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We stood in awe looking at our pitch black surroundings. There was a lamppost right at the side of the street, which now was there just for decoration.

"I didn't..." Nick was starting to sweat from nervousness already, "Right?"

"You did." I patted his shoulder, seeing that the rain was calming down gradually and there was no way the power outage could be from the thunderstorm.

But the good thing is the neighbors probably thought it indeed was from the thunderstorm, which gave us time to think about our next actions.

"You're the biggest fucking idiot," George had no intentions to make his words sound at least a bit nicer, "not only we have to sit in the garage probably for the whole night, but we have to do it in the darkness too."

I started to feel bad for Nick. I agree that he's an idiot, but George was being too harsh on him. And even though Clay wasn't saying anything, his sighs and groans were already too much pressure to deal with.

"Don't you have a ladder in the garage?" I looked at Clay, who just shook his head, "Maybe that old lady has?"

My request wasn't that ideal considering the fact that the whole neighborhood had to spend the whole night in darkness because of us. Revealing ourselves to them at midnight and asking for a ladder wouldn't seem normal at all.

"Does anyone have a spare key? Maybe your sister?" Once again, I was trying to find a solution. And once again the answer wasn't positive.

"My mom had a spare key but she brought it back before going on a trip." Clay's voice was small and hopeless, "The spare key is in the house as well."

We stood in silence for a bit longer. I was tired of being the one who had to come up with ideas. All George did was blame everyone, Nick looked lost and nervous while Clay was just.. depressed.

We went to the garage in hopes of coming up with a new plan. If nothing came out, we decided that it's better to spend the night in the garage and ask for a ladder in the morning.

"Should we break the door? Or the kitchen window?" That was all that Clay had in his mind.

"Are you crazy? The door and the window cost more than both of my lungs. I'd rather get pneumonia on the concrete." Nick was slowly making himself comfortable on the bench while saying those words.

"You say that as if you know what pneumonia is," George was back to being mean. I mean he never even stopped, "you can't even spell it."

"I can spell it," Nick got defensive, "it's N, E, W-"

"Please." Clay facepalmed, chuckling. At least he's not depressed anymore.

As we were trying to accept our fate, George pulled out his phone and pointed it at us with the flashlight on.

"Time is 12:37, this idiot is locked out of his own house," George was apparently filming Clay, "as we can see he's joined by other idiots named Nicholas and Elizabeth-"

At that exact moment Nick snatched George's phone, turning the camera towards him.

"And this is your host Geoff, the british parkour expert who MLG watered from the window and locked us out."

"I can parkour my way back up, I just need the walls to be dry." George rolled his eyes.

"He has no experience with wet things, your honor." I joked and regretted it immediately as the bright light of the camera landed on my face.

"My girlfriend's a comedian, your honor." Clay put his arm around my shoulder, as George made dramatic gagging sounds.

That made Nick turn the camera to George's direction.

"Looks like he has experience with gagging, your honor." Nick spoke from behind the phone, making George attack him and snatch his phone back.

"Save the video." Clay laughed.

"No." George was trying to delete the footage, but Nick stole it back, saved the video and sent it to himself while me and Clay had to keep George away from him.

It has been fun so far, but we couldn't do this for the entire night. It was getting colder and colder in the garage and I doubt we could spend the whole night in here even if we wanted to. There wasn't even a place to sit comfortably.

"Maybe we should really try to climb up." After around 30 minutes, Clay spoke.

"I've been saying that for an hour already." I overemphasized my point.

"Guys, I'm in socks and there's dried mud on them."

I think that was Nick's way of trying to say that he wasn't going to climb anywhere.

Luckily the rain stopped. And the air smelled nice compared to the garage which reeked of metal and gasoline.

"I'll go first." Clay announced as we got closer to the window.

Me and George nodded, while Nick pulled out his phone to record it. I'm sure he was hoping for a funny content, but Clay was tall enough to climb the kitchen window with no help by running towards it and pushing himself up by putting his foot on the wall somehow.

"Where do I go from here?" He turned around, looking at us cluelessly.

"Pull yourself up to the top part of the frame." George wasn't the best at explaining things, but I think Clay got the idea.

"There's barely enough space for my hands, I can't stand on that." He touched the top part of the window repeatedly, trying to figure out his next move.

"Take off your shoes, your toes have less surface." Ironically Nick was the one requesting that.

"How about you climb up here, you don't have shoes to start with." Clay didn't lose his chance to make fun of the poor guy.

After a lot of struggling, Clay pulled himself up, standing on the frame and barely keeping his balance on the thin wood. And he looked hot doing it.

Our hearts fluttered with hope when we noticed that his arms were long enough to reach the sill of the bedroom window.

"I'm so amazing, oh my god." Clay spoke once his hands landed on the sill of the already opened window.

Now all he had to do was another pull up. Needless to say, he looked hot doing that as well. I just knew I was going to rewatch the video Nick took over and over again.

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