills for that, but it got worse." George's movements were kind of jerky, "But other than that.. I- how do I say this.."

"Liz, he has a painful boner."

I'd never jumped up with a speed like that, taking a few steps back as if I was dealing with a dangerous animal.

"The fuck?" Was all that came out of my mouth.

"I can't even touch it, it hurts!"

I almost threw up from George's words. Maybe if it was Nick, I wouldn't be that grossed out, cause it's natural for Nick to get himself in situations like this and speak nonsense about it.

"What do you want me to do about it?" My voice sounded so offended, "Suck it? No thanks, I'd rather cut it off."

While George was saying no and trying to calm me down, I looked at the drawer where the medicine was.

And then it clicked. The memories of Nick coming back with almost two identical colored pills resurfaced.

Oh god.

How could I forget that one of them wasn't a painkiller?

"You fucking piece of shit-" I looked at Nick, already seeing the confusion in his eyes.


At first I thought he did it on purpose. Then I decided to not jump to conclusions.

"Which pill did you give him?"

"The one I'd been taking.. like a few days ago."


How could I be so fucking dumb? As if everything that was happening to George wasn't enough, now I had to force myself to remember the times Nick complained about his headaches and about the pill that wasn't working.

I ignored it back then, cause I was so mad at him that all he said sounded like cheap attempts to make himself sound better.

Instead, I quickly walked towards the drawer, taking out a single dark blue pill that was ironically very similar in shape with the painkiller.

"So you're telling me you've been taking this to bed every night?" I almost forced the pill into Nick's eye socket.

No wonder he'd been behaving like a horny dragon in his dreams.

"Yes." And he still had no idea what was the difference and what his mistake was, "And it sucks."

"And you gave George two of his?" I was close to losing my shit.

"Yeah, cause one doesn't work.."

I turned to face George. He looked confused as well. I guess it's only fair if I break the news to him.

"You're probably overdosing on Viagra."

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