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"Ooo, did you hear that?" George was surely way too excited about hearing a thunderstorm for someone who lived in the UK, "Get your snacks ready."

George and Clay were the only ones thrilled about the movie night. And I wasn't even sure if Clay was really happy about it or he just didn't want to hurt George's feelings. However, considering the fact that he hasn't been able to even watch TV lately, I think him being excited was reasonable.

What comes to me, I was sitting in the corner of the living room, charging my phone and waiting for Nick's commands. But instead of texting he winked at me while going to the kitchen, which probably meant he wanted me to follow him. George and Clay were busy choosing a movie anyway.

With the excuse of making popcorn I followed Nick to the kitchen. He looked devilish, which told me that during the time I was waiting for him to text me, he'd been planning a few things.

"Pst-" his voice made me wrinkle up my nose.

"I'm literally looking at you, there was no need to do that." I made my voice low for others to not hear it.

"It sounded cool in my head.."

At that moment I understood that he wouldn't make a great partner in crime. But we have what we have.

"What are the plans?" An evil smile creeped on my face with my words.

And the same smile was slowly taking over Nick's features also.

"I have access to the panel. I have control over the power." He sounded way too evil for me to take him seriously.

"So does Clay.." I stated.

"But he'll think it's from the thunderstorm. Think about it." Nick made it seem like everything was planned out before even the idea was born. But still, I didn't think it was a good idea.

"Any other ideas? We're immune to darkness by now." I was hoping for better things.

After a second of thinking, he spoke.

"We can play porn when there's about to be a jumpscare-"

"Please stop." I sighed, finally starting to make popcorn cause our conversation has been pointless so far.

Clay and George were still in the process of choosing a movie. At least we are not the only ones not being able to make a single decision.

"Let's make the lights flicker and play scary sounds. Like sounds of glass breaking and people walking." Nick's backup plan was just a modification of the original one.

"How are you gonna go to the garage without them noticing?" I had so many questions, "And they're gonna see that you're missing when the lights flicker."

"I'll make it seem like I'm going to the bathroom. Then I'll leave through this window and go to the garage." He pointed at the kitchen window.

I was more than certain that none of this was gonna go as planned but still agreed cause it's entertaining to watch Nick fail.

And the first ever fail was when George suggested that we turn off all of the lights while watching the movie. I don't know if Nick was aware of it, but sitting in the darkness meant we wouldn't even see the lights flickering cause simply there weren't going to be any lights to start with.

So now my plan is to go to the kitchen after Nick leaves and pretend to do something in there with the lights on, so that when he messes with the panel, at least something will flicker.

Thirty minutes into the movie and me and Nick already looked bored. The only thing implying to the word "horror" in this movie was the low quality gory scene that happened right at the beginning. And the plot seemed to be about a mysterious shadow which wasn't even doing any harm.

Sapnapinsta should I go??? This movie sucks ass

Instead of texting back I looked at him and nodded. And his clumsiness was already too funny to start with. He tripped over the carpet and barely held himself on his feet after it.

"I'm gonna go shit."

I tried not to laugh at Nick's announcement, but the fact that I knew he was lying and this was his idea of sounding normal cracked me up. Both George and Clay looked at him weirdly with a disgusted face, but still didn't question it cause well, it's Nick.

He turned on the bathroom light, opened and closed the door as if he was going in. Then I saw him sneakily tip toe his way to the kitchen. After a minute or two I got up as well.

"I'll go refill the popcorn." Taking the bowl with me, I went to the kitchen and turned on the lights. They were too invested in the shitty movie to even react.

And looks like Nick hasn't jumped down yet..

"The ground is wet and muddy!" He whispered, looking down from the window as the thunderstorm continued outside, "I left my shoes in the living room!"

"Just jump down, sacrifice a pair of socks, you have too many of them anyway." I couldn't let him ruin everything just because he forgot to put on shoes.

"There's a fucking puddle right below the window." He continued to whine, which almost made me quit everything.

But I decided to be a good friend and help him get down without making the muddy water splash everywhere. I silently offered him my hand as support, which he took happily.

Nick was sitting on the window sill, telling me to not let go of his hand while he tried to climb down slowly. And I made sure to hold one of his hands and his wrist with both my hands, to make sure the grip was secure and tight.

"Okay," Nick breathed out, "I'm gonna slowly get down n-WOAAA-"

And that's his definition of slowly getting down.

I don't know if he slipped or underestimated the height, but he fell on his butt right into the puddle, taking me with him cause my grip was way to strong.

Luckily I fell on the grass next to him, which was still wet and gross, but at least not dirty.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" I couldn't help but laugh when I saw him sitting in the middle of a puddle, mud-covered, looking like he was regretting every single decision he ever made.

"My balls are halfway submerged in the mud," his words made me snort because of his frozen gaze which wasn't even directed to me, "but the show must go on."

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