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I despised the fact that we'd been so lazy that the house looked like a post apocalyptic public restroom.

I found 4 pairs of socks from the living-room, and considering that Nick was the only one sleeping there, I guess all of them belonged to him.

"Change the sheets." I ordered Nick, as if he was going to agree.

"I'm not gonna touch Clay's cum-covered sheets." He complained.

"You literally slept on those sheets yesterday."

Nick took a while to progress my words. When he realized that my point was so strong he couldn't even come up with a comeback, he started to point fingers.

"Why won't you do it?" And he sounded like a little sibling way too much.

"Cause I'm still looking for the pair of your favorite stinky gray socks," I lifted up the pillows one by one, but there was nothing, "you know what- I'll change the sheets, come find your socks."

He thought he achieved something when I said those words, but after an hour of scavenging for it, he found absolutely nothing. And it was already time for him to go to the airport by then.

"Why aren't you coming with me?" Nick frowned, but a single look on my face was all it took to shut him up.

"Cause I'm on my deathbed." Clay yelled from the bedroom, finding his own joke hilarious, "Get it? Cause I'm on my bed and if I-"

"Not funny," Nick didn't let the poor guy explain his joke, "can I at least take your car?"

"Or what's left of it?" Clay laughed.

"It still works tho, right? If you drove it back to the garage." Nick's seen the car already, and even though the dent in the metal was pretty dramatic, he still insisted to take it.

"What if it blows up?" At first I thought Clay's main concern was Nick, "I won't be able to fix it.."

As much as we didn't want him to drive the car in that condition, it still wasn't a surprise for us when Nick ignored all of our words and proceeded to search for his license. And after he found it, he demanded for the keys.

"Something's gonna go very wrong." I warned for the last time, but still in vain.

"Yoo, let's go!" Nick ignored my words, catching the keys as Clay threw them to him, "Always wanted to drive your car."

And he left just like that. We watched him roll down the windows and drive away with an already questionable speed.

"If the car wasn't crashed already, I wouldn't let him drive it." Clay laughed as the car disappeared from our sight.

"Can he at least drive?" I was worried yet didn't care at the same time. I warned him enough times, not my fault that he's an idiot.

"I don't know, he has a license." And how did Clay think that was a good argument.

I sighed, going back to my previous activities. And to mention, I found Nick's sock behind Patches' litterbox, which makes me think that she stole it.

I was pretty much done with everything when the familiar sound of Clay's voice distracted me.

"Lizzy!" I heard his voice echo faintly from the bedroom. And the fact that he was using his clingy voice almost made me not want to answer.

"What?" I yelled back, waiting for him to tell me what he needed.

"Lizzy!" He yelled once again, making me groan and make my way to the bedroom.

I opened the door and stood there, not going inside when I saw him lying on the bed shirtless, only with sweatpants.

I gave him an annoyed look, already tired of this bullying. And I didn't speak, I waited for him to explain.

"I need your help." He pouted, sitting up a bit more which made his abdomen tense up.

"I'm busy." I turned around and left, knowing damn well what he meant by saying that.

But the surprising part about the whole thing was that he didn't protest. If it was what I thought it was, he'd make at least 10 remarks to prove his point. And he knew that each one of those remarks affected me equally, pushing me closer to the edge.

Even though I was already at the living room, I decided to go back and see what he was up to. He was too quiet for me to think everything was normal and natural.

And just as I thought, I got him completely wrong. He was infront of the mirror trying to change his own bandage as if he knew how it was done.

"No, no, no, no, wait!" I hurried, seeing that he was trying to peel the cotton from the wound without wetting it, "Stop, let me wash my hands real quick, I'll be back."

"No, you're busy." He pouted once again, shrugging and sitting down when he realized that whatever he tried to do was really painful.

"No- I'm not busy, not for this.. I'm sorry, wait." I quickly ran to the bathroom and washed my hands, coming back to help him.

He didn't say anything and let me do the job quietly. But I could see from the pout that he was a little bit hurt.

"I thought you were trying to seduce me again." I spoke, putting the waterproof sticker on cause turns out he just wanted to shower and that was the reason behind him being shirtless.

"Anything I do you find seductive, that's how fucking hot I am- AH, don't do that!" I plucked a hair from his head as he got a bit too cocky, shutting him up.

It didn't take long for him to go shower and come back, but it took long enough for Nick and George to come back.

Nick called me a while ago, saying that he was already in the airport. And I told him to call once he finds George, but he never did.

But knowing Nick, I also knew that he was pretty forgetful. So I decided to call George, thinking that Nick could be driving.

"Hello?" I'm glad he didn't make me wait for too long before picking up, but I wasn't pleased by the tone of his voice.

"Hey.. is everything okay? Where are you?" I asked, hearing some loud cars pass by.

"We're in the middle of the road. We got pulled over cause the fucking headlight doesn't work."

I facepalmed, sighing before passing the phone to Clay. At least I warned them.

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