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Saying that I got to sleep would be a big lie. Everything was mixed in my head, and by everything I didn't mean only the stuff that happened with Clay. Tomorrow was going to be a big day and I couldn't wrap my head around the things that could go wrong. We were all still young after all, and traveling by ourselves was a bit risky in this case.

I was in the room for a while now when I heard footsteps getting closer to the door. Not in the mood to communicate, I did what I'm best at. Pretending to be asleep.

I didn't know if it was Clay or Nick, but from the fact that I heard the wardrobe open, I assumed it would be Clay, as Nick's clothes are still in the suitcases.

I was facing the opposite direction from him, and decided to open my eyes for a second. However, I completely forgot that there was a mirror right infront of me.

And of course I had to open my eyes right when he was taking off his shirt. I tried to convince myself to close my eyes and not stare, but the mirror was such a nice opportunity. And he had such a nice body.. not artificial and model-like, he just looked natural and nice.

I only realized how much of a creep I was being when my eyes caught him smirking. Oh no.

"You know the mirror works for me too, right?"

He wasn't even looking at the mirror, what the fuck.

"Yeah I think they teach us that in physics." I sat up and stretched, hearing him chuckle.

"Nice save." He finally put the goddamn shirt on.

"Nice body."

And that's how you catch him off-guard. He didn't even say the usual "what" that didn't sound like a question anymore, he stared at me blankly.

"Uh- thank you." The way he blushed was kind of adorable. I didn't expect a reaction like this.

"No problem," I just half-laughed, "what time is it?"

"It's sleep time."

Knowing that he's no use, I grabbed my phone and checked the time myself. I didn't just waste 4 hours of my life lying here and doing nothing. Not even sleeping.

"I'm not sleepy." I pouted, not ready to go through the nightmare of hearing Nick snore for 12 hours.

"I am." He was really getting ready for bed.

"Daddy please?"

I batted my eyelashes, trying to keep a straight face. But the horror on his face was just too much to handle.

"What's got into you, jeez.." He finally spoke.

"I wish you got into me-"

"Eliza!" I knew he got pissed just from his voice tone. And the fact that he used my full name was another indication of that.

I decided to stop on that, avoiding the consequences of Nick hearing this conversation and  thinking that we were out of our minds again.

And he wasn't kidding when he said bed time. Soon Nick appeared fully prepared to get in bed as well. But he had some news apparently.

"I'm gonna go take the couch." He grabbed a pillow and the covers.

"Oh?" I wanted to know what was the reason of his sudden decision.

"The whole night I slept with the fear of Clay pissing the bed," he sounded both sad and humorous, "not anymore though. See ya!"

The whole thing looked so planned and staged that I just had to roll my eyes instead of giving a proper reaction. I knew exactly why he left. The reason behind that were Clay's words about liking me. And knowing boys, I knew that this was Nick's failed attempt to give his friend some alone time with the girl he liked.

But they didn't know me well enough. Even if I did like him back, I'd say no just from the way I found out about it. Clay's cocky voice was still in my head, saying that sentence in a tone which requested a positive answer from me. He almost sounded like he was sure that I'd say it back.

Which is not gonna happen.

With the mood of rejecting him as much as I could, in as many ways as possible, I got ready for bed. But when I went back and saw him on the bed, I realized that it wasn't going to be an easy task.

"What if Nick comes in?" I made my voice as low as possible, but still audible for Clay.

"Is there anything we're hiding?" His voice was noticeably quieter as well.


"Are we doing something out of the ordinary?" He continued.

"I mean no but-"

"Then get in the bed." He interrupted me with that bossy voice that came through sometimes.

"Okay daddy." I was happy to find a new way of annoying him.

"If you keep doing that, I might have something to hide."

And he always found ways to annoy me back.

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