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I tried to help Clay get up, but it was a heavy task. Literally.

He was wobbly and a bit of out of balance, and the blood from the bandage was actually starting to ooze from the lower outer corner, which scared me.

"Come sit here, let's check." I spoke, pushing his hand down when he tried to touch the bloody bandage.

I was scared to peel the material away even though it was halfway peeled from how soaked it got. Hoping for the best yet expecting the worst, I revealed the stitches.

I had two huge concerns. One of them was seeing that the stitches had broken, which luckily didn't happen, and the other was a plot of my pessimistic imagination, telling me that it was a possibility for the stitches to slice through the skin and detach themselves. Needless to mention, neither of those happened.

What actually happened was the wound opened again. The two pieces of the skin that were just starting to heal up and stick back to each other separated.

I had to quickly clean the wound to make sure we didn't have any other problems, cause at the moment all I could see was lots of blood.

"It's okay, I'm sorry." I raised my brows in guilt when he flinched from the wet cotton pad.

"It's gonna bleed for a while, I've been taking aspirin for a few days."

At first his words didn't make a lot of sense to me. But eventually a faint knowledge resurfaced about aspirin having a blood thinning effect or something like that.

"I'll clean you up as much as I can," I used every little detail and information there was in my head about treating injuries, "and then we'll go to the hospital."

Clay tried to shake his head but I stabled it by grabbing the two sides of it and staring him dead in the eyes before he'd try to disagree again.

"What am I gonna tell the doctor now? I sleepwalked into a horny dragon?" I couldn't believe he was in the mood to make jokes.

I couldn't laugh though. I knew he saw how worried and scared I was and tried to lighten up the mood, but even with how much I appreciated his efforts, still, couldn't force myself to fake emotions.

"How do you feel? Aside from this." I pointed at the wound.

"Physically?" I didn't think his question was a genuine one until I saw his face drop visibly when I sighed, "really dizzy and nauseous. And the worst headache ever, but I'm used to it by now."

My heart was hurting from his words. He didn't deserve to be put through so much more pain and discomfort after being through a shit ton of it already. And as much as I tried to force the active points in my brain to shut down and not blame myself for all of this, I couldn't help but acknowledge that if it wasn't for me, not only Clay wouldn't be in such a condition, but also his relationship with Nick wouldn't crumble and fall apart.

With the sticky bandage in my hands I looked up and took a deep breath, trying to ignore the urge of breaking down. However my blurry vision not only made me mess up and misplace the bandage, but it also got worse and worse to the point where I just had to wipe my eyes with my sleeves and excuse myself.

"Sorry." I sniffled, getting up and hurrying to the bathroom.

As if I was in a good condition to start with, I completely broke down seeing the blood in the sink. I was mad at Nick, I really was, but still inside I couldn't help but feel miserable about what just happened.

I didn't want to call and check on Nick, even though knowing where he was would be a useful information. But I decided against it. He's an adult. He can take care of his own problems, maybe find an hotel and stay the night there. Only if he learns to use google maps this time and finds a proper hotel.

Washing my face and throwing the blood stained towel in the washer, I made my way back to the living room where Clay was laying with closed eyes.

At first I panicked, thinking he passed out or even worse, passed away.

Then I judged myself for that joke and saw him open his eyes from my presence.

"There's ringing in my ears." Were the first words he said.

And just as I thought it couldn't get worse, he tried to sit up but ended up falling face down to the floor - unconscious.

I almost fell myself from how fast I ran towards him, falling to my knees and desperately trying to communicate by letting out panic-filled sentences that didn't even seem to make sense.

I quickly got up and reached for the glass of water, spilling half of it from my shaking hands and briefly after that accidentally dropping it on the floor and seeing the glass shatter.

I didn't give up, going for the half finished coffee on the table and pulling out the ice cubes from it, I started to quickly rub them on his face and forehead.

"Clay, oh god-" I don't know who I was talking to cause he was still unconscious.

I couldn't shake him as that would make it worse, the ice didn't work, I grabbed a water bottle and splashed the cold liquid all over his face and it didn't work as well. And I was panicking so badly that I couldn't find any phones around the house to call the ambulance.

Sobbing and shaking, my last attempt was to slap him. I panicked tho, slapping a few times more than I needed to-

Wait. It worked.

"Clay? Oh my god you're awake- holy shit I'm- oh my god, can you hear me?" I don't know what I was saying and it looked like he didn't either.

"I thought I died," He finally spoke, and my worry of him waking up with no memory disappeared, "got really excited for a second."

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