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Me and Clay had already blocked the sunlight with the curtains and were getting ready to sleep when a notification popped up on my screen.

I went through the most diverse types of emotions when I saw it was from George.

First of all, I didn't expect him to text at all. Second, I didn't expect him to text me when he had left Clay on read the whole day and still hasn't replied to him. And third, he was usually asleep at these times of day.

And the surprises kept coming, as opening the chat I saw that he sent 3 different pictures of him - headshots to be exact.

Georgenotfound which one should I choose?

I swiped through all 3 one more time, trying to be less confused and more concentrated to choose. Why would he send me these? Well, he still looks good, even though the pictures were a wall with height markings away from becoming a mugshot.

lizzil 2

lizzil did you get arrested?

Georgenotfound for being too sexy😎

I chuckled, looking to my side and seeing that Clay was already half-asleep. I wanted to tell him that George was texting, but decided to wait till he wakes up.

lizzil but fr what are these for?

Georgenotfound had to renew some papers

Paperworks were not something I was very informed in, so I just let it go. Apparently he woke up early to go take these shots. Maybe he really is busy afterall.

lizzil Clay was pissed that you left him on read btw

Georgenotfound good

lizzil what😀

Georgenotfound he's being dry

lizzil says who

Georgenotfound me💦

I rolled my eyes, not really wanting to go there and have that conversation over text when I was tired. He was probably going to dodge every question again with stupid jokes or start putting the blame on everyone and not himself. All that matters is that he's being himself right now, and hopefully will stay like that from now on.

lizzil did you finish the  ✨s t u f f✨   you were busy with?

Georgenotfound I'm starting to think it's pointless

Georgenotfound so pretty much

Georgenotfound I'm back :]

I raised a brow at his texts. What was he even talking about?

lizzil can I know what it was now?

Georgenotfound not now

Georgenotfound maybe later :]

Everything he said sounded suspicious to me. And it was all Clay's fault, cause in the back of my mind, his words about the possibility of George liking me were still loud and pressuring.

lizzil ight I'm going to sleep now

Georgenotfound wait forgot to ask how you're feeling

lizzil I'm better dw

Georgenotfound fever?

lizzil not that high

Georgenotfound throat?

lizzil sore but better :)

Georgenotfound appetite?

lizzil great as always

Georgenotfound hydrated?

lizzil yes.

Georgenotfound hotel?

lizzil Trivago🙄

Georgenotfound you can go now :]

lizzil thank you :))

Georgenotfound gn❤

I hearted his message and finally put my phone to the side, lying flat down and turning to check on Clay. It's possible that my eyes were deceiving me, but I swear, I saw that his eyes weren't closed. I got a bit closer to let my blind eyes function a bit better.

"Boo." His voice was low and overly cute.

"Aaah!" I made mine sound exactly like his, except keep it in my vocal range.

"Cutie." He booped my nose, making me scrunch it up and flinch away, "Everything alright?"

I nodded and realized that it was quite dark in the room and he might've not seen me. The sun had already set too, which made me realize that I probably have to be vocal with my expressions to make them understandable.

"Yeah. I was texting George." I know he saw me texting someone and was polite enough not to ask, but I also knew that it was something he needed to know.

"Were you?"

He sounded cold and uninterested. I just nodded.

"What did he want?" The change of the mood in his voice was already getting noticeable.

"Nothing.. was asking how I was." I sounded way more quiet.

"For an hour?"

I didn't expect him to go there, and judging by the quiet groan that left his throat immediately after his words, I could tell that he wasn't proud of his outburst also.

"Sorry. It's just.. he's being weird lately." Clay reacted to his own words way quicker than I could.

"He wasn't weird today." I tried to lighten up his mood with the good news, but he just did his little "hm" and didn't even sound amused.


Clay wasn't being himself, but I kind of wasn't in the mood to make a scene out of it. He's probably still annoyed that George left him on read.

He briefly pressed his palm to my forehead to check my temperature. I knew it wasn't high, I was feeling pretty good, and he got a bit happier seeing that my forehead felt cooler than his hand.

"Can we cuddle?" After a long pause, he finally spoke.

He had to ask cause during the last few days I'd try to keep some distance between us while sleeping. The fevers would make me feel extremely hot, and having his body-heat around mine would make me pass out.

However, I was way better now, and missed the feeling of waking up in his arm jail.

"Look who's being soft again."

With a tiny laugh, I rolled closer to him, seeing him turn around and let me spoon him. He could be such a baby sometimes, and it was honestly adorable seeing his much bigger body feel so small under my arm.

"Give me a rest."

Clay put a hand over mine and pressed it to his chest, keeping me even closer to him than I already was.

"Goodnight, baby." I was trying to say that he was being a baby, but it came out as a petname.

I tried to correct myself, knowing that he probably got it wrong. But there was no point anymore. My hand that was pressed to his chest gave it away. His heartbeat quickened.

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