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As me and Nick went back to the living room, we realized that we should've stayed in the kitchen for a bit longer, cause George and Clay were still arguing over something we couldn't quite understand.

"Well I think it's 'bout time you do it then." I had absolutely no idea what George was talking about.

"I said I'll do it when we move to the new houses, why are you pushing on me?" Clay's voice made me and Nick look at each other, confused.

"It's gonna be too late, but whatever." George rolled his eyes, "And I'm not pushing on you, I'm just offering you the most optimal option."

"What happened?" I finally decided to interrupt, seeing that their conversation met a dead end.

"I was telling him to do a face reveal." George sounded annoyed.

"Why are you forcing him?" Nick jumped in.

"I am literally not forcing him." Sighing, George took a sit on the couch.

"He's telling me to do it properly before the stalker leaks photos of me." Clay explained the situation.

I had a strong deja vu from his words. I think I told him the exact same thing back when I thought a photo of his face got screenshotted. Yet it turned out it wasn't exactly a photo of his face..


"Do you actually think there's a stalker? Maybe it's just someone you know?" I couldn't help but think that it could be one of his acquaintances. Maybe one of his exes..?

"I don't know anyone that would show up with a dog that's wearing my merch repeatedly and leave without saying hi to me," he shook his head, "that's ridiculous."

Nick was still quiet. He decided to not tell George and Clay about the girl that had been supposedly following him. And I respected his decision, knowing that his friends were a bit brutal and would just scream at him for not being careful.

And that just meant that me and Nick held all of the responsibility. If anything went wrong, surely we're the ones to blame.

"Just try to not come out of the house too frequently, okay?" I requested. It's only a matter of time till we move to a safe place, "Especially you." I looked at Clay.

He nodded, not that amused cause he spent most of his days between these four walls anyway.

However, the atmosphere in the room completely changed when George saw some bubbles rising from the bowl of water. At first I thought the lizard drowned, but as he got way too excited, I realized that it wasn't the case.

"She pooped!" I was disgusted even from the words that left his mouth. I could imagine how gross the scene inside of the bowl was going to be.

"Noo.. I liked her more with a huge belly." Clay pouted then started to laugh again.

"I hoped she'd die and we'd get a turtle but it's okay, I'll learn to love her." Nick was being brutally honest, which put an offended look across George's face.

They were about to get in a heated argument about the lizard now, but Clay had enough of it pretty quickly.

Making the plastic bags crinkle as he moved, he announced proudly.

"Whatever, I'm going to sleep."

I wasn't sleepy at all, but the thought of finally being able to get away from their arguments excited me. So I pretended that I was sleepy too when George and Nick asked me to stay and watch a movie and left with Clay.

I hope worms cannot climb up staircases and the room is untouched.

"Can you take them off? You look ridiculous." I laughed when Clay almost tripped over the plastic bags on his feet.

He laughed, nodding and finally getting rid of them.

The room was pretty silent from that point.

Yet as we were getting ready for bed, I noticed that Clay's face expression would get clouded with every passing second. He was thinking. I could tell that something was worrying him. And I knew exactly what that thing was.

"It's gonna be okay." Putting my hand on his shoulder as I sat down next to him, I looked at the smile that slowly appeared on his face. There was a hint of sadness in it as he slowly looked up from the floor.

"Yeah?" His voice was small.

"Of course." I raised my brows from how pure he sounded and looked, waiting to hear my approval as if it was going to change anything. Sighing, I hugged his arm.

"What if everything falls apart?" His hands curled into a loose fist, cracking the slightly shaky fingers nervously, "You'll still be with me, right? No matter what happens?"

I felt a lump gradually forming in my throat from what he said and how he said it. I couldn't imagine the fear and anxiety he was probably going through right now. The face reveal that was getting more and more essential as the days passed, the uncertainty and the danger from the whole stalker thing going on, the pressure of moving to a new house. Everything. And yet he still saw our relationship as his main priority and concern.

"Even if everything falls apart," I made sure to make him look at me and hear every single one of my words clearly, "we have something that will never fall apart. Okay?"

Clay looked at me through his lashes with a small smile. Nodding, his eyelids got heavier and heavier as our faces inched closer and closer. When I felt his breath on my lips it felt like the first time. The same butterflies were going crazy in my stomach, the same warmth was radiating from his skin, and the same soft lips captured mine in the same numbing kiss.

And even when we broke the kiss our lips were still brushing against each other. None of us wanted to move.

"I love you." I was the first to break the silence with something that was so loud in my head yet came out almost inaudible.

He only heard it because of the silence of the room and the nonexistent distance between us. But it wasn't enough to satisfy him.

"Say it louder?"

It amazes me every time how reliant he is on my words. He always waits for my approval, tells me to say it back whenever he says he loves me, wants me to be loud whenever I say it. He's just pure. He has the purest soul.

"I love you, Clay." I smiled, this time making sure to be louder.

Then he spoke again.

"You're my everything."

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