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I made the mistake of sleeping without muting my phone. I don't even know what time it was and how much I slept, all I know is that my phone was ringing continuously.

Clay groaned and rolled away from me as if the ringing was coming from my body, covering his head with a pillow and mumbling something I didn't quite hear.

With half-open lids I managed to find my phone and read the caller's ID. It's Nick.

For a moment I considered not picking up, but then I saw that Clay's phone lighting up with 4 missed call notifications next to mine, and realized that it's better to just answer.

"What?" He knows damn well that I get annoyed when he spam calls, knowing that I'm not picking up cause I'm asleep.

"Thank god you're not dead," he sounded annoyed too, "what's wrong with you two? Been calling Clay for hours now."

"Nick it's fucking 2 a.m. what did you expect?" To be fair we were asleep from 6 p.m. till now, but still.

"I don't care, I have something important to tell him," Nick sounded rather excited, "pass the phone."

I looked to my side and saw that Clay was unbothered under the pillow, looking like he was still asleep.

"He's asleep." I knew that if I tried to wake him up to get in a call with Nick, I'd probably get my vital organs punctured.

"Fineee.. I'll tell you then." Whatever it was, it made Nick excited, "Are you ready?"

I was very close to losing my shit and just yelling at him, but the excited tone of his voice made me reconsider and just say yes.

"Lizzy.." he started, "I got laid!"

I slapped my hand to my forehead and let go of a long, exhausted sigh. I swear I was so excited, I was ready to hear the best news I've ever heard in my life from him, yet that's what he had to say.

"Are you- ugh.. congrats I guess," I didn't want to seem rude, but I couldn't act supportive as well, "how's your ass?"

"Hahaha, you're so funny," he got so annoyed by my words, "pass the phone to Clay, I hate you." His offended voice made me reconsider my choice of carrying on.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry," I realized that if he's this excited to tell, I should be at least a bit supportive, "who was she?"

Nick took a second to get rid of his offended voice and get back to the excited one.

"I met her at a friend's birthday party yesterday," he started, "she's really hot, but a bit older."

I was completely awake by this point, somehow interested in the details. It could go wrong at any point, but so far I wanted to listen.

"How old?" This could go so wrong already.

"Like 24 or 25." He answered.

I mean, it could be worse?

"It's like if me and George fuck. Not too bad."

The "not too bad" part was about the age difference, but I get why Clay practically threw the pillow away and opened his eyes immediately to look at me. I looked back at him, realizing that my words sounded really bad if taken out of context.

"What?" Clay frowned.

"Don't worry about it." I laughed, turning my attention back to Nick and trying to catch up on what he was saying.

"Did he wake up?" Nick stopped what he was saying to get the details about Clay, "Pass the phone to him."

I sighed, stretching my arm to hand out the phone. Clay grabbed it cluelessly, checking the caller's ID before pressing it to his ear.

"Yeah?" He rubbed his eyes.

"Dudee, I got laid!" The incall volume was high enough for me to hear Nick clearly through the 2 a.m. silence, "End of the 6 month streak, woo!"

"Ayeee!" This whole thing was too funny and stupid for me to listen to with a straight face, "Did it hurt?"

I snorted, not knowing if he got the joke from me or we were just both equally dumb. And the fact that Nick was so pissed that he just hung up, made both me and Clay crack up.

"Did you hear how excited he was?" Clay was laughing, trying to pass my phone back to me, "He sounded like- um." His face expression completely changed as his eyes went up from my phone screen to my face, "George's texting you."

I grabbed my phone, clearing the notification and setting it aside, trying my best to change the mood in the room. Or at least keep it this way and try not to make it heavier by ignoring Clay and texting George.

"Uhm, uh.. he said yesterday that he's not busy anymore.. and uh- can text more now.." I was trying to prove a point, but it's hard to do so when I don't even know what my point was.

"Is that why he's leaving me on read?" And it's even harder to prove a point, when apparently there is none.

I didn't even know why I felt so uncomfortable talking about this. It's not like George was making moves on me, it's not like I was cheating on anyone (I don't even know if using the word cheating would be a proper choice in our state of relationship) and it's not like I needed to prove anything to Clay, but still, the situation felt so wrong to me, and it also felt like I was the one guilty.

Everything was confusing; starting from my relationship with Clay, to the one with George.

"My exam is like in 8 hours. Should I study for a bit more?" I wasn't really worried or in the need of last minute studying. I just wanted to change the topic.

"I never studied hours before exams. Just let your brain completely relax." He was one of those few people in my life who's advices were somewhat decent and useful.

Even though we ate before sleeping and woke up at 2 a.m., both of us were still hungry. So our plans for the night consisted of getting food and just chill until I'd pass my exam. And hopefully get a good grade, cause I wasn't the only one who worked hard for this. Clay did half the job.

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