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The turkey turned out way better than we expected it to be. The only bad thing about it was that we kept taking it out and cutting to see if it was cooked, and every time we did it the meat was still pink and bloody. So we let it sit there in the over for a bit longer than we needed, and ended up overcooking it. Atleast we didn't burn it.

And we really had a whole turkey meal at 1 a.m., cause that's the time it was finally ready. The recipe website said serve it with a glass of wine, so we did follow the instructions, thinking that no one would get drunk from a single glass of wine.


I overestimated my drinking abilities once again. Feeling my head getting heavier 5 minutes after finishing the glass, I realized that I shouldn't have drank it. I wasn't necessarily drunk, it was just the tipsiness making me regret drinking it.

"Liz? Hello?" I apparently completely missed the question George was asking me.

"Yeah?" I swear I was half-asleep on the table.

"Yes or no?" He asked, and my brain shut down again.

"Totally." Nodding, I reached for my glass of juice to take a sip.

I don't remember pouring pineapple juice. Mine was supposed to be mango-

"I told you pineapple was better!" Nick exclaimed. What is going on.

Oh my god. It was Nick's glass.

"I.. uhm.. I'm gonna go wash my face real quick." Getting up, I made my way to the bathroom, cursing myself for drinking.

I wasn't even drunk, it was just the blurriness of my vision and the way my brain would lag every now and then. And I felt sleepy too, but didn't know if I actually wanted or could sleep or not.

Right when I tried to wash my face and realized that there's no water in my palms, I realized that the wine did more than I thought it would. I forgot to turn the water on. I was confused, scared and anxious.

I left the bathroom door open, and wasn't surprised when I saw Clay's reflexion in the mirror. He approached me, as I was still standing with my hands on both sides of the sink, still not able to turn the water on.

"You okay?" He sounded worried, which gave me even more anxiety. What if alcohol can actually kill me and I'm about to die?

"No. Dizzy." I blurted out, not coming up with a detailed description about how I felt.

"Why? What happened?" He got closer and leaned down to look at me, not using the mirror probably cause he wanted to see the details clearly, "Hey, look at me."

I knew my eyes were bloodshot and lids were heavy, that whole glass was just too much for me. I remember once throwing up after drinking a shot of liquor which wasn't even that strong.

"It's the wine.." I turned my head to look at him with guilty eyes. I knew I'd get like this, shouldn't have drank it.

"Wait, we barely had any," I gave him a guilty look after his words, which made him realize how much of a baby I am, "aww, can't tolerate alcohol?"

I shook my head a "no" which made me even more dizzy. Good thing he found it adorable and not embarrassing.

"You should have told me, come here," he wrapped his arms around me, "wanna take a cold shower? Might sober you up."

I remembered the last time I showered after drinking and fell down, almost dying if I didn't get lucky and land on my elbow instead of my head.

"No.." I mumbled, feeling sad and small in his arms.

"George is putting on Harry Potter. You wanted to watch. Wanna go?"

"When did I say I wanted to watch?" I pulled away from the hug.

"A few minutes ago? He asked if you wanted to do a marathon and you said totally.."

So that's what he was asking. I might as well watch it for the 100th time then.

"Oh.." I blinked, "okay.."

He probably noticed how heavy my lids looked. I also felt dehydrated as hell, but was too lazy to go get some water. I just wanted to sleep-

"Wanna sleep?" He was reading my mind again.

"What about the movie? I promised.." I pouted. The idea of sleeping in a room alone while my friends watched a movie sounded very sad to me.

"We'll just watch it tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow is New Years Eve." I remembered our conversations about going outside on the new years and celebrating it under the city lights.

"Then let's go grab some blankets for you and watch the movie. You can sleep whenever you feel like it. Don't worry, we'll be there when you wake up."

I nodded, turning back to the sink and trying to do my bedtime routines cause I knew I wouldn't do them later. He stayed with me until I finished, washed his face and brushed his teeth as well, and we headed back to the living room.

"You okay, Lizzy?" Nick noticed that Clay had to guide me by keeping his arm behind my shoulders.

"The wine was too much for me." I pouted again, mad that my body couldn't be normal and handle alcohol like everyone else's did.

"Aww, it's okay," I couldn't believe Nick wasn't making fun of me, "here, have some water."

He brought one of the bottles of water they put on the table, and I happily took it. I gulped down half of it, not caring that my throat was gonna get sore from the coldness, as it was clearly freshly out of the fridge.

"It's starting, get under the blankets!" George looked so excited when the soundtrack started playing.

I just then realized that they made a comfortable little area on the floor with blankets and pillows. And as if the coziness wasn't enough, soon we noticed the snowflakes flying to the windows from the wind and melting right after touching the glass. I don't think we'd be lucky enough to see snow in Florida.

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