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I remember clearly that we fell asleep in a way that I was on his chest. What I didn't remember was how he flipped us over so that in the morning my chest was being squashed under the weight of his head, while my neck and chin were getting tickled by his hair.

Knowing George and Nick, I knew that the chances of them walking in without knocking or thinking about it twice were extremely high. So I sacrificed my sleep for our safety and checked the time. It was 2 p.m., but the cloudy weather made it look like early in the morning. Judging by the silence of the house, I knew that George and Nick were still asleep.

I didn't have to worry about waking him up, as I knew that he'd fall right back asleep if he wanted to. So I carefully rolled away, replacing where my chest was with a pillow. He shifted but didn't open his eyes, adjusting to the new position before going motionless once again.

The house was really quiet, I was even scared that the noise of the running water would wake them up. And once I finished what I had to do in the bathroom and got out, I saw Nick half-asleep walking to the bathroom aswell. He was too grumpy to even say hi, he just waved and disappeared behind the door.

When he came back he was way more energetic, following me to the kitchen while we both checked our phones.

"Is Clay still asleep?" He asked as we were trying to figure out where George kept his coffee mugs.

"Yeah.. George's asleep too?" My question was more of a rhetoric one, as George was asleep almost all the time.

"Yup," he nodded, "kept kicking me awake everytime I snored."

I laughed and stepped aside so that he could grab the mugs from the top shelf. He did it without me having to ask for it verbally.

"Not funny," he continued, "I'm gonna get attacked by the phantoms if I go one more night without sleep."

"Sleep for a bit more then," I suggested, "you can take the couch, I won't make noise. Or go sleep next to Clay."

"Won't he kick me?"

"I don't think so. He's a bit clingy tho, but it's okay," I saw him smiling as I went on with my words, "what?"

"Nothing." He was still smiling. I decided to ignore that for my own good.

Nick went to open the fridge and get the milk out for his coffee, but instead took a pancake mix and showed it to me.

"Is this milk?" I don't know what made him think the thick, yellowish substance would be milk, but I didn't want to make fun of him.

"It's a pancake mix, Nick." I pressed my lips together to not laugh.

"Oh.. let's make pancakes then!"

He was acting like we were in his own house, touching everything he saw and messing up with the kitchen supplies until he found a pan and put it on the stove. After a lot more of searching and putting his nose in places that it wasn't supposed to go, he found butter, bananas, honey and nutella.

"You're making a mess. George's gonna kill you." I laughed, surprised that Clay and George were still asleep under the loud noises that Nick was making.

"I'm making breakfast for him, he better be thankful." He turned on the stove.

"Aww, look at you being adorable." I smiled, watching him spread butter on the pan. I thought he was going to make it for just himself.

"Aww, look at you being useless," he turned around, "get up, make us coffee."

I widened my eyes, surprised at his sudden change of mood, "Okay, daddy." I chuckled and got up.

"Good girl." Unlike Clay, he never backed down.

I just laughed it off, and he did the same.

The water started boiling finally, which meant I could make the coffees. I made mine first, and had to ask how Nick preferred his coffee before I could make his.

"Three spoons of sugar. Add milk as well." He gave directions.

"Do you think George likes his coffee with sugar?" I actually had no idea and had to check if Nick knew.

"We never had that convo actually," Nick was already flipping the first pancake, "make it bitter, he'll add the sugar if he wants to."

I didn't mention that I knew how Clay liked his coffee, avoiding the questions about how I found out. The flashbacks of us pulling an all nighter just to text about random stuff (mainly food preferations) and finding out a lot of things we didn't think we needed to know about each other.

A few more minutes passed and we were almost done with our little breakfast preparation. Nick burnt half of the pancakes, but his efforts were still adorable so I don't think Clay and George would mind.

"Do we wake them up or do we wait?" I asked, checking the time which said that already an hour had passed since I woke up.

"The food will get cold," Nick spoke while separating the pancakes into 4 different sections, putting more effort into the 2 trays that were made for Clay and George, "you take Clay's, I'll take George's."

I nodded, grabbing the tray and walking towards the bedroom. I was hoping he'd be awake when I got there, cause I didn't like waking people up. And my prayers partly worked, as all it took to wake him up was opening the door.

"Breakfast in bed made by Nick!" I smiled, noticing his pout that got formed from having to wake up against his will.

"Are you on the menu?"

How does his brain work in that direction when he literally just woke up.

As I set the tray on the bedside table, and he stretched before sitting up, Nick and George entered the room with all of the food. They both climbed on the bed, on both sides of Clay, casually starting to eat and inviting me to get up on the bed too.

"This is all I ever wanted in life," George took a bite of the pancake, "even though it tastes like shit."

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