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"Lizzy? Liz.." I could feel someone shaking my shoulder but my eyes refused to open, "Eliza!"

I really tried to open my eyes, I promise I did, but it felt like my lids weren't responding to my body? I wasn't asleep, I just couldn't keep them open.

"C'mon, you've been sleeping for hours now," with Clay's every sentence I was slowly regaining my powers to at least open my eyes and look at him, "food's here by the way."

The mention of food would get me jumping from the bed on a regular day. But I kind of wasn't hungry today. Even though I didn't eat anything. After a lot of false alarms, I think I'm finally dying.

"Dig a hole for me." I mumbled, flipping to my side to cover my head with the blanket.

"Oh c'mon now.." He sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Not to scare you or anything but I'm kinda dying again." I spoke from under the blanket. Soon enough I needed air and pushed the fabric away. My face was burning, yet there was a shiver in my bones.

Clay pressed his hand to my forehead and furrowed his brows, "Oh god, you're kinda hot."

"Thanks. You're kinda sexy." I winked and started laughing at my own joke.

He sighed and made his way out of the room, returning with a box of medical stuff in it. I cringed from the distinct smell of the medicine as he opened it, but luckily he only got a thermometer out of it.

"Open up." He held the metal tip infront of my lips, already sounding worried.

"Is it rectal?" I don't know what was up with me.

"Lizzy, not the time," our moods were literally the opposite of each other, "open your mouth."

I rolled my eyes at his moodiness and opened my mouth, letting him put the thermometer under my tongue. He sat there waiting until it started dinging, and finally took it out, frowning at the digits.

"Oh my god.. 102.5," the terror in his eyes was evident, "what? Why?"

"Woo! Personal best!" I almost never got fevers before, the only time it was this high was when I got chicken pox in kindergarten.

"I told you to dry your hair before going outside, didn't I?" He activated his mom mode, "I'm calling ambulance."

"What the hell, no." I frowned, clearing my throat cause I sounded weird, "It's just a fever, all I need is a pill. And it wasn't that cold outside, it was just windy."

"We should see a doctor, could be anything." He genuinely sounded scared.

"Stop being a pussy, it's just a cold." I sat up, rubbing my eyes and trying to get rid of the burning in them.

"What if it's something else?" He put a hand on my forehead once again as if the matter of seconds would change anything.

"Like what? Did you give me STD's?" I think the high temperature is burning my braincells. And he thinks so too.

I hated the fact that I had to calm him down by saying I was okay every 2 minutes. I took a pill too, hoping it would help the fever go down a bit. But before the medication would work, he had other remedies to try on me.

First of all he got me a few bottles of room-temperature water (as the cold ones would make my throat feel worse than it already did) and forced me to drink all of it.

"Warm water tastes like mixed piss and saliva." Not like I knew what it tasted like, but I imagined it would be just like this.

"What the hell.." he chuckled, "You need to eat something."

Clay kept repeating the same sentence, but I didn't think he'd go as far as forcing food into my mouth. At least it wasn't anything too heavy that would make me sick.

"Please relax," I pouted, getting enough of his tensed behavior, "haven't you ever had a fever? I'll be okay."

Clay sighed, probably realizing that he was overreacting a bit. I wasn't even feeling that bad, I just shouldn't have gone outside with wet hair knowing damn well that I was sensitive to things like that.

"How are you feeling? Aside from the fever." He was still sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I'm good, don't worry," I smiled, putting my hand on his colder one, "better than you think, I promise."

A small smile appeared on his face as he realized that my words were genuine. I was feeling worse when I had just woke up, but now after a lot of cups of tea, countless bottles of disgustingly warm water and spoons of forcefully consumed food, I was feeling better. And the medication finally kicked in too I think, cause the burning in my eyeballs was almost gone.

"Let's check once more." He got the thermometer again and shoved it in my mouth before I could protest.

And it finally dinged again after around a minute. He took it out anxiously and looked at the digits, letting out a somewhat relieved sigh after seeing the results.

"Lower, but still there," he put it back on the bedside table, "but lower. Much lower."

I smiled widely. And not because of the news, but because how happy he was about it. I actually think this is the first time I'm seeing someone care for me this much, and it's actually overwhelming.

"Nick called you three times by the way. When you were asleep." He admitted, handing me my phone which was on mute the whole time.

"Didn't you pick up?" I unlocked to see that there were also missed calls from my mom.

"I called him back with my phone. He didn't know you were here, and I didn't mention it," he handed me another water bottle with his words, "was just bored and wanted to talk apparently. To you."

I laughed, taking the bottle and forcing myself to drink. My bladder is probably going to hate me tonight, but my body was running out of hydration from the high temperature. And he'd practically pour it down my throat if I said no, so I had no other choice than to drink it by my own will.

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