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"Why aren't you drinking your coffee?"

Nick was pushing me to take a sip of the hot coffee he made, even though I clearly stated that I prefer it iced.

"It's hot." I spoke, not looking away from the screen that had the pathetic 467 word count that took me almost an hour to achieve.

"You're hot."

I turned my head to give him a judgemental look, but he was looking at his phone.

"You could've done your homework instead of wasting your time on that." I got so pissed when I saw that he purposefully turned off his internet connection to play that stupid jumping dinosaur game on google.

"Yeah, but I don't want to." He shrugged. And now he's acting like a 7 year old.

"It's not like I was dying to write an essay about how tech development is affecting the youth." I frowned, reminding myself once again that I had ten times less words in my essay than I needed.

"Well, I don't really care. I can always drop out when it gets too much." Nick was being so indifferent about everything.

"Good for you then." Rolling my eyes, I got back to my homework. I can't believe he preferred playing the dino game instead of solving a few problems and calling it a day.

"You can drop out too, you know," he stated, "your boyfriend's rich."

The way his brain works is just unbelievable. The way he views life is less complicated than the way I view a single essay.

"What if he leaves me?" I was trying to make a joke, but my own joke hurt my feelings. And that was more hilarious than the joke itself.

"Don't worry, I'll take you if he does." It was painfully funny how serious he sounded.

"Is it mating season again? Or did you take Viagra? Again." I laughed.

"I don't need Viagra to appreciate you and point out how perfect you ar-"

"I'll help you with your homework." I sighed, realizing that he wasn't going to stop making cringe-worthy remarks. "But I won't do it myself. I'll just help."

I could tell he wasn't that pleased with my offer and I also could understand why. It would be so much easier for him to continue playing the dinosaur game while I did all the work for him.

"What if I tell you that you have the most beautiful face I have ever seen in my whole life?" He sat up straight, thinking that his chances of convincing me were getting higher now that I agreed to help him.

"You clearly haven't lived long enough then." I chuckled, deciding to test his creativity with compliments even though he didn't mean them.

"I'd rather live 20 years with you by my side than 120 without seeing such a majestic woman."

"Alright, that's too much even for y-"

I thought I finished my sentence, but clearly I didn't when my eyes landed on the jumping dog I saw from the window. My vision is not that great and I'm not even wearing my contacts right now, but the blurry thing I saw reminded me too much of a dog on a leash.

I was so invested in finding out what was going on that I completely zoned out and ignored Nick's words for a few seconds. The only thing I heard was him trying to apologize cause he thought I was offended by his fake flirting.

"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I'm so sorry." It was so confusing hearing those words with no context.

"What? No, what are talking about?" I quickly shook my head, "Didn't you see the dog?"

And now he probably thinks I'm going crazy. How would he see? He's sitting in a way that his back is facing the window, of course he didn't see the dog.

"The dog?" He turned around, looking at the window and seeing nothing. And now I really do look insane.

"Uhm- can you go check if the blinds are closed in Clay's room? And if they're not, can you close them?" I quickly closed my laptop, not even saving the pathetic amount of work I've done.

"Why? Do you think they're having sex?" Once again, Nick had no right to sound that serious while saying something so stupidly absurd.

"Nick-" I warned.

"Okay, I'm going." And it worked.

I proceeded to casually walk towards the window, taking my coffee with me and pretending as if I was just there to put the cup in the sink. And in the process I tried to sneakily look out from the window.

The moment my half-blind eyes landed on the dog, the owner's eyes landed on me.

Oh look, I was correct. It's that girl with red hair.

Even though my levels of adrenaline were getting high enough for me to start shaking and spill some of the coffee on the floor, I still tried to not lose myself and do the right thing, which was going to the bedroom and preventing Nick from coming down.

I quickly put the cup aside, wiped the coffee off from my hand with a paper towel and tried to look natural while hurrying upstairs.

And I was still too nervous to have fast reflexes or simply react to my surroundings quick enough so that my head wouldn't bump against Nick's chin. It just happened too quickly, I took a turn at the same time he did.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." I covered my mouth with my hand as he did the same, but from pain.

He winced for a few seconds while I tried to pull his hand down to see what happened.

"Are my teeth still in place?" He flashed a smile full of pain, and luckily everything was okay.

"I didn't even hit your teeth, it was your jaw." I made my voice low to not wake George and Clay.

"Why were you Sonic-sprinting anyway?" He frowned, going back to rubbing his chin.

I'm kinda glad Clay and George are asleep as this whole thing is happening, cause dealing with stressful situations is a lot easier with Nick. Simply because sometimes he doesn't understand what's going on, which leads to him seeing everything in brighter colors.

Anyways, I made my voice extra quiet before answering his question.

"That stalker girl is outside. And I think she saw us."

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