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"Maybe I should delete my snapchat account and say that it got hacked?"

After an hour of trying to find a distraction, we found ourselves brainstorming all the possible ideas that could work.

"That'll just make you more sus," I shook my head, "but that gives me an idea. Maybe we should try to hack?"

"That's gonna take ages and I'm not even sure about the result," he spoke while squeezing those stupid donut things that are supposed to exercise your fingers, "the only thing we have is her snapchat username and that's not enough."

"Do you have her insta?" I wanted to see what I could get from her personal information.

"I think I'm still following her," he scrolled through his phone for a few seconds, "yeah, I'll send it to you."

As my phone buzzed with the notification, I clicked on her profile to see what I could find.

The bio was something you'd see on 90% of the pages nowadays: her name, pronouns, sexuality, zodiac sign and birthday, along with a latin saying that I had no idea what meant.

"Christy, she/her, bisexual, Libra, 17/10/2001," I went through those lines quickly, "oh she's as old as me.. too bad still acts like a 14 year old."

For a few minutes everything I heard and read about her just went in circles in my head. What could I do with the information of her being a 19 year old bisexual Libra?

But then something crossed my mind.

"Was the picture she sent a full body nude?"

He narrowed his eyes as if he was trying to remember something, "It was a bathroom mirror pic I think."

"Was she fully nude?" A devilish smirk appeared on my face.

"I think so."

"Could you tell it was her?"

"Yeah... yeah I could."

That was all I needed to hear.

"Maybe we can't hack into her account," I started, "but I think we can modify snapchat so that it lets us replay her snap one more time."

He raised a brow with a half-smile, "We can?"

I answered him with the same smirk I had on my face for the past few seconds, "I can."


"If she's smart enough, she'll understand that you'd never leak her nudes even if she leaked yours. But you can still scare her I think, so it's better than nothing. Well I'd be scared if an influencer with such a big platform had my nudes."

I sounded like an actual villain. But I could tell from his eyes that I gave him a lot of hope.

"But it's gonna take some time I think, I also have a plan B that you can do while I get mine done." My brain was doing me proud tonight.

"What's that?" He got up and stretched before taking a sip of the water bottle he had laid there.

"Judging by my insta," I started, "do you think she'd be into me? Like would she reply if I texted her?"

I knew my words sounded out of the blue, and the question I asked could be uncomfortable for him to answer, but I didn't expect him to blush and stutter.

"I- uhm.. uh I'd-" he cleared his throat, "yeah.. you're.. yeah."

"Alright.." I raised a brow, "Unfollow me on insta so I can follow her."

I waited for him to unfollow and blocked Sapnap and George in the process, finding it easier to get rid of the fact that they were following me than to call and explain the whole thing to them. Now I had more chances on sliding into her dms without her suspecting that I had to do anything with Dream.

I unfollowed them aswell, removed my recent likes on their posts and followed her when everything was done. Lastly I liked the two recent posts she made and dm'd her a "heyy".

"Now we wait for her to reply," I handed my phone to him. He took it hesitantly, "I want you to hit on her- well from my perspective of course. Get her interest, flirt as much as your can. Try to get her snap for now, we'll see about the rest later. It's 3 a.m. tho, I doubt she's gonna rep-"

"She replied."

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