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This was probably the best sleep I'd gotten in a while. The kind of sleep where you don't see nightmares, don't see dreams that are going to make you sad when you wake up, come back to reality and realize all of it was fake. I just slept. Peacefully.

And I woke up by my own will, purely from getting the amount of sleep I needed.

My eyes fluttered open in the still dark room, my gaze landing on the bedside table first then traveling to the hand that was lying right infront of my pillow. His arm acted like a bridge that was built over me, connecting his body to his hand.

I'm not going to act like I was surprised to wake up next to him, under the weight of his arm. I was aware of his presence the whole night (more like the whole day) and didn't go through that type of sleep which erased your memory. And as comforting as it felt at night, now I was getting annoyed from his overly long and heavy arm.

"Cleo." I said once, hoping he'd roll away from me.

There was not a single reaction. Not even a change of his breathing pattern.


With the combination of me being loud and slapping his arm, he finally showed some reaction. He groaned and tightened his arm around me.

"No, do the opposite- fuck sTOP SQUEEZING MY BOOBS."

I dug my nails in the skin of his forearm, pushing it away, but he brought it back with more power.

"You're gonna break my thorax," I knew he was doing it on purpose to annoy me, "if you don't get away I'm kicking your balls in 3, 2, 1-"

"Let me sleeeep." His voice sounded so different from usual.

"Get your arm away from my chest and your nose away from neck," he purposely started breathing heavier to tickle my skin even more, "this is abuse!"

He finally laughed and rolled away from me. The feeling was equivalent to finally getting out of your mom's vagina.

"You're such a clingy bitch, I hate you." I frowned, sitting up and hitting him with a pillow.

"Ouch, stop," he laughed again before stretching and sitting up as well, "what time is it?"

"I don't know, maybe if your stupid ass bothered to get a clock and hang it on the wall we would know."

"Stop bullying me, I just woke up, jeez," he frowned and checked his phone, "almost 8 p.m."

I sighed, realizing that we had to go another night without sleep to code the new thing and send it to George. And I wasn't even sure if he'd believe us even after seeing the code.

But before I could do anything, I desperately needed to shower. I smelled like him. Not that it was a bad thing, but it felt wrong. I felt connected to him in another level which was making me feel weird.

"I need to shower," I grabbed my clothes from my bag, "if I don't come back after 30 minutes, break the door. I most definitely died."

"Scream if you need anything, the towels are in the bottom drawer behind you" he fell back on the bed, "I'm gonna call George and say that the power got cut off and we had to start over."

I nodded, grabbing a towel and making my way to the bathroom. And then I spent 5 minutes messing with the temperature and not understanding how it got from freezing cold to boiling hot immediately. I'd rather freeze to death than burn, so let's do it.

I was already rinsing my hair when I realized that I was showering to wash away the scents of his cologne and shampoo. And now that I washed my hair with his shampoo, I feel stupid.

Eh, what can I do.

I finished pretty quickly, spent more time on drying myself off and putting on clothes in the bathroom which was my least favorite activity. They stuck to my skin from the steam.

Anyways, I patted my hair with the towel a few times making sure the ends wouldn't drip anymore and got out. He was on FaceTime with George when I entered the room.

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